Monday, 4 November 2024

Story: Ranmasexual


What goes through the mind of a girl like Kodachi Kuno? What bizarre, twisted labyrinthian passages does her thought process travel through? For her, it made complete sense. If you are to challenge someone to a contest, then you must be prepared for battle at any time leading up to the fight. Therefore, an ambush in the home of one's foe is rational, logical and to be expected.

Thus she crept into the Tendo compound with a club in her teeth. She had to be careful with this, of course, to ensure the weight did not throw off her balance as she held it. 'Twould hardly make an effective weapon if it was too light, yes? Why not use her hands? Because they were too preoccupied engaging in stealth, crawling across the ceiling to reach her - 

"Kodachi what the fuck are you doing?" a familiar voice asked. Looking down, the Black Rose found herself staring into the unimpressed face of Nabiki Tendo.

"Oh, I never made the connection," Kodachi whispered back. "You are Akane Tendo's sister! Yes, that would make a good deal of sense. No wonder my brother shifted his obsession from you to her!"

Nabiki let out a weary, heavy sigh. Much heavier than the club she had been carrying between her teeth - up until she had to drop it into her hand, which meant dropping to the floor because she couldn't keep herself up in this corner of the room with one hand.

"How have you been?" Kodachi asked. "It's been a while since you last visited. Mister Green Crocodile misses you so."

"Mister Green Crocodile tried to take a bite out of my ass," Nabiki quipped back.

"Truly, a sign that he cares!" Kodachi said to her former friend. "You know, now that I think about it, soon enough is the time for my challenge with Asuka. Are you of a mind to help me find a hot boyfriend? I shall, of course, pay for the assistance."

"Not sure you've got enough money to get me involved in something you two crazies are anywhere near," Nabiki shrugged. "Last I heard, she was after some guy called Kinnosuke Kashao. Before that, she'd been trying for Mikado Sanzenin."

"The playboy of the Golden Pair...?" Kodachi barely restrained her laugh. "Ohoho, you shall have to tell me all about that later! For now, I have to find your sister and render her unable to compete in our upcoming duel."

Nabiki tilted her head, and a strange smile passed over her face. She patted Kodachi on the shoulder, as though saying goodbye to a dear friend, knowing they would never meet again. Oh well, Kodachi didn't think anything of it, nor did she think anything of the fact that Nabiki was quite literally not doing anything to stop her from heading off to inflict grievous bodily harm upon one of her family.

Which probably says something about Kodachi's relationship with her family, come to think of it.

Anyway! Kodachi crept along the ceiling, an invisible ninja, nay, a kunoichi. A shadow on the wall. A whisper in the wind. Yet she would be as deadly as - 

"Would you like some orange juice?" asked a gentle figure standing beneath her, holding a tray with a pitcher of orange juice.

"Ah, thank you very much," Kodachi said. She took the juice gratefully. "My compliments - home made?"

"Of course, that store brand stuff is far too expensive these days, and contains next to no nutritional value," the pretty woman said. This must be their maid, surely. "Akane's room is the first on the left upstairs. She's in the training hall currently, and will be with you soon."

Excellent! Such helpful members of the household. Kukuku! Why, she need not be especially sneaky with the door either. All she had to do was open it up, like so, then jump to the ceiling and wait. And wait. And wait, and wait, and wait...

"My arms are starting to hurt..." Kodachi mumbled into the club handle. "To say nothing of my jaw!"

Oh! But she didn't have to wait that much longer, it seemed. The door opened. Her opponent, her enemy, her next adversary stepped in through the doorway looking sweaty, dishevelled, and absolutely vulnerable. The fool! Kodachi dropped from above, ready to eliminate this threat here and now - 

And before she could even get out 'The Black Rose strikes in fairness before the match!' she found herself flying out the window. Mentally replaying it in her head, to catch up with what had happened, the sequence of events seemed to go something like this.

1: The club came down.

2: Akane moved her head an inch to the right.

3: Akane caught the end of the club's handle in between her cheek and her shoulder

4: Akane turned around quickly and tossed her out of the room without even seeming to have noticed her.

"Eeeek!" Kodachi shrieked while plummeting uncontrollably to the ground outside. "No, no, no! What fate is this? To meet my end through such ignoble means, defeated before the fight -"

Ah, but then she was saved. Grabbed mid-air. "Got you!" a strange voice said, and all of a sudden Kodachi found herself upon the rooftop, safe, but heart pounding in her chest. "Hey, are you alright? What were you even doing there...?"

Kodachi Kuno attended an all girl's school. She had very little interaction at all with men. No real experience with boys her own age, save her own extremely stupid brother. Yet right now she found herself looking up at a handsome young man, around her own age, wearing his hair in a pigtail. He was handsome, he was strong, he was compassionate and tender -

And then it started to rain. Right before Kodachi's eyes, she watched as the handsome man became a very cute girl instead.

"Whaaaaa-" Kodachi stared, boggled, and bawked. 

"Ah, stupid rain!" the girl yelled shaking her fist at the sky. "Don't freak out, it's just a curse I've got. I'm actually a guy, hot water will change me back..."

"I see," Kodachi said. "What was your name?"

"Ranma Saotome," the girl replied.

"In that case, Ranma Saotome..." She reached into her leotard and pulled out a bouquet of flowers. Namely: Black roses. "Here, take this, as a sign of my appreciation."

Those who are already aware of the series and the character know full well what happened next. A burst of powder shot out of the black roses right into Ranma's face, for Ranma did not have any prior knowledge of this little trick. When they did, Ranma's entire body seized up, and the next thing that she knew, Kodachi was laying on top of her.

"I've seen girls at school do this with one another," Kodachi said, holding Ranma's body nice and close. Then she used her teeth to open up Ranma's shirt, exposing her bare breasts to the rain. The Black Rose of Furinkan licked her lips in anticipation, while Ranma stared boggle-eyed at the crazy girl crawling all over her. "Come, let me show you the pleasure only a woman can share with another woman - and then, let us find some hot water so I can pleasure you as a man~"

"Ahem!" a voice coughed, and all of a sudden Kodachi found herself falling unconscious, oh dear, how unfortunate, before she could have had any fun at all...


This was exactly what Akane didn't need following that long, gruelling workout session. An intruder trying to get fresh. Her instincts had kicked in before she knew what she was doing, and she'd tossed that skank ass out the window almost as an afterthought. It was only afterwards that she grew concerned about the state of their body...

But then found that the intruder had gone missing, which put her into Seek Mode. Her sisters could be in danger from this perverted intruder. Therefore it was her responsibility to act. She heard movement on the roof, so she climbed out onto her window and jumped up there, finding...

Girl form Ranma being blatantly assaulted by Kodachi. Not what she was expecting, but okay. Also. Kinda hot.

She tapped Kodachi in her carotids and sent her to sleep for about an hour. The girl was, apparently, a bit distracted hugging into Ranma to notice either the transformation, or Akane coming up behind her. As for Ranma...

"What, you not getting up?" Akane asked. Ranma did not. Nor did she move, nor speak, nor do anything except kinda lay there twitching. "Hold on let me check something..."

Akane dipped down, put her face right between Ranma's boobs, took a deep, deep breath, and then -

"Oh yeah, that's a potent paralysis powder," Akane said. She'd determined that part already, of course. The boobs thing was for her own amusement. "Let's get you out of the rain and into bed where you can rest up and recover."

She scooped Ranma up in her arms, deliberately walked over Kodachi's back, then jumped down to her room so she could lay Ranma in her bed.

"Oh no, you've been totally soaked by the rain," Akane said. A bit of steam shot from her nose. "We'd better get those clothes off right away so you don't catch a cold! But don't worry, I'll wrap us up nice and snug and use my own body heat to keep you warm until you recover~"

No alternative planning or scheming here! Promise!

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