If there was anything Issei absolutely didn't want to do it was to use his inexplicable hypno-dick to alter the minds of his new friends and lovers in the Occult Research Club. Seeing Rias' eyes glazing over like that as her mind blatantly emptied out right before his eyes was... both extremely hot and extremely wrong. To think that his boosted gear could push the hypnotic effect to the point it overcame a devil's natural resistance to hypnosis!
Sure, it was one thing if it were something like consensual roleplay, but the sort of power to twist a girl’s mind with a single glance of one’s dick wasn’t something he wanted! It was far too tempting! Even if it didn’t end up with the victim going all cock-crazy like Aika, he would still be scared. This was the sort of slippery slope sort of power, the one that could easily lead to you abusing it a little more every day. He didn’t want to wake up one day and notice that he had become the villain in a Netorare Hentai!
"Reverse it!" he pleaded. And so it was. He felt his cock shrinking, the power waning as a form of magic washed over his body. Ah, this made things so much better! That reversing magic combined with his Gear had probably reduced his cock back down to a regular, non-hypnotic size.
"That was a close one!" Issei laughed. "Huh, wait a minute, my voice sounds weird... Also, what are you guys all staring at all of a sudden?"
"We are staring at your breasts..." the girls said in perfect unison, voices distant and oddly dreamlike.
"My... breasts?" Issei repeated. Then looked down. Ah. Ah! That wasn't - Aaaargh! Issei boggled at them and... woah, these were some nice big tits, weren't they? They'd torn this shirt apart as easily as his cock would have torn through his shorts if he hadn't taken them off when he had. She had? Uh... This body was pretty feminine, now that he thought about it. That must be what was up with his voice as well.
As a connoisseur of breasts Issei could hardly help but cop a feel. How could he forgive herself if he didn't? Or something. Whatever! Gendered pronouns didn't seem all that important all of a sudden.
"Oohhh! Tits are awesome!" Issei moaned while groping these wonderful mounds.
“Tiiits are awesome!” All the girls shouted in unison, his words sinking into their brains and becoming just as obvious to them as the fact that water was wet. Not that Issei noticed. He was too caught up in the pleasure she was feeling. These breasts were as sensitive as they were perfect, and that said a hell of a lot!
"Issei, control yourself!"
Huh? That voice came from... behind him? Akeno? She grabbed onto Issei from behind, pulling the back of her head into her own voluminous cleavage. Though its softness didn't even begin to compare.
"Don't fall under the influence of those wonderful corrupting tits," Akeno said, her hands slipping around Issei to put her hands over his. "Oooh! Do not trade in your girth and hard manhood for this tender, yielding, pleasant... Warm..."
Akeno’s hands had wandered and now she was massaging Issei’s gigantic breasts with abandon. Her eyes had glazed over and her tongue was hanging out like she were a dog sticking her head out of a moving car. There was a distinctly erotic appeal to the way she was speaking now.
But before he could really dwell on that, Issei sort of... poofed back to normal. Well, no. that's the wrong onomatopoeia. More like he popped back. His cock was harder than it had ever been, and Issei couldn't help but groan from how stiff it felt.
"Akeno... Would you please?" he asked. Before the question was even finished her mouth was on him, bobbing up and down. Oh yeah.... That's the stuff. Damn, she was even more enthusiastic than normally. Issei grunted as the dark haired girl gobbled his cock up with visible pleasure.
So you learn something new every day. If someone had asked Tsubasa yesterday if there were such things as hypnotic genitals, she would have laughed at the very notion. It would be so... immature and puerile
Well don't let it be said that something immature and puerile couldn't exist in reality. Honestly, whatever devil, mage or otherwise came up with this perverted magic might well be a genius but, by all that was unholy, they were letting their hormones lead the way.
Now that the tits were gone and the cock was being swallowed by Akeno, Tsubasal was able to shake it off a little bit. Let's take stock here. She was horny. Really, really stupidly horny. But she was in control over her own faculties. Ugh, but she was stupid horny right now! She grabbed Rias by the arm and turned away from the copulating couple.
"What's going on here, Gremory?" she asked.
Rias blinked, clearly somewhat shaken by the earlier events. But after shaking her head a few times, she appeared to regain her balance and smiled with surprising calm. “Hehe, well it appears his unique skill becomes a bit troublesome when combined with his boosted Gear. And it looks like your magic isn’t really the right trick to counter it, what a shame.”
“How can you be so calm, he had us all by the balls.. Ehh.. all but begging to kiss… to suck.. argh you know what I mean!” So damn horny, and she kept going back to <i>that cock</i> and <i>these tits</i>. What she wouldn’t do to have a taste of either.. no bad brain, bad hormones!
“Now now, Issei is not a bad boy. And it isn’t like there are any long term effects, just a bit of.. Distractedness.” Rias answered.
“That isn’t fair, it is my turn to suck his cock next!” Koneko shouted, cat ears flicking like she were an angry kitty. “His big, tasty, hard cock..” she said while licking her lips.
“No long term effects you say?” Tsubasa questioned and Rias smile turned just a touch strained. "Well, I'm going to have to report this to Sona, and then we'll see what she has to say about this!"
She expected the girl to stop her, but to Tsubasa's surprise she didn't even budge in that direction. Didn't say anything either. Right. Okay then. That gave Tsubasa all the time she needed to think about how she was going to formulate this report. Gave her time to think about what she was going to say. About that great big hypno-dick. About those wonderful hypno-tits. And about that cock when he boosted it, making it even bigger. Even more perfect...
"Ara, Miss Tsubasa... are you quite alright?" Kiba asked. He smiled at her as she leaned onto him to support herself. Her legs felt weak. Ridiculously weak. J-Just the memory of that boosted cock was driving her wild! "Leaving already? I can't imagine miss Sitri will be content with only knowing so much. That is, assuming that she believes it in the first place."
"Out of my way," Tsubasa grumbled, pushing him aside. To her surprise the boy didn't even resist. Why was that? What was going on here? She'd heard Sona talk at length about how powerful Rias Gremory's Pieces were, so why were they letting her leave without a fight?
The answer came to her as she heard the distinctive sound of both Issei and Akeno cumming. It was because they knew that she wouldn't be able to simply walk away like this. Not after seeing that boosted cock. It felt like it was wrapped all around her body, even now! Ahhhh, like a warm blanket she could snuggle up inside while her head rested on those magnificent breasts as pillows...
"Tits are awesome," she mumbled, staggering to a halt and making ready to turn around before suddenly slapping herself hard in the face. No! Don't give in that easily!
"Ah! Tsubasa!" Issei suddenly called out. "Are you going already? I don't think we've figured out the limits of my Gear yet!"
The... Limits... of his Gear? A new thought crossed her mind. What if she hadn't seen the limits of his Gear yet? It was something Sona always said: Only a fool thinks themselves strategically prepared if they go into battle on incomplete information. Deep breath. Deep breath. She was the analyst of the council. With the power to reverse the effects of magic. So far she'd only seen a taste of what his hypnocock could manage.
So...? What else could he do? Why had her reverse ability transformed him into a girl with hypnotits? Had it reversed the hypnocock effect, or his Gear? Right now if she went back then she'd be giving Sona incomplete information. Which could prove troublesome if they ever got into a fight with this guy and his hypnotic cock.
"Ah, I see that you're not leaving after all," Rias said, sounding quite smug for some reason. She leaned in and whispered to Tsubasa, who was watching with care as Koneko crawled atop Issei's cock to get her turn. "The king of breasts cannot be denied."
"Oh! Tsubasa! Do you think you could teach me how to switch into a girl at will? That might be kind of useful. In finding out more detail about my Gear, I mean!"
Everyone present, even though they were under his thrall, could hardly help but shake their heads in amusement. Okay, so he might not be willing to take deliberate advantage of the hypnotic aspects of his cock, but the boy was still a pervert through and through.
- It turns out that Sona didn't only send Tsubasa to keep an eye on things, as she's smarter than that. Someone else from the council is eavesdropping.
- Tsubasa maintains control as best she can by using her reverse ability.
- Tsubasa manages to resist falling for, oh, about thirty seconds before she's as broken and horny as the rest of them.
- Back with Aika and her new big titted friend.
- Something else
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