Monday, 30 December 2024

Story: Loot Crate DxD


The air was tense within the Occult Research Clubhouse. Rias and her Peerage stared at Raiser with contempt, disgust and suspicion, while he stared back with a mixture of confidence and curiosity. As for Issei himself, he didn't know who this guy was but he was immediately on guard against him. This guy... This guy really rubbed him the wrong way. It was the look in his eyes that did it. The way he was looking at Rias... Not to mention!

"This is the guy that tried to blackmail you into wearing an enchanted bridal gown?" Issei asked.

"Can't blame a guy for trying, can you?" Raiser shrugged. "So? I was talking to Rias. Are you going to spill the beans, or... Do I have to ask your family about it?"

"Still trying to blackmail - " Issei protested, but Rias stepped in front of him "R-Rias...?"

"He already knows the items exist," Rias said. "At the very least, we should tell him what we know. We need to minimise the chaos and confusion, and hiding knowledge will only cause worse problems."

That might be true, but he didn't trust this guy an inch. Tsk! Though what choice did they have here? It was Rias' call to make, in the end. She knew this guy better. She was the one in charge around here.

"Very good!" Raiser said. "Of course, as per our family's agreement, we're getting married anyway. I was only trying to facilitate things for everyone. So? Who sent me these strange and potent artefacts?"

"We don't know," Rias said, firm and resolute. "They arrived to us while seeming to be from people we know. Issei received something similar, as did Sona, and - " She stopped for a moment to look back at the Fallen Angels. "They did as well."

"Yes, I thought it was strange you had Fallen Angels in here," Raiser said. "I suppose that rules them out as a cause. The Church, perhaps?"

"No," Issei said. "We ran into some girls from the Church who had their own items."

"It wouldn't make sense for them to act the way you're implying," Akeno interjected. "You suppose, perhaps, that they sent out these items to cause chaos among their rival factions? Then why inject themselves into the conflict as well? It's not impossible they're involved, but given the facts it is unlikely."

"There is one thing we can tell for a fact," Rias said. "All of the items that have been sent so far have caused some form of perverted event. That cannot be a coincidence, and is likely the intention behind whoever has sent them."

"I see," Raiser nodded. "Then what did you all get sent...?"

"No longer relevant," Rias said. "As they all vanished. All we do know is that, supposedly, there is a 'second round' to play through. I suppose you, Asia here, and the Church girls were round two."

That made Issei frown a bit, actually. "Hold on," he said. "In round one we all got two items, right? You did as well, Raiser?"

"Hrm, yes, that's quite right!" Raiser said. "What of it?"

"There were four of us in round one," Issei said. "Then... who is the fourth for round two?"

The already tense air became silent, as everyone within the room considered the meaning behind that observation. Three of he four 'players' of this round had been found, but not the fourth. Considering the items they'd seen so far, that was... highly worrying. 

"It strikes me that if you're right, and the Church are as innocent as the other factions," Raiser said. "Then we should not fight them, but try to form an uneasy alliance with them. After all, do you really want to risk tripping up a war because of something unfortunate and lewd happening between any of us and the Church girls?" He stopped for a moment. "Are they hot?"

"Perfect tens," Issei immediately said. "Irina has a slender body and large breasts, while her blue haired friend has this butt that I could follow for -"

The other girls in the room were glowering at him. This was, perhaps, not the best time. Ah! Wasn't he supposed to hate this guy again?

"Ahem!" Issei coughed. "So, what should we do next? Clearly we need to find the fourth member of this round, and also -"

"Ohohoho!" a new voice laughed. A girl appeared next to Raiser who... sort of looked like him. Her hair was done up in a strange pair of twintails in a drill formation. "Well then, that's where I, Ravel Phenex, come into things! I've overheard everything, dear brother! Issei! Everyone, leave this to me! I'll have this litle bud of chaos under wraps in no time flat!"

"Quick huddle!" Rias called, and so, they did just that. Issei, Raynare, Rias, Akeno and Asia, all huddled together while Koneko watched the Phenex siblings. "What do we think?"

"I think he's still seeking a chance to get you married to him," Raynare said. She broke from the huddle to look him over. "Seems handsome enough. Is there some dark secret I don't know about?"

"Nah, he'd be a decent husband, he's just not my type," Rias said, then meaningfully looked Issei right in the eyes.

"As annoying as it is," Akeno said. "We don't have much of an alternative. It would, at least, be better to keep an eye on them. Keep them close so we can watch them."

"Eh?" Asia muttered. "But... I kinda like her. Him, not so much, but that girl with the drill hair seems nice."

"Ohohohoho!" Ravel cackled. "You do know we can hear you, right?"

Which was probably why Asia was saying that, actually... Nonetheless, they really didn't have much choice did they? It would be better for everyone involved if they had access to Raiser's mysterious items as well as Asia's! This whole thing was a mess as it was, the last thing they needed was - 

"Nnnnnrgh~" both Rias and Raynare bit their lip, and Issei realised he was in direct contact with them. Oops! He had to be careful about that! Urgh... He wondered where those two girls were and what they were up to. They were probably having an easier time than him, right?


Aika was watching her allies with a mixture of disgust and arousal. On the one hand - her blue haired ally, Xenovia, was currently on her knees cleaning out Irina's tummy very, very thoroughly. On the other hand, Irina herself was rather preoccupied playing with her breasts.

It made her feel a bit strange about this whole messed up situation. These were her allies? Never mind that Irina kept on calling herself 'Issei' by mistake. Never mind that she was starting to behave like Issei, too!

"Alright, listen up!" Aika said, putting her hands on her hips and bending over. Which almost made her overbalance thanks to her bootytastic butt, even so, she was adamant about this! "We need to focus, here! I might not like Issei - "

"Pretty sure you're smitten," Irina smirked at her, even going so far as to flex a muscle. "In fact, I dare say that you're obsessed with him."

Obsessed? With Issei Hyoudou...? No way, that's impossible! She turned around and paced the floor, shaking her ass, while... while standing in Issei's bedroom. Which was full of all manner of perverted paraphernalia. Guh. Girls everywhere. Was this the kind of girl he liked? She was pretty sure that if she wanted to - That is to say, if she wanted to! - she could make Issei beg for a chance to cuddle her ass within a minute flat. All she would have to do is bend over and stuff his face in between her cheeks and -

"And we need to rescue him from those Devils already!" Aika interrupted herself. Then spun around to stare at his two brainwashed friends. "And if those two aren't able to do it, then the two of you are - " She scowled. "Hey! Stop staring at the hot yuri action! Issei's in the clutches of dangerous, sexy Devils, and it's up to us to rescue him!"

Issei, Issei, Issei, Issei, Issei! Aika had that boy running through her brain right now, and - Hrm... Wait, hadn't she been asking them about the mysterious items the two of them had acquired of late...? And wasn't this phone supposed to be the reason Irina thought she was Issei...?

That made Aika tilt her head a little bit. Hrm? Maybe... just maybe... she could use this to her advantage to rescue Issei from those Devils. Yes, that seemed within the realm of possibility! But how best to go about doing so...?

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