Monday, 8 April 2024

Story: Negima C+S


There had to be something in here they could use. Mana was certain of it. A trap like that doesn't get set up for no reason, and if they were careful in how they studied it, then they might be able to work out a countermeasure. Mana, Akira, and Yuna spread out to investigate Chisame's room.

"I'll check the underwear drawer," Akira said. The other two looked at her. "What? That's exactly where a pervert would hide something."

"Don't let yourself get distracted by her undergarments," Mana warned. "Yuna, it might be prudent if you kept your sweet ass by the door and shot us with those magic bullets if we start behaving strangely."

How strange, Yuna was blushing for some reason. Nonetheless, she nodded and retreated to the entrance. For the best. The last thing they needed was the enemy getting the drop on them. Of course, they'd have to be cautious and quick. As it stood the two of them had already been exposed to some form of magical brainwashing, who knows how long it - 

"Oops!" Akira gasped as she knocked a pen off the top of a chest of drawers. Both she and Mana froze on the spot. The song began to play within their minds, and they could vividly imagine Chisame dancing away, sensually grinding her body and suggestively. That small pleated skirt flicking up, promising to reveal more of her thighs than it actually did - and then leaving your memory tricked into thinking it had fulfilled that promise.

"We have to move quickly," Mana said, "If we're not careful, then we shall surely become perverts!"

"Oh my god is this a g-string?"

The three girls were crowded around the chest of drawers a moment later staring, gawking even, at a red and black piece of fabric that was, without a shadow of a doubt, a g-string. Mouths agape,they could barely believe what they were seeing, how had she managed to - 

Mana slapped the other two girls around <s>the back of the head</s> their butts, then stepped back in muted horror. "Ah, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to - " she protested. "No, no, never mind. We have to focus. Think, don't get distracted by - By these obvious distractions! If we're to overcome this, we must ensure that we find a way through this mess!"

That was a bit less coherent than she'd intended, but Mana could feel her face growing increasingly flush. She didn't like this! She didn't like feeling this way! All... desperate, needy and <I>stupid</i>, it was infuriating! Maddening! She was better than this!

She turned her attention to the laptop, and the projector that Chisame had been using to project... <i>that</i>. Her hand reached down to her own pleated skirt, and she bit her lip so hard she ought to have drawn blood.  There must be something here that she could -

Hello, what's this now? There was a little attachment here that was far more advanced than anything of the modern - Chao. 

"Guys, I think our culprit might be Chao," Mana began. She turned around to show them what she'd found. "She has access to -"

<i>"Oops I did it again, I played with your heart~"</i>

Mana was staring at the projection showing the hypnotic effect of Chisame dressed up like a slutty schoolgirl and strutting her stuff, right before the bullets flew out into her and put a stop to it. Mana felt a flash of rage, and shot the projector herself, just like before.

Just like... Before.

"So, uh, this whole thing isn't quite as stupid as that is it?" Yuna asked. She blew into the barrel of her Pactio gun right before holstering it, then stuck her hand on her hips. Sticking them out, and wriggling around all... sexy like. "Because if it is, then we are in a lot of trouble."

"I'll check the underwear drawer!" Akira raised her hand, sounding far too excited for her own good. She skipped over to it with a big smile on her face, pulled the drawer open and - Was it Mana's imagination, or were they hornier than the last time?

Last time. Last time! They were caught in a time trap! Of course they were, Chao was a time traveller with access to all manner of futuristic magic and technology! Far more advanced than anything of the modern era. Something like this would be child's play to someone with that kind of technology!

"Guys, we're in a time trap!" Mana warned. "Whatever you do -"

<i>"Oops I did it again, I played with your heart~ Got lost in the ~"</i>

Bang, bang, and shortly thereafter another bang! Mana found herself breathing heavily. Sweating profusely. Her thighs reflexively clasped together. She'd triggered the loop at a different point that time. Talking about Chao, or a time loop... Those must be two of the triggers Chao had set in place, and - Hadn't the song gone a bit longer that time?

"So, uh, this whole thing isn't quite as stupid as that, is it?" Yuna asked, putting the Pactio gun up to her mouth and blowing on it seductively. "Because baby, if it is, we're in a lot -" Boom, hip shake to the left. "Of!" Boom, hip shake to the right. "Trouble!" Ground her hips for no apparent rhyme or reason, and said the last word with a gutteral erotic whine.

"I'll check the panties~" Akira sang, practically charging towards the drawer this time. "Oooh, a g-string! Naughty girl!"

If there was any doubt before it was gone now. They were definitely, absolutely getting more and more lewd on each loop. Mana didn't particularly want to test that theory, but... It was also pretty clear that neither of them remembered anything amiss either, because aside from behaving a bit more dirty, they were both doing exactly the same thing they had been doing before! 

The next thing to try was obvious: Those bullets should have broken any direct magic being cast upon the two of them, therefore the magic must be in the room itself somewhere! In which case, leaving the room would -

<i>"Oops, I did it again! I played with your heart~ Got lost in the game!"</i>

Three bullets rang out, and Mana's nipples were painfully erect. 

"So... Uh... Fuck..." Yuna whimpered. "Ohhhh, that was so hot, but also so stupid!"

"Panties!" Akira panted, and crawled across the floor towards Chisame's underwear drawer, her butt up in the air going wiggle, wiggle, wiggle~ It was a very pleasant sight and - 

Mana slapped herself. Focus! Don't allow yourself to get distracted by the hot ass of your athletic friend, her smooth long, powerful legs a strong temptation -

She pinched the bridge of her nose this time and that seemed to do the trick. Alright! Leaving the room wouldn't work either! Of course not! It also meant she was in an unenviable position where she had a ticking clock, of sorts, to outwit a genius who had time to prepare.

Destroy the room? NO, that would trip the loop as well. She's not stupid enough to let that fly. What they really needed was to find the trigger and - 

"Can you two not make out please?" Mana insisted, pulling her two classmates apart while they frenched each other nice and deep. "Listen. Don't let this room get to you, we need to search it from top to bottom."

"You know what we're looking for?" Yuna asked.

"No, not exactly," Mana said. "But... " She couldn't tell them anything specific. Would trigger the loop. "If you find anything strange, or that looks magical, make sure to shoot it right away."

A quick check of her bullets, and they'd reset as well. This was very frustrating. Letting themselves walk right into a trap like this! Then again she could never have guessed that Chao of all people would become an enemy!

"Ooh, hey girls look what I found!" Akira sang, pulling out a coat rack, full of hangars, and from each of which were... F-Fetish outfits. "I bet these would look super hot on me, don't you think?"

"Dibs on the sexy nurse!" Yuna waved her hands in the air.

"Girls, focus!" Mana yelled. D-Dammit, there was no other choice here, was there?! She loaded up some time/space bullets, and shot the two of them in front of her. Bang, bang! The bullets wouldn't hurt, of course. They were like Yuna's anti-magic bullets. They wouldn't hurt unless you were intrinsically magical, and even then they would likely dispel any magical effect cast upon you rather than... You personally.

These bullets though? They worked by shifting the target in time and space. Kicking them forward three hours. The room didn't reset. That was... promising. Likely because they hadn't gone for the door. Perhaps Chao hadn't considered it likely that Mana herself would be here...?

In any event! She had a plan! And that plan was!

"Chao Lingseng is a pervert, and I'm in a time loop!"

<i>"Oops, I did it again! I played with your heart~ Got lost in the game! Oh baby, baby!"</i>

This time, the song didn't stop. Ah. Mana could see why. Yuna and Akira were right there in front of her, lips locked, shedding their clothes. So it hadn't worked, had it? The repeated exposure to this perverting song had embedded itself so deeply into their brains that there was simply no turning back anymore. Break the magic cast upon them? It mattered naught. The effects were already there, and - 

She sank to her knees, panting like a dog. She pawed at her chest. Reaching blindly for buttons, trying desperately to unpop them. Get this shirt off. Now. Her skin ached to be touched. Ah, not just touched. Looked at. She wanted others to look at her naked body and - 

"Mana! Grab this!"

A rope flopped over her midsection. Mana grabbed onto it with both hands and looked back to see - Yuna and Akira, standing in the doorway! Huh? Wh-what?

"We shifted out!" Yuna said. "Then when we opened the door -"

"You were there staring at us all weirdly," Akira said. "So we went off to grab some rope, and - Never mind, come on! Get out of there!"

She grabbed on and closed her eyes, then allowed the two of them to pull her out. She wasn't leaving the room, after all. She was being made to leave the room by someone else outside the room! As expected, that didn't trigger the loop, and - She was out... But at what cost?

"I... Am... going to give Chao... Such a spanking!" Mana warned ominously, then rebuttoned her shirt and stomped off, barely refraining from deliberately flipping her own skirt so the whole world could see her panties.

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