Monday, 23 December 2024

Story: UY Authority Badge


To be Ataru Moroboshi was to suffer. But think of it like this. If life was purely and only a downward slope, then in time he would become numb to it. There must be peaks, as otherwise there would not be valleys beneath them. Thus, he had been granted the heady heights of power. The power to be as perverse as he wanted, so long as he gave himself the authority to do so.

Thus, if you had informed him that he would be in a situation where he would be allowed to perfectly inspect and even make suggestions to around a quarter of the girls at school on the matter of their bottoms, he would have said that this sounded quite delightful. And it was! He was given full permission to grab as much ass as one boy could grab.

The problem was that with great power comes great Responsibility. And, oh boy, the Responsibility he was feeling right now. 

"I strongly advise a change in diet," he said to one girl while holding a handful of ass. He tried to focus on enjoying the experience, but - "I'm seeing signs of vitamin deficiency here. I also advise doing ten squats a day."

Alright, that was something! That was good! But then?

"Also, make sure you wear a pair of tiger print bikini bottoms to really make that butt pop!"

Ack! Noooo! He really was turning every girl into Lum! It got worse though, somehow. While eavesdropping he could plainly hear them. The girls doing their own investigations, all of them making the same general suggestions: Changes to diet, new exercise regime... and tiger print bikini bottoms!

The vision of it flashed before his eyes. Of him walking into school with Lum on his arm, he throws the door open and is met by a chorus of "Darling!" by every girl in school, greeting him in their tiger print bikinis, little horns atop their heads. They float over to him... Shinobu, Sakura, Ran, Ryuunosuke... Electricity leaking out from every pore! All of it aimed right for him!

"Next!" he called out, and no girl entered. Ataru poked his head out. "Oh, that's all of them?"

It had felt endless. It was like he was a kid in a chocolate factory, who wasn't allowed to leave or use the bathroom until he ate every single scrap - and was compelled against his will to advise they make more of a chocolate that he would rather not eat more of, thanks. HIs body trudged out, dragged along by Responsibility, meeting with the others while forcing his head to be held high.

"Excellent work today," he said to them. "Of course, you shall be given recompense for your stellar work."

Great, what now? Was he going to give them Oni horns, perhaps? The power of flight? Electricity? Urgh... What now? He was writing something on some cards that he was handing out to them, but his eyes were so glazed over that he wasn't even taking it in. It was strange, he had all this power but he still felt powerless. A toy of fate who was - 

"When Ataru Moroboshi stares at or touches your butt, it won't feel gross," Shinobu read aloud. The other girls were reading along as well, and apparently they had received the same thing. "Instead it will feel really, really good."

"Huh?" Ryuunosuke grunted. She tilted her head and frowned. "What kinda reward is- "

She stopped and shuddered, then grabbed the side of her head as though she had a sudden headache. The other girls did, as well. Huh? What was -

"Woah, this is an awesome reward!" Ryuunosuke said. "Man, I was getting tired of it, you know?"

"Oh, yes!" Ran chirped. "He was never exactly subtle about it, was he?"

"Now instead of getting skeeved out we can let him stare at us all he wants, and we won't be turned off by it!" Shinobu giggled. Wait... hold on a second here. Was he missing something?! What the hell was this?! His mouth tried to work, but Responsibility had total control over it, and made him say in a stern and serious voice -

"Be careful with this great reward," he said against his own will. "It will be extremely easy to get addicted to his touch. If you're careless you might start to beg him to do whatever he wants to you in exchange for being goosed."

He felt giddy. He didn't know what to say or do here. After all that, it felt like he was getting the reward instead of them! Honestly, at this point he was starting to get suspicious. This badge... it had screwed with him enough that he was starting to feel paranoid. What was the catch here? There had to be a catch!

"The catch is, we're doing anal tonight~" Lum whispered in his ear, her voice sounding clipped and precise, instead of her cute and bubbly normal voice. And right then... the bell rang for the end of the school day. He felt his body release from the effect of Responsibility, so he immediately turned to Lum and - 

"Huh? What was that?" Ataru asked.

"What was what?" Lum asked back. She stared at him with wide eyed innocence. Then she crept closer into his personal space. "By the way, Darling... After we get home I really want to try something out... Checking out all those butts today made me feel kinda strange, so...?"

Except, Ataru wasn't paying attention. The girls were all retreating, and his attention was on their behinds instead. HIs vision was still a bit blurry, but he shook it off and concentrated. Nice, nice, he stared at Shinobu first. She made a happy sounding 'ooh' noise and then put a little more action in those hips. Nice, very nice! He approved, he definitely approved, and apparently so did she!

His gaze flickered along the line of butts cast out before him. Ran's butt was cute. Ryuunosuke's butt was firm and athletic. The two of them also made little happy noises when his gaze flickered over them... Yes, this was definitely something he could get used to!

"Darling!" Lum warned. He felt a little jolt of electricity, then her head on his shoulder. "Let's get home, Darling! Today was very exciting, and I want to show you what I've learned."

She snuggled into the crook of his arm, then reached behind herself, floating a little bit to guide his hand down to her butt. Not taking no for an answer, it seemed! All Ataru could do was sigh and roll with it for the time being. Not exactly how he'd hoped his day as Booty Inspector might go!

Nonetheless, it had turned out better than expected. Though he did feel like he was forgetting something... Something important.


Shinobu returned to her room and flopped out onto her bed. She felt really good today. A lot of good, productive work helping the girls at school have sexy butts! Also... This was quite important, she also had a really good understanding of what she wanted to do tomorrow.

Join Ataru's harem. It made so much sense. I mean. Lum's cute as a button, and - She wasn't sure who else was in the harem, actually, but she did enjoy hanging out with her one time romantic rival, and now? Now she had that amazing feeling anytime Ataru checked out her butt. It might seem silly. It might seem daft. Even so, she could not deny how she truly felt.

The one thing she had to worry about was how, exactly, she was going to do that... A problem for tomorrow.


Upon arriving home, Lum physically dragged Ataru upstairs. She had enough time for a "Good evening mother, gotta talk to Darling, let us know when dinner's ready!" before reaching the stairs and hauling him up before anyone else, Darling included, could get a word in edgeways.

She wanted to try something new tonight. She really, really did. Keeping an eye on Darling all day, as he studied all those butts, it had put ideas in her head. She was quite glad she'd done it. Being his assistant. Well, now it was time for them to get their due payment, and she could hardly wait to reap the rewards after a long day of work!

"Good evening, Miss Lum!" said an unexpected figure, the instant the door opened. "May I rub your shoulders? Your feet? Tralalala~ Li'l Ran is here to serve!"

As Lum was about to learn, to be madly in love with Ataru Moroboshi and facilitate any level of happiness with him, was to invite suffering upon yourself. That suffering would take the most bizarre, unlikely turns, but it would descend upon you from on high, and feast upon your joy. It was not cruelty on the part of fate, but merely a kind of debt being paid.

A debt which manifested in Lum's hand as 'Ran really doesn't hate you anymore' in her ticket payment.

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