Sunday, 5 July 2020

Story: NGE Drive

No to belabour the point, but Asuka was a rather proud girl. Some might call it arrogance, but she would merely say it was an accurate evaluation of her self worth. You know the spiel by now. Pretty, smart, confident, naturally gifted.

"A body like this would be put to better use not being part of a flower art show!" Asuka yelled as flowers were arranged on, and somehow affixing themselves to, her body. "Hrmph! It would be better if I was the one arranging flowers on all of you! I'd make you into a display the likes of which you'd never imagine!"

"Ooh, that sounds fun!" Mari said. "We look forward to your work."

And then she plomped a lily right onto Asuka's cleavage. That smirk on her face. Was Mari really under Hikari's control? Or was it more like the other way around? Asuka wouldn't put it past her, she barely knew this girl but she seemed to be the kind of pervert that would get off on pretending to be controlled while actually doing the controlling.

A strange tingling sensation flowed into her chest, from the lily and spreading outwards. Huh? What was this feeling all of a sudden?

"Ooh, look!" one of the girls cooed. "That lily atop her bosom, it has such a natural appeal to the female gaze."

"Its implications of lesbianism are subtle, yet entrancing," another added. And... Huh. The girls in the club were all staring quite intensely at Asuka's boobs all of a sudden. Understandable. They were quite nice breasts, especially after all this happened - But that was besides the point!

"Hey, Mistress Doll," Asuka hissed, then felt like kicking herself for adding that title. "Aren't you going to do something?!"

"Very well, I shall assist you."

Hah! Now they were for it. Asuka might not like the doll, but the two of them were pretty tough. If these two cooperated, these perverted flower arrangers would learn their place in no time -

A flower was dropped so that its stem fell into Asuka's buttcrack, the flower itself resting neatly atop.

"There," Rei said, calm and stoic as ever. She was holding up her hands so that her index fingers and thumbs formed a square. As if taking a picture of Asuka's butt.

"Very good, Rei!" Mari crooned, hugging onto the blue haired girl so tight you'd swear she was about to hump - Never mind, she actually was starting to hump Rei now. "Since this was a team effort, is it okay if I name it? I'd call it 'Awakening Sub Tendencies'!"

"H-hey, I'm not a sub!" Asuka yelled. "I completely dommed that Angel, and- "

"Bad slut," Rei said, spanking Asuka square on the butt, causing her to climax on the spot. D-Dammit, how did she do that?! Next, she grabbed hold of Asuka's boobs and, shit, how did she do that again?! "I thought so," Rei whispered in Asuka's ear, then made a show of nibbling on her earlobe. "The flowers are filled with the same energy that is corrupting everyone. They are making your body extremely -"

Another smack, this time followed by a squeeze. Ah, if she had been someone else she would not have been standing! She should have gone with Shinji, at least then she could have harassed him and dommed the Angel instead of being the one that was getting harassed and dommed!

"-Sensitive," Rei said when she was finished copping a feel.

Anyway, she was making a good point. That would explain why the flowers were sticking to her body. It would explain why these lilies were apparently the best thing since sliced bread. Hrmph! So, in other words these flowers were having this weird effect on her body and making her feel so damned good when she was subbing for Rei? Alright! Let's see what happens when we dump these tied together white camellia on her head!

"Awww, she's adorable!"

D-Dammit, she was! Completely adorable! The instant the crown of flowers touched Rei's head, it was as if she'd somehow become much, much cuter all of a sudden! It was making for a really hard time here, for Asuka to dom her the way that she should!

"White camellias mean 'you are adorable'," Mari whispered, slipping behind Asuka and dropping a sweet woodruff in the crack of her ass. "Don't you even know that much, supposed genius?"

"O-Of course I knew that," Asuka huffed. "It would have been too easy for me to dom Rei the way she so desperately needs, so I decided to make it harder for myself."

Woah, weird. She was feeling something else creeping in her now. Humility. Where was that coming from? Asuka shook it off, and leaned over with her hands on her hips, glaring down at Rei.

"Hmph! As if you could ever be a long term dom," Asuka huffed. "How are you supposed to be, when you barely feel anything? A doll can't pull its own strings, so how are you... supposed to..."

Dammit, not fair! Rei, giving her the puppy dog eye treatment, that was a low blow! The humility was stronger now, ah, what was this feeling, where was it coming from? How should she make it stop?!

"Sweet woodruffs mean humility," Rei said, reaching behind Asuka to pluck the flower out of her butt. Ah! The feeling faded as soon as she did. "Please do not get distracted. Recall our true enemy."

Right. She was right. Rei was completely correct, she was getting distracted from the real enemy. Not Rei, not the girls in this flower arranging club, that slutty bitch Mari who was only pretending to be under Hikari's heel so she could manipulate the girl more effectively.

"Come here, you!" Asuka snarled, whirling Mari around and pulling her over her lap. Then, she drew back her hand and smacked the girl hard on the ass. "Corrupt my friend like that, would you?"

"Hrm? You want me to corrupt your friend?" Mari asked. Earning another smack from Asuka. "Ooh! A little to the left, that's where it would really hurt." Asuka snarled and deliberately went a little to the right with her next one, purely out of spite.

Alas, that didn't seem to really do much. This bitch was getting off on Asuka smacking her bottom. Worse still, she was noticing that her hand was lingering a little bit longer on that soft inviting flesh a touch longer than she'd intended. If hse kept this up, she'd be corrupted as well...

But Asuka wasn't a genius for nothing. She grabbed hold of the flower in Rei's hand, and returned the favour a little, placing it in the cleft of Mari's butt.

"There we go, how about a little humility?" Asuka asked. "What's good for the goose -"

"Oh, please goose me some more!" Mari wiggled her butt around, as if begging for Asuka to continue playing with it. Wh-what's with this girl?! Shouldn't she be feeling ashamed right now? Instead her behaviour was making Asuka feel self conscious. Really self conscious. Absurdly so. A feeling that didn't get any better when Mari lifted her butt and pushed it right onto Asuka's face, in fact the feeling was getting worse and worse by the second.

"That is quite enough," Rei said, pulling Mari away. "It is clear that you have an immunity to this kind of effect. Instead, you are somehow reflecting it back onto Asuka."

"I don't know what you me~ean," Mari said. She wiggled her butt back and forth, and Asuka could plainly see tha tthe flower wasn't there anymore. "By the way. It's on your forehead. Have fun removing it."

Her forehead. Guh! Asuka reached up, her hand trembling, and found that there was indeed a flower on her forehead. But it was stuck! Completely stuck, wouldn't move an inch and even when she tried to scrape it with her fingernails she had the impression that it was not damaged at all!

"B-But I should be the domme..." Asuka whimpered as this feeling of abject and total self awareness invaded her mind, making her feel small and weak, and also sort of turned on by that. "I'm the domme, not the sub! Let me domme you already!"

"Ah-ah-ah!" Mari wagged her finger. "Mistress Hikari wanted to see the display you'd make, right? And, you did make a promise didn't you? That you would make the club members into a display the likes of which they'd never imagine?"

She said that. But Asuka wasn't sure. Something about her behaviour made it seem like Mari might be the one that was really in control around here, and was only playing around under Hikari for the sake of her own amusement.

And then, as if to make things worse, Mari placed a tall sunflower in Rei's cleavage.

"Haughtiness," she said by way of explanation, and you could already see it in Rei's body language. Straightening up and sort of looking down her nose at Asuka. "Let's see how much longer you can say you want to be a domme now."

  1. Let's keep going with this.
  2. Shinji walks in on Maya railing Ritsuko
  3. More invaders arrive.
  4. Let's look in on Hikari
  5. Something else

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