Monday, 25 November 2024

Story: FGI Akane


As if Akane didn't absolutely despise her situation enough already, now she was being compelled to do something she really didn't want to do. Namely: Express lewd desires which she didn't even know she had. But apparently she did! Her supervisor had even told her as such.

Frankly, it was beyond time that she'd done what she should have done in the first place and asked for help. Clearly this was too big for her to take on by herself. She had to bring in that dumbass loudmouthed fiance of hers if she was to stand the remotest chance of doing something about this... This ridiculous, perverted shadowy organisation looking to take control over her life and turn her into a pervert!

"Ranma, I need your help with -" Akane began, then trailed off when she found the two Ranmas together.

"Hey, stop flirting with that plain Jane already!" Ranma was yelling at his penis, which he had in a headlock.

"Nothing plain about that Jane!" his penis replied. Ah, yes, for those of you unaware Ranma's penis was, at present. "Let me be inside her! Please, just for a little while?!"

Yeah, gonna step away from this scene for a little bit, didn't want to get dragged into this nonsense right now. Of course, she couldn't exactly ignore them forever. The badge would probably take over and make her, for example, deep throat Ranma while she sat on that super cute girl form's face -

She stopped to wipe some drool from her lips. Stupid badge. She was not a pervert. She wasn't!

"You're gonna give people the wrong idea about us!" Ranma was insisting.

"What, that we wanna tap the hot ass of the girl so hot she got all the athletes in school after her?" the penis protested. "Come on, you've got working eyes! Slam that sexy tomboy into next week, or at least let me do it!"

Gonna just be over here blushing like mad, don't mind her, really now...


Okay. So. Tsubasa didn't really get what was going on here, but he did know this: Nabiki Tendo gave amazing head. Not that he had any real basis of comparison for it, but his instincts were screaming at him that, yep, this was the best thing to ever happen to him! Period!

It was the contrast that was getting him. The cold look in her eyes, like she didn't really wanna be doing this, combined with the enthusiasm, the tongue work as it danced along his shaft... Sublime! He bounced the badge in the palm of his hands and smirked.

"Soooo, just to confirm," he began. "Are all of those other girls you mentioned half as fuckable as this one?"

Images flashed up on screen showing a woman in a kimono, a hot housewife, a leggy teacher, a cute cheerleader, and a figure skater. Oh goodness, they were all every bit as hot as Ukyo! Different flavours, to be certain, with different styles and different sorts of appeal, but Tsubasa adored them all!

"So, what if I wanted a threesome?" Tsubasa asked. He put his hands on the back of Nabiki's head, forcing her to bob up and down at a faster rate. "Let's say I wanted that Azusa chick to come along, right now, alongside that Mariko, how would I make that happen?"

The badge answered for him: Induce a threesome between Akane Tendo, Ranma Saotome, and the enchanted cursed form of Ranma's original penis. Well now. That was a sentence he didnt' expect to read.

"I see, I get it," Tsubasa said, nodding along enthusiastically. "I play ball, you repay me the favour. But hey, I noticed that my beloved Ukyo was in that list for Akane! What if I dont' wanna let her - "

That was when Nabiki chose to, entirely metaphorically, melt his dick in her mouth. The badge then gave him a strict warning.

Anything he did with Ukyo would inherently feel bad. Anything he does with the listed babes will feel like this.

Yeah, that was solid encouragement. Hrm. Can he at least watch? Cuz he could absolutely live with watching, he really didn't have any shame at all about being a colossal pervert. Though, come to think, there was one other thing he was wondering.

"Soooo, how exactly am I supposed to make this happen anyway?" he wondered aloud. "I mean, you gotta give me some sort of authority as her supervisor, right?"

As it turned out, yes, he did have certain levels of authority. Oh! What fun! It seemed as though this was much more of a blessing than he'd first assumed, kukuku~ Akane Tendo! Just you wait. Your wildest fantasies were going to come true, whether you wanted them to or not!


Alright. Ranma figured he'd probably managed to get control over his penis for at least a little while. It was annoyingly easy to distract. All it needed was a little feeding, and it stopped going on and on about the tomboy. Ah, that was so annoying, couldn't it focus on some other girl? Like, for example - 

"Yo, Saotome!" Nabiki saluted. "Got your dick under control, I see! That makes for a modern miracle, first boy to contain his junk."

"What do you want...?" Ranma grumbled darkly under his breath. "I'm not in the mood for - "

Huh. There was something funny about the way Nabiki was walking right now. Sort of almost a seductive gait that he'd never seen her use before. Was she about to flirt with him or something? That was the last thing he needed right now!

"I'm here to make you a bet," she said, and slammed down several pictures of... Ranma's girl side. Guh! "Betcha can't smooch Akane by the end of the day! If you win, you get the negatives and all the copies. If not? Kuno gets 'em!"

Ranma balled his fists in frustration. Nabiki! Why that no good - toying with a girl's heart like that! There's no way Akane would understand if he simply went up and kissed her! It wasn't like she liked him anyway, so - Dammit! This whole thing was getting worse and worse as time went on!

Though, maybe, if Ranma had a better ability to sense the supernatural, he might have been able to see something rather peculiar. He might have seen a boy that liked to dress up in girly clothing, hovering over Nabiki with strings dangling from his fingers. Strings attached to her hips, her shoulders, her elbows, her knees... and another thick string trailing down in between her legs, pulsing even now, rewarding her for good behaviour.

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