Monday, 2 December 2024

Story: UY Dream Jumper


The sound of a space-bike's engine roared over Tomobiki as Benten zipped through the skies, her long red braid fluttering behind her. She muttered under her breath as she descended toward the Moroboshi residence.

“This better not be some weird Earthling ritual,” she grumbled, parking her bike next to the wall of the modest home. “I can’t believe I let Lum talk me into this.”

The sliding door clattered open before she even had a chance to knock. Lum’s face lit up with excitement. “Benten! You made it!”

“Yeah, yeah,” Benten said, hefting her overnight bag. “But what’s the deal with this last-minute invite? You’ve never asked me for a sleepover before.”

“Oh, it just came to me suddenly!” Lum chirped, leading her friend inside. “I thought it’d be so fun! You know, girl talk, snacks, maybe even a pillow fight! Doesn’t that sound delightful?”

Benten arched a skeptical eyebrow. “Snacks I’m down for. Pillow fights sound like a waste of time. But why now?”

Lum paused, tilting her head as if in deep thought. “Hmm, well, Darling said something interesting earlier—”

“Wait.” Benten froze mid-step, her eyes narrowing. “Ataru’s involved in this?”

“Oh, no, no!” Lum waved her hands defensively. “Not like that! He just mentioned something about how nice it is to have friends around. I thought he might actually have a point for once, so I called you up!” Her voice turned dreamy. “Darling being thoughtful... isn’t that sweet?”

Benten snorted. “Yeah, sweet like sour milk. He’s probably got some ridiculous scheme cooking.”

“Don’t be silly!” Lum said with a smile so bright it could power a small city. “Now come on, I’ve got snacks in the living room!”

Reluctantly, Benten followed her into the house, where she was greeted by a pile of junk food and a suspiciously large collection of pillows stacked in the corner. She plopped onto the floor, grabbing a bag of chips.

“So, what’s the deal with these snacks?” she asked, crunching down. “You don’t usually go all out like this.”

Lum clasped her hands together, her eyes sparkling. “Oh, I just thought it’d be nice to spoil my best friend! Plus, Darling seemed really interested in the idea of having you over.”

Benten nearly choked on her chip. “Ataru again?! Lum, do you not see how weird this is? He probably wants me here for some creepy reason!” She pointed an accusing finger at the alien princess.

“Darling wouldn’t do that!” Lum protested, puffing out her cheeks. “He’s been so well-behaved lately.”

“Well-behaved?” Benten shot her an incredulous look. “Didn’t he get electrocuted yesterday for—what was it—hiding under a park bench to peek at girls?”

Lum’s expression faltered for half a second before she dismissed it with a laugh. “Oh, that’s just Darling being Darling. Anyway, let’s not waste time worrying about him. It’s girls’ night!”

Before Benten could argue, Lum shoved a tray of Pocky into her hands, her grin widening. “And look! I even made room for your weapons in my closet. I know you don’t like leaving them behind.”

Benten blinked, momentarily disarmed by the thoughtful gesture. “Well... thanks, I guess.”

The two settled into their snacks, Lum enthusiastically chattering about her latest experiments in cooking (most of which, Benten noted, sounded borderline toxic). Just as Benten started to relax, she heard a faint rustling noise outside the window.

“What’s that?” she asked, sitting up.

“Oh, probably nothing!” Lum said a little too quickly, moving to block Benten’s view. “The wind, maybe? Or a stray cat?”

Benten narrowed her eyes but decided not to push it—for now. “Fine. But if this sleepover turns out to be some ridiculous setup involving that pervy fiancĂ© of yours, you’re the one I’m gonna take it out on.”

“Noted!” Lum said cheerfully. “Now, do you want to try on face masks? Or maybe—oh! Darling said something about karaoke being fun! Let’s sing!”

“Ugh,” Benten groaned, flopping back against the cushions. “You owe me big for this, Lum. Where is that pervert anyway...?”

"Oh, he's sleeping elsewhere tonight, don't worry about him," Lum said, waving her hands off it.

Somewhere in the bushes outside, Ataru crouched with a notepad in hand, scribbling furiously while grinning like a Cheshire cat. “Perfect. Step one: success!” he whispered to himself before dodging a stray spark of Lum’s electricity that buzzed dangerously close to his hiding spot.

The night was just getting started.


Benten is hot. As in, she kinda stands out even among a bunch of other cute girls. It's the attitude that does it, for the most part. Cute face, killer body, but she's super aggressive. It's a combo that makes any guy's heart skip a beat, or... You know, it might just be Ataru?

Talking Lum into this hadn't been as difficult as it had been for Lum to persuade Benten. He'd promised her that this weekend, he'd take her out on a date. Blegh! Whatever, the sex was great, he could put up with a single crummy date. Especially if after the date, he came home and had a fun threesome set up with Benten too~

As it turned out he couldn't quite warp the dreams of girls off world. Not least because space is big. Really freaking big! He'd tried drifting up, got about a mile outside Earth's gravity, found himself boggling at the sheer scope of it all and noped the hell back. He didn't know where her planet was, didn't know where to even start looking, and besides which he'd probably need to travel at relativistic speed to pull it off.

So he had to bring her hot ass to Earth if he was going to do anything at all to her. Alright. Cool. That's fine. She's here now. All he had to do was wait patiently for signs that they'd gone to sleep, which... now that he thought about it didn't actually require him to stay awake. So he settled in, and smirked happily as he set about entering Benten's dream, eager and happy to rewrite it so that she was every bit as hot for him as the other girls were...

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