Monday 29 April 2024

Story: Genma the MILF


It felt like a lifetime ago, when Ranma had said she was sexually frustrated. She'd thought something particular back then: 'Oh the mask is coming off, that nice act is hiding a pervert'. It had sounded like an excuse. Like a problem he'd be all too happy to resolve, go ahead, just let him give you a nice shoulder rub and let's see where it goes from there.

So you can imagine her surprise, horror and absolute irritation that he was proving to be right. He hadn't been sexist about it at all. He'd taken into account the fact that girls can get frustrated too. It's a stereotype that boys are hornier than girls, so she'd dismissed the idea - the very notion - that she might be pent up. But could you blame her? Look at who she had to deal with on the regular! Tatewaki Kuno! Look at the guy she had a crush on, totally oblivious to her as a woman, only seeing a girl!

'Had'. Yep. Had a crush. Past tense. No longer true. Because right now, Ranma Saotome had stolen her heart and satisfied her loins. This dorky, handsome, weird boy who changed into a girl who went out of his way to view everyone as they were and tried to remain extremely socially aware even to the point it was kinda annoying.

"Better," he said while dodging around her punches. "You're a lot faster now. You can feel it, right? You're more in control over your body, your responses are - "

Akane lunged forward and pushed him up against a wall to steal his lips. She couldn't stop herself. They'd just had sex right before sparring but she needed another taste already. After a moment though, he gently pulled her away.

"Ah, now, Akane, let's not overindulge," he said. Akane bit her lip, looked him right in his beautiful blue eyes, then lifted her leg to pin her knee against his hip. Ranma's hand went down to her thigh, covered by her gi trousers which she really needed to take off, right now. "I appreciate the floodgates are open now, but you must learn to control yourself."

"It's your fault you know," Akane hfufed. "You made me a pervert."

"I know, I know, I'm kinda awesome like that," Ranma chuckled. He was only half joking. Boy had some confidence about him, but... damn if he couldn't back it up. "But listen. Listen. I don't want our relationship to be a purely physical thing."

An erotic moan leaped out of Akane's mouth and she began to kiss his neck, dammit don't say things like that! Oh, but he was pulling her away now. Holding her from behind, pinning her arms to her stomach. How did he do that so smoothly...?

"My point is, it's quite one thing if you need the stress relief. It's quite another if you're losing yourself to the pleasure we're giving one another," Ranma whispered. "Nabiki's already seen us. What if your sister or father caught us in the act? What then?"

What then, indeed? "We'd have to get married," she said. "Pretty quickly. And then we could have all the sex we wanted."

"Akane... " Rarnma warned. "You need to calm down. Martial arts is at least partly about learning how to control yourself. How about we call it for now, and resume later on when you're feeling more under your own power? Run through some kata while I make us some lunch."

Making her food as well...? He was perfect. Annoyingly perfect. No wonder she couldn't keep her hands off of him. It was as if he was put on this Earth for the sole purpose of satisfying her needs. Ranma let go, and she resisted the urge to pounce on him again. Still watched him leave though, and still couldn't make up her mind which form had the nicer butt. Him... Or his girl form.

Anyway, she was alone again. So Akane went to the storage cupboard and pulled out some dummies for her to practise on. They were a pretty sturdy model, ideal for letting her practise her hits on. She set up three of them, then performed a roundhouse kick on the nearest one - 

And sliced it cleanly in half. Then, the air pressure from that kick knocked the other two against the wall. Hard. Akane stood there for a moment, at her foot, still up in the air, and boggled at it. How did she... How the hell did she get that strong?!

"Not bad," came a voice from the doorway. Oh, it was Ranma's mother. Honestly, it was easy to see where Ranma got his/her good looks from. "I can see that my son's already made big leaps and bounds in unlocking your potential."

Oh he unlocked something alright. Akane grew flush and looked away... Which meant she noticed the frown on her future mother's face.

"Tell me Akane, are you getting on well with Ranma?" she asked. "Soun and I are hoping that the two of you are able to form a happy union."

Oh, they'd form a happy union alright! Her blush got bigger and Akane squirmed, after which she caught herself doing the finger thing. You know. Pointing her index fingers at each other and pushing them in together. "We're getting along," she said.

"I see..." Ranma's mother said. Ah! That was a nasty eye twitch she had. "That's good to hear. Pardon me one moment, would you? Ranma!"


Alright, there he was. In the kitchen... Making a sandwich. No sign of Kasumi, for a change, and their father was elsewhere... The perfect chance to have another word with him.

"Hello Nabiki," Ranma said flatly. "I do hope you're not about to try to blackmail or extort me again."

"What are you doing to us?" Nabiki whispered, then took a big whiff of his scent. Oh yeah, that's the good shit.

"Hrm? Doing to you...?" Ranma muttered. "Well, let's see. To you, in particular, the only thing I've done is make it clear I will not be threatened or cajoled, but I do not feel that is what you -"

He took a good look at her, and Nabiki knew he could tell. She hadn't been able to figure out a way to hide it herself. Her nipples could cut glass, and her thighs had clenched together the instant she saw him. She might as well have been wearing a t-shirt that read 'I will suck your dick right now', because, god help her, she would.

"Ah, I see," Ranma mused. "Well, let's see. Akane did mention that you have a habit of stealing her clothes. Perhaps it is a pathological need to -"

"Don't give me that psychobabble," Nabiki warned, but she squirmed and gave him her best evil eye... which quickly became a thirsty, thirsty eye. "Seducing Akane in a couple of days is one thing, but you're not my type. You're way too dumb."

"If I'm dumb then you would notice what I am, to use your own words, 'doing to you'," Ranma sighed. "Although, I can see the logic behind it. Your behaviour seems incongruent, and Akane cannot seem to get enough of me. Though I will grant that I cannot get enough of her either. Her presence is intoxicating, and I must fight back the base impulse to breed her like a - Pardon me for speaking crassly about your sister. Perhaps I am also being affected in some way?"

"Ranma!" a voice bellowed, and broke whatever spell had been cast over her. For a second there, Nabiki was considering offering her body if it meant finding out the truth, but - A mother calling for her son will have that kind of effect, and suddenly Nabiki very much didn't want to be there.

Still... Once she was alone, she was left with that thought lingering in the back of her head. She did want to have sex with Ranma. A lot of sex. She wanted Ranma to bend her over the kitchen counter he'd been making the sandwich on, and make a whole other kinda sandwich using their bodies, and - 

"He's not doing it," she frowned. "If he was doing something weird, then he'd have taken me up to my room and planted me face down into my pillow."

Which left her really baffled now. What the hell was going on, then?!

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