Sunday, 10 November 2024

Story: UY C+S


Everything was going smoothly. That's what she kept telling herself. Sometimes, that's what you've got to do if you're trying to succeed. Just tell yourself a little lie now and again. To keep yourself steady so that you don't -

All of a sudden Scarlet was a pissed off looking giraffe. Then she was a cat. Then a hot woman that looked a lot like Sakura. Still pissed off, though. Just endure it a little more, Scarlet! A little more, that's all it needs to be! Then you will be free of this curse, free of this random assortment of transformations -

"How are the girls proceeding?" she asked, quickly rising to her feet. Her minions dropped to bow quickly.

"They're succumbing, one by one!" they said. "They're becoming quite deviant. The mere idea of being leered at by a boy turns them on immensely!"

And yet, when Scarlet looked, it was not enough. She was staring at a glass jar, you see. One with an unusual measuring stick engraved upon it. The face of Ataru Moroboshi, alongside the Venus symbol. It was three quarters full, and yet, it was slowing down!

"How horny is this boy meant to be?!" Scarlet threw up her hands, which became bear claws, and then turned back to normal. "Seriously now! That's an entire class of girls being turned into deviants by the spell, and yet they're only three quarters as horny as him?! How does he even operate?! He should be incapable of thinking of anything but sex! Not even eating or sleeping! Heck, he should be devoting more brainpower to fucking than it's possible for a human to devote brainpower to anything at allllll!"

She let out several deep, panting breaths, and composed herself. "This human form, at least, seems to be based on one that Mister Moroboshi seems to find especially appealing. One can hardly fault him, though... Here's hoping I'm able to retain this somewhat after we break the spell..."

If they could break the spell, that is. They had to push the girls even harder into the depths of depravity - but how? It was clear that the processing wasn't quite producing enough to sustain the effect. So the question remains: How do they push these girls even further along...?

Hrm... She tapped her chin thoughtfully.

"The rich boy is undergoing processing as well?" she absently asked.

"Yes, of course, to help us filter out any corruption from the boy's perversion," one of the monks said. "The last thing we need at this time is to - "

"And where is Moroboshi right now..." she absently enquired. Aha. So he was being force fed lessons on how to satisfy a woman, was he? Very well, very good. "Let him out of there. Let him meet with the Oni group. That should provoke a few fireworks, now that he's been fully processed...


Ataru Moroboshi was in a room that should have been heaven, but turned out to be hell. It was full of sexy babes who were all touchy feely with him, but it was clear that the one thing they had on their minds was very different from what he had on his.

Namely: They had an education on their minds. Those filthy girls! Who did they think they were? Who did they think he was?! Now, you might be thinking that they were planning on teaching him something he'd find interesting, useful even, but -

"Is the helmet really necessary?!" he yelled. "And these things! I'm pretty sure they're scraping my eyeball!"

Yes, he was wearing the thing from Clockwork Orange. Complete with someone using an eyedropper to moisturise his eyeballs. The girls had to tie him down to keep him from hurting himself as they force fed the information directly into his brain whether he wanted it or not.

Which he did, by the way, it's just that the torture equipment, the needles in his arms, the diodes attached to his foreheads and this really, shockingly uncomfortable chair were not anything like what he was expecting right now.

But after they were done cramming it into his brain, they gave him a lollipop and kicked him out, leaving him bleary eyed, kinda intoxicated feeling, and utterly confused about where he was and what he was doing. The last thing he needed right now would be -


That, specifically. Lum flying in to tackle him to the floor, smooching him right on the lips and then -

<i>hey! Touch her butt!</i>

For some reason he had this irresistible urge to grab Lum's ass. Now, some might say - obviously that urge is irresistible. Lum has a very nice ass! However, you have to remember, Ataru's kinda tsundere about Lum, so he didn't really wanna give her any indication that he was into her.

Nonetheless the grope was on. Whether he wanted it to be or not, and - 

"Hey, why are you soaking wet?" he asked. "And... wearing  cheerleader costume?"

"Because this stupid place is turning us into nymphos!" Ran yelled. "Please look at my breasts. Gah! No, don't! Ohhh! I can't stop myself, it literally hurts to not be an exhibitionist!"

Right. Okay. It kinda felt like he was missing something here. Then he remembered. The girls were under a spell he'd cast, weren't they? The carrot and the stick! Compelling them to be more and more perverted as time went on! Lum had taken a double dose of it, and the way she was looking at him right now...

"Say, Lum!" Ataru ventured, giving her butt another firm squeeze that made her whimper instantly on the spot. It was a double whammy. His newfound knowledge of how to make a girl cream with a single touch, alongside the magic spell compelling them to behave like perverts. She didn't stand a chance. "You wouldn't mind if I, say, squeezed Ran's boob, wouldja?"

Lum had a bit of a lost in the headlights moment there, but it didn't last long. He could see the visible struggle on her face. Ran as well. They were feeling pain from the resistance. But in due time, they acquiesced.

"Alright, fine!" Lum pouted. "But you have to keep squeezing my butt."

"You mean, like this?" Ataru asked, and gave her butt a nice good squeeze that made her eyes cross. "Ran-chan, come over here a moment if you want me to grope your bre~east!"

"Oooh, you're taking advantage of this place messing with our heads!" Ran complained, but she still progressed. Put her hands behind her back and thrust out her chest. He wasted little time.

"You look soooo cute in that cheerleader uniform!" Ataru cackled, making sure to enjoy himself as he copped a feel. "Hehehe~ Come on girls, let's go find Shinobu and Ryuunosuke! Then, we can talk about our harem~"


Sploosh! The jar was filling up nicely, now! As Scarlet had expected, Moroboshi was indeed the key here! Now that he'd been processed, he'd be a veritable menace, easily using what he'd been taught to increase the amount of perverse energy available to them!

However... That did lead to one minor worry.

"Monks, we can never let that boy near me," she commanded. "The last thing I want is to free myself of this curse and then find myself reduced to a mere plaything for that pervert."

After all, she had other targets in mind already. Who she would gladly use the spell upon to ensure her ability to seduce them. Oh yes, she could hardly wait to be human full time! Which would come soon... So very, very soon!

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