Monday, 30 December 2024

Story: Shinobu That I Know


Lum felt strange. So very strange. Nice, but strange. Her body was aching for something, pleading for her to give it over. Her breathing felt ragged. Her thoughts kept drifting off, but she tried to concentrate. Her friends were coming over for a visit. Benten and Oyuki. It had been a while since she'd seen them both, and they hadn't even visited Earth yet, hadn't met Darling - 

"Darling~" Lum sang, and did a little loop de loop of happiness in the air. By the time she finished a full rotation, she found Shinobu waiting there to give her a big, sloppy, upside down kiss. Mmm~ That made her feel better. It calmed her heart rate down quite a bit. She could feel less of this strange urge, building up throughout her body. After a moment Shinobu pulled away and grinned up at her.

"I see the nymphomania is settling in nicely," Shinobu chirped happily. Huh? What's that? That was a word Lum hadn't heard before. There must not be a good translation into Oni for it... In any event, Shinobu stepped back and twirled around, showing off a very cute frilled dress. The hemline was quite short, and it showed off quite a lot of cleavage. "Ta da!" she chirped. "How does my maid uniform look?"

"Very... sexy!" Lum said. How strange. She'd never called a girl sexy before. But here she was, looking Shinobu over and very much liking what she was seeing. "I bet Miss Sakura -"

"Looks so good in this you'd have a heart attack," Shinobu said, patting Lum on the head. "You're not ready yet, darling. You'll need at least another month of training to handle how hot that is. Even I fainted when I first saw her."

The word 'training' should have brought up some red flags, but it didn't. Lum was too busy watching Shinobu's breasts. She wiped the drool from her mouth and shook her head - "Where is Darling, by the way?"

"Ataru?" Shinobu chirped. She looked towards the door. Making sure it was shut. "Railing Sakura in her slutty maid outfit, and pushing her over the edge into total nymphomania as well, I wouldn't wonder. She was close, so close, I'm sure that this time will have done the work and turned her into an <i>ordinary slut</i>. Like the two of us! And soon, we'll do the same to -"

The door to Ataru's closet burst wide open, followed by a cold breeze. And by cold, we mean 'If Lum had been carrying a glass of water it might have frozen in her grip' cold. Flecks of snow followed, and amongst them all a cool blue beauty strode out wearing a kimono that matched her pale skin. Next to her, a tough and vibrant babe strode out, a total contrast. Black messy hair, wearing a red metal bikini that comprised a pair of coverings for her boobs, a shoulder plate and a short skirt.

Huh, you know, Lum hadn't ever really noticed before, but... Damn, these two were super hot weren't they?

"Oy, Lum!" Benten called out, and the effect was like a spell breaking. Right! She should not be staring at Benten's fit, sexy tummy. She was here to betray them. Betray them to Ataru's cock. Turn them into... what was the word Shinobu used? Ataru's nympho sluts. Yes, that's right. Ataru's nympho slutty harem, and if Lum was good about it she might get a really nice dicking tonight as well! "Nice to see ya!"

"Indeed, it has been far too long since we last gathered together," Oyuki graciously curtseyed. Her eyes flickered across to Shinobu. "Ah, this does not appear to be the young man you were racing...? A personal servant, perhaps?"

"Shinobu Miyake," Shinobu curtseyed. "I am the hired help as you can see. Master Morobohi shall be returning presently. May I get you something to drink?"

Benten whistled. "Damn, didn't think this guy was rich enough to afford a - What do they call them here?"

"Maids," Oyuki said, taking a seat on the floor. Refined as ever. "Judging by this room, it is hard to believe. Maids can prove quite expensive on this planet, and this does not strike me as a particularly wealthy family. If you do not mind my saying so."

"I'm paid via other means," Shinobu curtseyed. "So? Would you like something to drink?"

"Iced tea will do," Oyuki said, cutting Benten off before she could so much as utter a word. "You will have to trust me on this, Benten. Your palette may not like other Earth drinks that much."

"Feh, if you say so," Benten flopped down to the floor, cross legged and leaning forward like the rough girl she really was. "So? You wanted us to meet this new boy of yours, huh? Must be something special if he's your new beau after Rei!"

"I'd already broken up with Rei before meeting my new Darling," Lum said. "He's handsome. Ridiculously handsome. But I've also met rocks that have more intelligence about them. All he wants is to eat, and - You know, Oyuki. You seem to know a fair bit about Earth, don'tcha?"

"The Neptunians have been considering a conquest of the planet for a while," Oyuki admitted. "But the Oni ran in first, so we are now holding off. Especially since you're now living here as well. You see, unlike the Oni, we like to take our time and do some reconnaissance first. I would wager you did not even know what a maid was before meeting Shinobu, correct?"

Actually, Lum still didn't know. She smiled back at Oyuki, and tried not to imagine too much what she'd look like riding Darling's cock. For some reason her mind kept wandering there. With Benten, as well. Oh gosh, it was truly proving to be a big distraction for her!

The only problem was... how was she going to arrange for this to happen when both of them were here at once!

Just then, the cupboard door opened up once again, and a familiar face strolled casually back in. Darling had returned.


Ataru's parents weren't home right now. Kukuku! Even so, the moment she was outside of Ataru's room, Shinobu quickly buttoned up her maid outfit, released a clasp hidden underneath the ruffles of the skirt, and let it fall all the way down. She'd been so careless before. Going around dressed in all manner of fetish gear, letting Ataru's parents see. Was it any wonder her parents had picked up on what was happening and bamboozled the slut out of her?

Sneaky trick! Nasty parents! Using hypnosis to mould their daughter into the form they wanted, that they thought was appropriate! Actually, she wasn't much better. Helping Ataru build a harem of hot babes, helping those babes reach in to their inner nympho and making it clear to them that only one cock out there had a chance in hell of satisfying their new urges, of scratching that new itch~

Ah, what wonderful times those were! But this time the harem would be bigger, better, sexier... and intergalactic to boot! It's why she had to be super duper careful this time. Soundproofing Ataru's room! The space-time corridor in his closet! A trusted woman already broken in, who could 'chaperone' and reassure everyone that things were above board! Not to mention all the other alien technology they had access to, which would further confuse matters and help stabilise the harem!

Which is why Shinobu had specifically made this extremely slutty maid outfit in such a way that, in all of ten seconds, she could turn it into a seemingly normal piece of clothing. A sensible skirt that went past the knees. Frills tucked on the inside. Cleavage covered by a zip that she'd hide beneath the apron. Oh, and the apron itself actually had sleeves tucked in so it would seem like a jacket. To all appearances she was a normal girl. Just in case the Moroboshis came home early or something, while she was down in the kitchen brewing up some iced tea.

It gave her some time to plan things out, as well. Ataru should be a while with Miss Sakura, and even if he did come in early, Lum knew how to run interference. That was the key thing with him, you see. You have to run interference. It's an absolutely necessary thing. He's amazing in bed, but actually getting him to that point? Takes a real miracle.

He's too thoughtless about what he says and does. Too eager, too impatient. It puts girls off, especially since, quite frankly, he's a fairly average looking guy. Not got much money to his name. So he doesn't have the looks, charisma or social status that would usually make a woman interested in a guy - but he does leave them begging for more in bed.

It's one of those funny things, isn't it? No matter how good a product is, in the end, if it's not marketed properly, nobody will buy it. Which leads to the question: How does she sell him to Benten and Oyuki?

Iced tea. What an interesting metaphor for the pair. Benten, with her fiery and vibrant personality, could be likened to a bold or fruity iced tea flavor, such as lemon or peach. Oyuki, in contrast, has a serene and composed demeanor, much like the soothing calmness of a mint iced tea or the straightforward elegance of an unsweetened classic tea. Together, they had such drastic tastes, but when taken as one - scrumptious!

She hadn't actually tried for two girls at once. She would have to be careful. Deliberate. Gradual. Perhaps she could get Ataru to give one of them a backrub while she and Lum kept the other preoccupied? With Shinobu herself keeping an eye on Ataru to make sure he didn't do anything stupid, then quickly lead them through the space time corridor so that they get the dicking one at a time... Oh! If only she'd been able to stop Lum from inviting both of them at once! It had been Ataru's idea, but...

But it would also be a useful learning opportunity for Lum. Tee hee! That hot Oni babe had some real potential now that she was becoming a rampant nymphomaniac. Oooh, it did her perverted heart joy seeing her breaking like this. Before too long she'd be a partner in crime! All she'd have to do was watch carefully as Shinobu did her thing, pick up the lessons, and before too long -

"Iced tea every -" Shinobu swung the door open.

And found Ataru railing Benten doggy style, while Oyuki was laying on her back, spreadeagled and humping into Ataru's face.

"Shinobu! I got them riding Darling's cock!" Lum said, cutely pumping her fists. Shinobu, wide eyed, closed the door behind her, nodding in agreement. She... sure did, hadn't she? Not quite what she was expecting right now, but... Alright! She could work with this. Tilting her head to properly drink in the naked figures of the two hot alien babes getting railed right in front of her... Oh yes, she could definitely work with this.

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