Monday, 15 April 2024

Story: Pride and Joy

Part of her couldn't help but feel responsible for this mess, somehow. If she hadn't given those two those instructions in a fit of pique, then they wouldn't be in this mess right now, would they? Ukyo worked tirelessly away behind her grill, peeking down on occasion at the few paper dolls she had left. Maybe if she used them, she could - 

No. It was pretty obvious that those things were somehow perverted. Dirty. Encouraged to be used in a sexual way .Ukyo's thighs squeezed together. She hated to admit it, because she was still kinda pissed off at Ranma for the whole thing with the sauce, but... God she needed to get on his dick. She needed it really, really badly.

"Come on, control yourself," she whispered. "Just a little bit .Just a tiny bit of self control, even the smallest amount." That's right. You can persevere. Try going cold turkey. It's like an addiction. You can get over it, regain some semblance of self control, and not live a life that was entirely built around sex.


Or she could purchase a double ended strap on and go to town on some hot Chinese booty. No, no, no! Control yourself. Deep breath now, deep breath. Her former rival, and now fellow piece of treasure, Shampoo was lingering in the doorway, and... she'd gone bimbo a bit. A fair bit, actually. Her tits were enormous, her eyes were vacant, and Ukyo had this sense like Shampoo would love nothing more than to strip off her clothes and sit on someone's face right about now.

Much to Ukyo's annoyance, she was rather happy that the only person around whose face she could sit on was hers.

"Did you want something?" Ukyo asked. "And please don't say sex."

"Sex?" Shampoo chirped up, absently playing with her hair. She giggled in that cutesy, ditzy was that she did when she'd gone too long without, you know, getting to lay the dragon. "Um, then how about fucking, or -"

"Let's not go down synonym highway, and stick to the reason you're here," Ukyo said. Because if she said the wrong thing, right now, then Ukyo herself might tackle her to the floor and she had zero illusions about winding up on top in that scenario. Not that she'd mind, most likely.

"Um, Shampoo supposed to do delivery," Shampoo said. "But wound up watching airen and lost boy, like, flirting and stuff! Soooo, kinda got too dumb to remember directions."

She stared at Ukyo expectantly. Ukyo stared back. No way. She couldn't be -

"You do realise that in the food industry, we're technically rivals, right?" Ukyo asked. "You're asking me. To walk away from my business. Close it up. To help you do a delivery. Because you're too dumb and horny to find your way around."

Shampoo tilted her head and stared through Ukyo. Like she wasn't even there. Then, she spoke up.

"Shampoo sit on face if Ukyo do it."

"You'll do that if I wait here another minute and ask nicely!" Ukyo spat back.

"True," Shampoo admitted. "But it way, way hotter if it done as part of deal."

... Dammit, did she just get outsmarted by a girl whose brain had been drained right into her tits? It would be really, really hot if Shampoo cut a deal like that. Used her raw sex appeal to make Ukyo do something directly harmful to her own business to help out the competition. Enticed her. Seduced her. Enthralled her with sexual magnetism.

She was breathing heavily after a moment. And then Shampoo moved forward, pushing Ukyo down - 

"You've got a deal!" Ukyo yelped before Shampoo could ruin the moment by sitting on her face. Which would, in retrospect, only ruin the moment for a moment before they were both having a really good time. Shampoo gave her a peck on the cheek instead. Which was enough to make Ukyo turn bright scarlet on the spot. "Alright, you got the address there?"

"Sure do!" Shampoo chirped, and reached into her cleavage to pull out a slip of paper. The size it was now, she probably had the delivery itself in there as well. Wouldn't even feel the heat, most likely. If Ukyo put her own hand in it might not come out. Anyway, she took the paper and read the address...

"Huh, isn't that the old abandoned temple?" she asked. "The one which all the cats gather around, but no human has set foot in for at least a decade?"

Shampoo shrugged. This made various interesting motions set out in a seemingly never ending chain reaction which made Ukyo completely lose her train of thought. Alright then. Whatever.

"Let's get this over with," Ukyo complained. "Urgh, you'd better go cat and sit in the basket, I'll cycle us to the temple."

"Nyah!" Shampoo happily, ahem, nyah'd. Kitty pose included. Sorta twisting her hips around as if wiggling her tail, while holding her hands up in the air like a pair of cat paws... 

"Sit on my face when we get back, or your customer's getting their delivery cold," Ukyo grumbled. They set off on the bike towards the temple, with Ukyo realy just wanting this whole mess over with. Although, she had to say, she had a really bad feeling about this...


The delivery was late! A certain giant ghost cat floated around inside the temple invisibly, scowling to himself that his brilliant plan might have been seen through. It was simple enough. Invite Shampoo into the temple. Then hit her with an enhanced version of her curse, which would forever trap her in the form of a cat! It was perfect, it was sublime, it was -

"Nyaaaah~" a girl cat mewled, rubbing up against where the ghost's body was. It was in heat. He was the strongest cat around. Which was really down to his size and not anything proportional to - Look, this cat is a giant pussy in more ways than one! There, we got that joke out of the way. Shall we also say that he had plenty of pussy around that he could take rather than having to curse a human into becoming his bride? If he wanted a cat, plenty of them here!

But no. No, he was a cat with a kink. He wouldn't be able to get off unless the cat he nutted inside of was at one point a human being. It just wasn't the same, you know? Hey, let's not kink shame the guy, that's not the sort of community we're in. 

What we can critcitise the ghost cat over is being an annoying piece of shit. A whiny, petulant little coward who is only a threat to Ranma because of his crippling ailurophobia.Anyway, he suddenly jumped as he sensed someone crossing into the temple's boundary. Ah! No, not one person! There were two of them! He peeked outside and saw Shampoo, who seemed even lovelier than before - and there was another girl with her too! She was hiding her true appearance, pretending to be a boy, but there's no fooling his sense of smell!

"Hey, anyone here?!" the boyish girl yelled. Ah, this was too much! Too good of an opportunity, and so - The ghost cat promptly hit them both with the curse! Now they would both be cat girls if they left the property, and when midnight tolled they'd be cats forever!

"Ah, it's probably a prank call," Ukyo grumbled. "There's nobody here but these cats!" 

"Too true!" Shampoo pumped her fists. "Okay! Ukyo! Let's leave, and then Shampoo sit on face like promise!"

"Damn my weakness, but bless that butt..." Ukyo grunted. Kukuku! Alright girls, let's see what sort of cats you turn into when you leave the - 

They crossed the rope boundary, and when they did... They became catgirls. I mean. What else did you expect to happen here, have you been paying attention at all? Cat ears appeared atop their heads, their fingernails elongated into claws, and their butts now had tails poking out from under their clothes, not that either of them seemed to have noticed.

"Bah, it's a good thing I didn't get hit by that dumb technique and go to the stupid beach," Ukyo said. "I really dodged a bullet there, no stupid sexy transformations for me!"

"You said it!" Shampoo purred.

Meanwhile, the ghost cat's shoulders slumped. That wasn't what the curse was meant to do! Not even a little! He let out a nya of defeat, that wasn't anything like his kink! Oh well. Back to the drawing board...

Or , alternatively, he could fuck off forever to the same place Tsubasa and the Gambling King went. That's also a good option.

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