Sunday, 10 November 2024

Story: Curvy Rei

 So, I'm doing something a little different this time.

It felt like Misato had stumbled into something pretty big, here. Multiverse theory? A source of energy that acted like an aphrodisiac? What were they up to, here? It felt bad, in any event. Really, really bad. Were they seriously trying to dip into parallel worlds? That sounded really, really bad. Those monsters visiting other worlds, using their sexual wiles to not only control this world, but all possible worlds...

Dammit, that was making her wet! Not a good sign. She had to do something to shut this experiment down. Anything! Even if it meant her own life, her own will getting tossed aside,even it meant spending hours upon hours being sat on by - 

Darn, they were starting to get by the antidote again. Maybe she should take another hit...? She needed a clear and steady head to think through how to stop them. Throw a little grit in the tank, as it were. Heading to the command centre would probably lead to a victory here - but if this experiment panned out...

It would all be over. If they could broadcast horniness and arousal without being in the same area, they would be even more invincible than they already were. So how should she stop it...?

Of course. Thinking quickly, she found the fire alarm. She didn't hit it quite yet, but... Look around. Think, think, think... There's a cleaning trolley over there. Perfect. Grab that cloth right there. Next, let's see... This Doctor was a smoker. She knew that well enough. Aha! And it seemed like he'd snuck in a bottle of booze, too! Dump the contents into this bucket along with the rag, set the rag on fire, put the bucket on the far end of the hallway from the experiment room, and then she rushed to the fire alarm and slammed her fist into it.

Moments later, the corridor burst open with sound. Whatever experiment they were conducting, they'd never be able to get any work done like this! She hid in the room next to the one they were experimenting in and waited, watching as the Reis all filed out. Whatever else they might be able to do, it was clear they were still vulnerable to things like fire. They couldn't flirt with a flame no matter how hot they were!

Once she was sure they'd all left, Misato snuck out of the room and into the one they were experimenting in. Alright. Let's see... They'd taken whatever notes they'd made with them already. They'd at least been smart enough to do that. She'd seen them tuck it under her arm, and - 

Wait. Hold on. They did leave something behind. There was a machine here. Some kind of weird laser pointer thing that was aimed right at the doorway -

It suddenly lit up, with Misato realising that there was a cable attached to it. No! Without warning, Misato felt this impossible heat travel into her body. Sitting in the pit of her stomach, an arousal that was more intense than any she'd ever felt before in her life!

Reason is the thing that separates us from the beasts. Misato knew that. Misato believed that. Even so, she couldn't stop herself. The ache, the need, the desperate drive was too much! Her fingers wouldn't stop. The need was bottomless. If she didn't try to satiate it, then she might go mad!

"Well, well," said a Rei wearing a labcoat and not a thing else. "I'd guessed someone might have set that fire on purpose, but never actually thought it would be you. Good thing I set that up as a precaution, right?"

"Guuuuuh~" Misato helplessly humped into her fingers. "D-Damn you! No, stay back! I wont let you -"

The Rei leaned down and smooched her right on the lips and it felt sooooo goooood ~ Best kiss she'd ever had, hands down. And when it ended, Misato looked down at herself to see... a pair of breasts that were just about the same size as the Rei's. The rest of her body was maybe upgraded a little more as well, but the breasts were definitely more obvious. She'd already been pretty... well, bluntly, MILFy upon entering the room, but now there was a lot less of a difference between her and the Reis. Her breasts were about twice the size of her head at this point, and she was pretty sure her ass cheeks were the size of a basketball each. It was a miracle she could move with a body like this, and yet, she found it every bit as easy as she had with her own normal body. Even the extra weight on her breasts didn't seem to affect her. No sag, no sense of their weight, she had to almost pinch herself to check they were real.

"Looks like it works just as well on women as it does men," the Rei said. "Ah, but that was the last of the energy we'd made so far. You'll help us make more, won'tcha?~"

Ah! Ah! Ah~ She always forgot how skilled they were with their fingers. No, not just their fingers. Their entire bodies. The way they moved, making sure to draw emphasis to their primary and dominant sexual features. She was riding the wave to another climax already, and there was nothing she could do to - 

Wait. She had the rest of her medicine, didn't she? That might work. That might actually work! She had to act quickly. The other Reis would find the bucket soon, and then they'd be by to try to stop her. Which meant that she had to use this, quickly, and the best way to do that was - 

To inject it directly into the Rei's thighs.

"Huh, what was..." the Rei said, then her red eyes crossed, and... To Misato's shock, her body seemed to almost deflate right there on the spot. Her curves melted off her, the perpetually indifferent yet aroused expression became a lot more neutral, and she was, overall, not exhibiting the same aura of irresistible sex appeal that she was a moment ago.

Which was really kinda weird when you think about it, but whatever.

"Hello Misato," the Rei said. Her tone and cadence were every bit as neutral as possible, but again, stripped of the seductiveness. She seemed, if anything, a bit confused. "What was I doing? Are you sure you should be doing that?"

"Nnnnng~ I'm under an enemy influence, I can't stop myself!" Misato managed to get out before she came once again, came super, super hard! "S-So were you until just now!" But she'd used up the rest of her medicine. "Can you get me out of here! Ah! I need to - Need to bring that device with me!"

She grabbed the little energy device and all but collapsed into Rei's grasp. Hopefully this was a permanent change back. For Rei. For Misato? She was really, really hoping this weird energy they were trying to experiment on wasn't permanent.

Because if it was... then she was going to fall to the Rei really super easily in no time at all. A fact that, to her annoyance, was making her loins feel really fucking happy right about now. She flicked the device to the off position and took a good hard look at it.

"Drive..." she muttered to herself. The word was inscribed on the side. "Like... sex drive? I see. So it artificially inflates the sex drive..."

That was for later. For now? She had to make another choice. Bring this back to the lab, or try to get to the command centre to finish what she was out here for? This choice was absolutely vital, and the entire multiverse itself might depend upon it!




As much as Misato was trying to be pragmatic, her mama bear instincts were kicking in something fierce. Her Shinji and her Asuka were in danger from the manipulations being caused by the Maya clones! She had to get to the bridge, she had to find a way to stop them, and she absolutely could not delay! The big picture could go hang, she had to save them, no matter what!

Thus, Misato charged on, putting thoughts of the experiment behind her. She crept through the hallways wondering, pondering if she had done the right thing, but those instincts kicked in yet again. She couldn't think that way. She couldn't let herself be misled into pondering alternatives.

Before long, she had arrived at the bridge. The door was locked, but she had her pass key with her. Thus, she entered with gun at the ready. Not that it would do much against an enemy capable of seducing you by their mere presence alone, and what she cfound inside was - 

Aoba and Hyuga working dutifully at their desk, trousers around their ankles, while a Maya clone sucked them off. It was strange seeing Maya so... outrageously curvy. She normally thought of her coworker as kinda cute and mousy, not a total sex bomb!

"Ah! Misato!" Kaji grunted, leaning against the back wall. "What happened to you?"

"I'm fine," she promised. "It's just a side effect of - Oh, never mind. None of you can see them, can you?"

Kaji was also getting a big sloppy wet titjob from a Maya. She was whispering something. They all were, come to think of something. They were all kinda greying around the edges. Blending into the background. This was bad. Very bad! She must only be able to see them because of the antidote she was taking. She didn't have enough for all three of them. And she couldn't use her gun on them. Not without risking hitting the men! Even if she was okay with that, the second she pulled the gun on one, the other two would take aim at her themselves!

This was a delicate situation, but she was also on a time crunch. If her medication ran out, she'd have to take another hit to be able to see the enemy. She took a deep, deep breath and tried to think this through rationally. Her eyes flicked to the monitor, and - Urgh~ Instant wetness. They were definitely doing something screwy with the monitors.

"What are you doing?" she asked. The Maya's all stopped their ministrations for a moment to turn look at her. It was eerie. Unsettling. They all had the same red eyes as Rei. On anyone else, it just looked plain wrong.

"Oh, we're programming a special countermeasure into the system," Aoba said.

"Yeah, it should make everyone too horny for the clones to control them," Hyuga said.

That logic probably made perfect sense to them. Devious. Cunning. Play with their bodies while whispering nonsense. Keep them both aroused and oblivious at the same time, allowing them to totally brainwash them. Hopefully they weren't too far gone already, but... how to deal with the Mayas?

"Hold on one second," Kaji said, raising his gun to aim it squarely at her. "That body of yours... How do we know you're not a clone of Misato coming here to seduce us?"

Indeed, her body had undergone something of a massive change of late. Becoming curvier. Not quite as curvy as Rei, but still ludicrously curvy. Think, think, think! How do you get out of this, Misato...?

"For one thing, you're not kissing my feet right now," Misato quipped. "For another... Remember that mission in Cairo, Kaji? How we covered each other’s backs, no questions asked? I need you to trust me like that right now.”

Kaji's expression flickered for a moment, but the Maya on his dick (who was rapidly becoming little more than a series of dotted lines) was getting more and more enthusiastic about her titjob. Whispering things to him. Things that Kaji alone could hear. The sneaky slut!

Think, think, think! How do you resolve this mess?! Anything you say, they'll turn around on you by subliminally influencing them! There had to be something she could - 

Of course. It was risky, but...

"Kaji, I need you to do something for me," Misato said. "I need you to do this."

Then she mimed swiping the air in front of her crotch nice and hard with her fist, while using her right knee to do a sharp kneelift.

"Ah, no, I dont' think I will -" Kaji protested. But then? Misato did something that the perverts probably wouldn't expect.

She put the gun to her own head.

"Do it," Misato said. "If you do, I'll drop the gun. I know you can't risk that I'm not real, but you can't risk that I'm real either, can you?"

It was playing on his feelings... Urgh, fine, she'd fuck him good and hard after this whole mess was over. He'd probably enjoy her new body. No, rather, he'd definitely enjoy - 

"Guh!" the Maya grunted in pain, suddenly struck in the side of the head quite violently, and at the same time, given a sharp kneelift that sent her flying. Kaji, for his part, seemed shocked. For Misato, she rushed across the room and took her chance to deliver a sharp blow to the back of the neck, and then - 

"What the hell...?" Kaji was looking down at it. Perfect!

"There's one on those two as well!" she whispered. "Quickly now, before they realise what's happening!"

A little too late, unfortunately. Both of the other two men were getting to their feet and pulling guns from their holsters. It's funny. If they'd done that as soon as she'd moved, they'd have a bead on her already, but the Mayas must have needed to work them over a bit more. All to her advantage, because now...?

It wasn't easy for the two men to stand up, by the way. With the two curvy Mayas trying to sexually tease them with their enormous bosoms. It gave the two of them the chance they needed to rush forward and club the pair on the back of the necks, a sharp chop that most people think is just a television trick, but if you actually do know what you're doing? Hit the carotid and a person's going down.

And just like that, it was all over. Three Mayas lying on the floor, out cold and twitching. They'd done it. They'd won!

"Guys, I need you to quickly undo whatever the hell it was you were doing!" Misato yelled... But then, something passed over the base. She saw a kind of pinkish glow rapidly expanding. It passed through her body, and then - "And as for you, buster? For going along with what I said I am about to rock the fuck out of your world!"

No complaints from Kaji.... though there perhaps should have been from common sense.

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