Monday, 30 December 2024

Story: Cocknosis Raildex


The return to Touma's place was a fair bit heavier than he expected, with no less than three girls in tow. They'd managed to free Aisa from that creepy reality warper's grasp - and for good measure, Stiyl had arrested him with the intent to throw his butt in magic jail for a long, long time.

Or whatever their equivalent of that might be. Touma was still kinda going along to get along, what with the amnesia, et al.But man, he really must be a casanova, huh? He had three extremely cute girls crawling all over him!

"Alright, buster!" Misaka pushed him inside, then used magnetism to close his door for him. "Now that we're away from Mister Match, it's time for you to rock my hot ass!"

"Eh? You're affectionate all of a sudden~" Index teased, poking Misaka in the cheek with her index finger. "I think you're way cuter when you're tsundere~"

"And I think you're cuter when you're watching me ride that dick!" Misaka snapped back. Her skirt hit the floor. Goddamn, but she was way too pretty for her own good.

"So, how does this work, exactly?" Aisa asked, raising her hand as if she was in class. "I mean, the two of you have been all over him all day, so...? I mean, it's a little strange seeing two girls so eager to share one guy like this?"

"Well - " Touma began, but he was cut off by Index before he could say a word more.

"Tsk, tsk!" Index wagged her finger. "You see, that's the amazing bit! You'd think that watching Touma absolutely slam a girl without getting involved would get really old, but it's actually -"

Misaka was not in the mood to wait for her explanation to finish, apparently, as she used her magnetism yet again, this time to unzip his fly and causing his half-erect cock to pop out into the open. Immediately a full body shiver went through Misaka’s body as her gaze focused entirely on the boy’s genitals. Her pupils dilated as if to take in more of it and she started taking deep breaths through her nose. Nearby Index had a similar reaction, tongue hanging out and drool threatening to drip out from her mouth as she looked at Touma’s dick as if it were the most delicious and godlike thing in the world, all conscious thought seemingly having left her the second it got revealed.

It wasn’t like Aisa was particularly experienced when it comes to sex of penises. But Touma's size seemed kinda... average from what she was seeing. On the other hand, both of these girls were completely drooling over him.

Was there something she was missing, here...? She'd never seen a girl as happy as Misaka seemed to be right now.

"Ohhhh, yeah!" Touma groaned, grabbing the back of Misaka's head. Woah! Was he facefucking her. "Shit, you really know how I like it... Ah, wait, you were using electricity there weren't you?" he took his right hand off her and started guiding her head with only his left hand. "Alright, that's enough! I'm ready now."

As if the command did not need to be said, Misaka entered into a begging position, her back turned to Touma and her butt up in the air. It was the appearance of a wild animal begging to be taken, like a bitch in heat. Given the expression on Misaka's face, that couldn't be too far off, and - 

Aisa gulped, watching as Touma simply took her from behind and Index stepped in to kiss him. What sort of effect did he have them under...? Wait, no! They couldn't be under an effect, could they? His right hand had touched them both! That would have undone any effect automatically, right? In other words, there was no alternative explanation!

This, too, is a form of brainwashing. Peer pressure. Self delusion. Denying what you're seeing, seeking alternative explanations for what you were seeing.

“Ahh… yes, yes master! Oh god your cock! Breed me, fuck me, use me like a cocksleeve!” Misaka moaned between her breaths as Touma pounded away. All the while Index was trying to suck the boy’s soul out with her mouth and tongue while fondling his balls with her free hand.

The thing that was really getting to her, though, was the fact that the girls were letting her see this. As if they were expecting her to be kinda into this as well, and - Of course, when you're watching two cute people start having sex, the psychological and physiological impact is unavoidable.

Namely: Aisa was getting horny. How could she not?

"Mmm~" Index hummed, and pulled away from Touma. "You want a taste, don't you? Fear not. It is only natural. Come, join us."

Aisa suddenly realised how hard she'd been breathing and how hard her heart was pounding in her chest. Tentatively, nervously, she stepped forward feeling like a puppet on strings, and then - 


She lacked the experience to tell if this was a particularly good kiss, but... it was nice. It was very nice, actually. She felt herself being pulled closer by this casanova, feeling his right hand grope her ass, and - And everything after that became kind of a blur, to be perfectly honest.

One thing was for sure, though. Touma's harem had just gone up a size!


At this point Daisuke was pretty sure that he was not getting out of this without his dick getting wet. It was annoying, really. He'd had a bad feeling from the moment he'd found himself dragged along to this little event, but it turned out that his harem was already growing beyond his control. He didn't even want a harem! He'd have been happy settling down with one girl, not being surrounded by - 

"Alright everyone, let's go for one last pose~" Kuroko said while gently nursing her butt. Which he'd been giving a good hard spanking, because she'd been very, very bad. A little more than half a dozen girls. All of them clamouring for some skinship! At least he had managed to nip this in the bud before things got worse. "Everyone say Cock!"

"Co~ock!" the girls all said, posing cutely while wearing damn near nothing, each of them doing their absolute damndest to invade his personal space.

"Alright, I think that's good for today," Daisuke said. He rubbed at the back of his head. "I'm heading home now. The last thing I need is to get into more trouble - "

"You know, given how addictive The Cock is, if Judgement members like us start to exhibit withdrawal symptoms, our superiors might investigate it," Uiharu mused.

"Oh yeah, that's true!" Saten quickly added. "Especially for two of its agents and their immediate superior! It would likely indicate a coordinated attack of some sort -"

"And then, of course, there's the trouble you would get in for brainwashing yours truly!" Kongou swooned all over him. Guh! They were right. As much as he hated to admit it, if they started showing withdrawal symptoms while at work it would draw all sorts of attention to them! Which meant that he would have to keep on giving them regular dickings to keep their behaviour in line.

But wait! If you think about it like that, then them regularly sneaking off for a round on his enormous heaving hypnocock might itself draw undue attention from people they know! Not to mention the alterations to their bodies that he'd already caused them to max out how how they were in those bikinis! Crap, he'd really dug his own grave here, huh?! 

"Fine then!" Daisuke grumbled darkly to himself. "But I really don't want to get any other girls in my harem, alright? This is the end of it! From now on, I'm regularly having hot sweaty sex with the eight of you, and nobody else! Got it!"

"Got i~it!" the six girls said in unison, while taking off their bras and exposing their breasts. As if putting them on full display for him to examine. Worse yet, it was having a definite effect on him. Great. Turns out he wasn't getting out of here without an orgy... It was amazing really, how little control he had over them when you consider that it was in fact his own actual cock that was putting them in this state.


Meanwhile, oblivious to the pair of harems that were having a lot of fun even at that very moment, there was a girl that was very much not having an awful lot of fun right now. Not that she was especially capable of it at the moment. Her name was Misaka 10029, and she had a very important mission.

She had to kill someone. The strongest Esper in Academy City.

"It's a shame," Misaka 10029 said aloud. "Misaka said aloud." Oh, right, they have that speaking quirk. Carry on. "There is no chance at all that this will work, but we need to keep trying."

There were other voices in her head. Almost 10,000 of them, as a matter of fact. All of them with her voice. All of them are somewhere in the city. Some in laboratories. Some in gyms. Others at firing ranges. Some squirrelled away in a simple home somewhere, trying to practise their electricity. Others... Well, let's not list all of them, we'd be here all day.

The point is: She was going to die. She didn't want to die. None of them did. Nonetheless, they had all experienced death. Over and over and over again. Over ten thousand times at this point. All of them because of the strongest Esper.

They'd learned from their experiences, though. They had all learned of the necessity of precision movement. At this point a normal fighter couldn't tag them. When one's opponent is capable of killing you with a touch, you had best learn how to dodge attacks efficiently and reliably. 

Thus, here she was, trying to provide experimental data that she, herself, would not live to see through to the end. However. The other Sisters? They would. They would get to see it. They would be able to use this information to figure out a plan, hone their reflexes, comprehend the abilities of Accelerator to a far higher degree, and then?

They would kill him. They would supposedly evolve to become a Level 6 Esper at that point. She didn't feel close to the breakthrough yet, but supposedly killing Accelerator would accomplish this goal. Either that, or he manages it by killing all of them. It made her wonder what her Sisters would be capable of if it came down to the last ten of them. She hoped there was an afterlife, no matter how unscientific it was. Then, at least, she might be able to see what the results were.

"Testing sniper scope, Misaka said." She did just that. While lying on this rooftop, this Misaka clone, made for this purpose, looked through the sight. Checked that its range was clear. How far could she see with it? How clearly...?

Clearly enough, as it turned out... to be able to look directly into a closed studio, where the curtain wasn't quite as closed as it should have been. From almost any other angle this would have been an impossible shot, but from this one? She could make it out quite clearly, thanks for asking. 

And what she could see was a busty shortstack with twintails getting absolutely demolished by an absolutely enormous penis.

That's the sort of sight that kinda stops you in your tracks no matter what you're doing. For a moment there, you'll forget you were in a life or death battle type situation, waiting on this rooftop for a certain pale skinned powerhouse to stroll by with his weekly shopping so you could take a potshot at the back of his head.

"Ooohh, Misaka likes, Misaka said while awakening to her sexuality," the Sister said... Finding herself fully and truly exposed to the power of cocknosis, albeit at a distance. And since the 10,000 of them were all in a gestalt? They had it shared with them as well.

Daisuke's harem might well be getting bigger, soon, regardless of what he thinks or plans.

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