Monday, 21 November 2022

Story: FGI Akane


Okay. So this was yet another new responsibility that had been foisted on her by this stupid, dumb badge. Build a dick for Ranma! It technically was her fault that the old one was now in the possession of someone with a bone to pick with him. Which, uh, might not be the best phrasing to use right now, come to think of it.

It did make her wonder what would happen if, say, Ranma was able to retrieve his old penis from Mousse. It wasn't like the stupid thing was destroyed or lost forever or anything. This was just a temporary measure, probably. Yeah. That's the ticket. If she just made a temporary replacement until he got his old junk back, that would be fine. And then, if he couldn't get it back, then - then that would be fine as well! He could keep the temporary penis forever!

"You gonna get on with this already or what?" Ranma asked. Urgh! She had half a mind to give him a small one for that outburst. Did he forget who had the authority around here?

Well, whatever. She still had to do something about Mousse's penis as well. Goodness. What had her life become?

"Alright, I'm giving you a new penis," Akane said, unable to believe she'd just said that aloud. Then, in front of her, Ranma spontaneously sort of... Started to grow a new dick. Sort of. It was kind of like a wire mesh, and as Akane stared at it, the shape and size of it began to shift and change, as if she was looking through a variety of available selections. "Uh...?"

So it really wasn't going to be that simple? She had to <i>design</i> Ranma's dick too? W-Well! Let's be reasonable about that! Oh gosh, she could barely manage to look, she had no idea there was that much variety! It was the size that was different, really, when you get right down to it. Which makes sense. There weren't that many different shapes they could be, right?

On the one hand she could be quite petty to Ranma. On the other, she was pretty sure the badge and the forces behind it would be annoyed if she punished Ranma unduly. It might be seen as an abuse of her power. In which case... Let's give Ranma a reasonably sized shaft and balls. Not that she knew what that looked like. Um! L-Let's see! About this big maybe? And this long? Oh, better give it a bit of girth as well, and - Huh? There were a couple of bars alongside it too. Stamina... refractory period...

Akane blushed as she realised what those meant. Uh... She'd leave those high as well. All those other bars, too. She didn't even want to read them, she just wanted to get this over with.

<i>"New Penis has been assigned!"</i> the badge's voice said. <i>Both Ranma and Mousse's new penis are now active!"</i> 

"Wait, both Ranma and Mousse...?" Akane asked, right as the wire mesh became actual, factual flesh. She'd been assigning a penis to both of them at the same time?! What?! "I thought it was just for Ranma!"

"Whew, nice!" Ranma said, looking down at himself with great appreciation. "To be honest, I didn't think you could do a better job than my old one, but that looks pretty great!"

On checking, Akane found that she still had Mousse's dick in her possession. It twitched at her touch, which was - ew, gross! Uh, what should she do with this thing now? Could he still feel through this? Could Ranma still feel through his?

"Urggggh, my balls are aching!" Ranma said out of nowhere. "Man, it feels like they're filling up fast."

Akane turned towards him, and it turned out that was a big mistake. The second her eyes fell upon his spontaneously erect shaft and huge, swollen balls, she felt a twinge of... Something. Her mouth opened of its own accord. Her tongue shot out and licked the shaft. Yum!

Wait. Yum? She was... mmmm... licking Ranma's... Mmmm... Penis... His new, apparently delicious penis... Without noticing what she was doing, Akane started to rub Mousse's disconnected dick while she lost herself in the moment, kissing and licking and preparing to blow Ranma right there, without any idea why she was -

<i>"Pheromone production is maximised! Owing to high refractory period, Ranma Saotome must climax regularly for the sake of his own health!"</i>

Oh. It was her fault again, was it? Well... At least there was some chemical making her brain like it this time. That was more than she could say for other 'inspections' she'd performed!


How frustrating! For a Genital Inspector to appear right as Mousse was about to escape with his target!  Bah. How humiliating! On the other hand, he'd managed to get away with it. Kidnapping Akane Tendo! He regarded the girl (actually a pig plush) with care.

"I have no quarrel with you, Akane Tendo," he told the inanimate object. He slapped it with Ranma's penis, still uncertain of what it actually was. "However, your fiance has irked me, and therefore I have taken that which is most precious to him! Now, he will have no choice but to come and fight me to get you back!"

His plan was simplicity itself. He would threaten Akane with water from the spring of drowned duck - or at least he'd make it seem that way. Actually it would be ordinary water. No need to bring in outside civilians - if he did, then the Chinese government would pitch a fit and put his head on a spike! Probably do the same for the whole village, too! That was before mentioning what his conscience would do to him if a bystander got cursed.

That being said, he had brought along some actual water to help sell the trick. That would help convince Ranma that she was in mortal peril, kukuku! From there, he'd have to renounce his claim on Shampoo, and turn her over to him!

There were several things wrong with this plan which are worth pointing out. Firstly, Ranma literally cannot renounce his claim on Shampoo, so he's misunderstood his own village's laws right from the word go. Secondly, if Ranma actually did want to marry Shampoo instead of Akane, why would he give a damn about him cursing her? That even ignores the obvious fact that Mousse didn't actually have Akane at all!

Not that Mousse was in much of a mind to argue the point as suddenly, quite without explanation, it felt like he was getting a sloppy, overly enthusiastic handjob from a girl who didn't know her own strength. Such an experience can be best described as 'intensely arousing' yet also 'intensely painful'. As such... it might be a hot minute before he gets to properly sending out his invite to the circus, the second stage of his multi-doomed plan.

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