Monday, 25 November 2024

Story: FBI Ranma 1/2


On the one hand, that pigtailed girl was a complete babe from top to bottom. A shortstack with a cute face, wearing baggy clothes and jumping around like greased lightning. Hiroshi and Daisuke knew, deep in their hearts, that they absolutely 100% had to, had to had to inspect her boobies as soon as possible.

On the other hand that was a mean looking panda chasing her right now and they weren't entirely sure that their ability to inspect a girl's boobage would work on a wild rampaging beast. More intriguing was the fact that the girl and the panda seemed to be, well, fighting.

"Come on, you jerk! Trying to tell me who to marry, huh?"

"Is she saying that to the panda?" Hiroshi asked. Daisuke dumbly nodded. "Huh, right. Okay then. Maybe this is a little too weird for us to get involved with right now?" Another dumb nod. I mean. God, she was hot, but there were limits to what they could ignore for the sake of boobage. Getting mauled by a bear was definitely not on their list of things to risk for sex.

Still, the display they were putting on was super impressive. It almost seemed choreographed. The girl jumped around, but the panda was keeping up. Ignoring everyone else, eyes on the girl the whole time. It jabbed out with a paw, but the girl whipped her body around in a manner too fast for the eyes to keep up with. By the time they'd registered the dodge, they were already five moves ahead, each one just as impressive, leaving the two of them absolutely spellbound. Which is funny because here they were trying to brainwash her!

"I think we should head to the Tendo place now!" Daisuke squeaked. "That chick is stronger than Akane!"

No mean feat. They'd seen that girl tear through whole crowds of athletes, but it felt like this pigtailed babe could do it way faster if she wanted to. Time for them to hightail it out of there before - 

Huh. You know, martial artists have a keen danger sense, but do you know what that really is? Well, think of it this way. When you're using your eyes, you're not really taking in everything going on around you. You'll be focused on one specific area. Something in the foreground, or the background. A chair, a table, a screen, a pen, a book - but you're not really seeing the curtains or the wall, right? You know they're there, you're looking at them but not seeing them.

Danger sense is, quite simply, when your subconscious recognises something weird about the stuff you're not paying attention to that merits immediate attention. Like, say, just for a random example: The sound of a panda following a girl, who happened to be going in the same direction as you.

Because that is what the boys happened to be hearing right now.

"You know, Mister Tendo is apparently a martial artist himself," Hiroshi observed, picking up the pace considerably.

"Yes, he is!" Daisuke quickly added. "If anyone can defend us from a rampaging panda, why, I'm sure it is the man who taught Akane how to fight!"

Thus the two of them bolted down the street, making a beeline right towards the Tendo dojo. Of course, they had no way of knowing quite yet that the panda wasn't following them. It was simply going to the same place as them anyway. But they'd figure it out very soon.


Man, Akane really hoped this guy arrived soon so she could work out if he was worthy of the right to play with her boobs. She really needed to find a guy that was worth her damn time. A handsome strong guy, maybe with a bit of a mouth on him just to make it a little more interesting. 

Trouble was, she knew her sisters were also kinda hard up and also needed their absolutely enormous boobies squeezed and caressed by a guy. She had no intention of sharing. Unless he was really, really cute. But even then, she was the one htat had to put up with all those jerks going after her every morning, if any of them deserved to let some hot stud do whatever he wanted to her body, especially her breasts, then it was surely Akane Tendo!

Though, of course, she would not begrudge them the chance to get off if they suited this guy better... It's just that the not knowing was the worst part. You get it? Which of these yummy flavours would suit this mystery boy the best? She hoped it was her. And if not her? Then she hoped one of her other sisters would be good as well, if only to ease off this gnawing, building yearning that had been growing alongside her cup size.

The distinctive sound of the gate opening hit their ears, and the three sisters were up like a shot. Nabiki was skipping, Kasumi was brushing herself down and trying to make herself seem calm and sensible, but Akane? Akane was fucking bolting for the damned gate. She had to lay eyes on this guy herself, and - 

"Breast Inspectors!"

Oh, it was the breast inspectors. Akane tugged open her gi right away, letting the girls kiss the air so they could be properly inspected, and the two boys got to work without hesitation. As always, it felt amazing having her boobies inspected, but...

"Uh, hey, is this going to take long?" she asked. "We're supposed to be meeting with a prospective husband today."

"Prospective husband...?" One of the inspectors asked. "You're getting married?"

"Arranged marriage," Nabiki said, already in the middle of her own breast massage. "Due here any minute now."

The two inspectors exchanged a nervous look between themselves. Hrm? What was this reaction?

"Surely not," one of them said. The other shook his head, as if agreeing with the idea that something or other should be dismissed. "I mean, what would be the odds?"

"That was a girl, remember?" the other inspector said, much to the relief of the first. "It's obviously nothing to do with -"

And suddenly panda. What? The panda looked down at them. It was carrying some girl with a really, really cute butt.

This was no time to indulge in her newly discovered bisexual urges (which most certainly had not been planted there to enable easy threesomes further down the line). There was a panda in the house! Akane moved in front of her family, never mind that her tits were out, and slipped into a defensive posture. It was a fair bit bigger than her, but she'd made really big strides in her martial arts skill recently.

"Is this your friend?!" Nabiki demanded. Father shook his head. "Why is a panda here?!"

"Hey, Dai, maybe if we phrase it right we could make their boobs panda repellant?" one of the inspectors offered.

"Cut it out, you dumb old man!" the girl yelled, her voice kinda rough. No, that's not the right way to describe it. Her voice was actually fairly smooth sounding. It was her manner of speaking that sounded rough. "You're scaring them, dummy! Woah!"

The 'woah' was because the girl was suddenly whirled around and planted right in front of them. Akane stared at her. The girl stared back. Not at Akane specifically, but - 

But Akane's boobs were tingling like mad. For some reason she couldn't look away from that cute face. This girl's breasts were pretty big, but a size below Akane's. Even so. Remember that phenomenon mentioned earlier about how you're only really focusing on one thing at a time with your eyes? Well, Akane's eyes were only seeing this stranger right now. Everything else was flat out gone. She didn't hear her father ask to confirm who this was. She only heard the girl say - 

"I'm Ranma Saotome! Sorry about this..." Said in a cutesy nervous voice.

No cute stud here then. But there was a cute girl! Akane bit her lip. Bit it hard. This was a good consolation prize! She could definitely take this, and - 

"Excuse me," one of the inspectors said, stepping in between Akane and her future fuckbuddy. "Breast inspector. Ranma, was it? You don't mind if the two of us do a spot check, right?"

"Eh?" Ranma grunted. "Spot check...? I guess? It's all official, right? Not like I can say no!"

"Dibs!" Akane's hand shot up in the air. "Um! I mean, after you guys finish your inspection, I want a piece of that. I mean! I would very much like to spar with her?" Yeah, that was it, that was the natural response! Phew, saved it! Alright. Now she had to just endure it as Ranma went through her apparently first breast inspection ever.

An event which would, as it turned out, turn Akane on all that much more. A whole lot more.

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