Monday, 2 January 2017

Story: Happosai's Corrupting Influence

In this world, size counts for a lot more than people like to pretend. It's a simple pattern of human recognition. If something good is bigger, then that means there is more of it, therefore it is better.

At this particular moment in time Kamijou Touma was staring at some very big things in abject disbelief: A parfait that was as tall as he was, and the large, shiny and happy eyes of a certain girl dressed up like a nun. Her name was Index, for she was, in essence, a walking index for a huge number of magical tomes who could summon that knowledge more or less at will, but could never actually cast any of the spells.

For some people their eyes are bigger than their stomachs. In Index's case there probably wasn't anything in the universe bigger than her stomach. Between her unusual attire and the size of the dessert in front of her, was it any wonder they were drawing a lot of attention?

Her stomach growled. It sounded a lot like the word "consume" to the discerning ear. How on earth had she persuaded him to buy her something so ridiculous? It had emptied his wallet in one go. Making it as tiny as her eyes, stomach, parfait and audience were big.

"O Holy Mother, we accept this miraculous bounty," Index offered in wide-eyed prayer. "Truly, it is evidence of divine presence on this mortal plane."

"Please enjoy!" Touma said. Index licked her lips, grabbed a spoon in each hand and opened up nice and wide, then started shovelling the parfait in, spoonful by spoonful into the ravenous, endless abyss that was her digestive system. It was at once both horrifying and compelling, he couldn't even bear to look away out of fear that he might somehow accidentally get snared by her spoons of doom without Index even noticing.

Speaking of not noticing, an old man said, "Pardon me, forgot your syrup," emptied out something over the parfait and hopped out of the window before Touma even noticed something was amiss. Now, that was the sort of thing that might make him normally have a more immediate reaction but he was just a trifle distracted by -

"Wait, Index, stop eating!" he yelled. One would have more fortune in telling the moon to cease its orbit by yelling at it. At the very least there were probably spells that could cause that very effect. Touma wasn't sure any spell could stop Index from eating. His words certainly didn't. He picked the parfait off the table to try and stop her. There was no telling what was in that 'syrup'!

"Nom!" Index yelled, and suddenly Touma's hand was being chewed on by an irate and hungry nun. She growled around his hand like a dog and stared up at him with challenging eyes.

"I'm not trying to steal your food," he tried to explain. "That creepy old man just dumped something in your parfait, and - Uh... Are your clothes getting smaller?"

Nope! They most certainly were not. Index's robes were fairly loose, they hid her figure tremendously well under normal conditions. Which these plainly were not. It seemed to Touma as though her chest was rising, like a deep breath had been taken that had no limits. To his utter disbelief the front of her robes began to pull apart, revealing a whole lot of neckline and the edges of a pair of breasts that he was certain were not that big before.

"Mmmf... Touma..." Index whimpered. Now instead of trying to eat his hand, she was... Kissing it? He eyed the parfait warily and tried to hold it away from himself using his other hand. What was in that stuff?! Whatever it was he didn't want any of it on him! "I feel strange. I need something. So hungry, never felt this kind of hunger before."

This leaves young Touma in quite the problem. You see, he rather liked Index. He thought she was cute, he thought she was fun to hang around with, and he also thought that she didn't feel the same way for him that he felt for her, so he never acted on it. The paradox being that she kind of felt the same way, and didn't make her feelings known for the same reason.

This had to be an effect from the spell, right? Causing her breasts to swell up like that, to the point that even a glimpse at them was making it difficult for him to look away. It was a transparently perverted spell, that just so happened to be offering him something he actually wanted for quite a while. Yet was it really Index that was expressing those desires?

"Index, snap out of it!" he admonished, trying to pull away with rather limited success. For that wasn't really the problem he was having. It was simply a side note, context for the real issue. "This is the spell making you feel this way."

"Mmm... I like feeling this way!" Index whimpered, quite erotically.

"In that case... Hold onto this parfait for a moment, please?"

"Okay!" Index chirped. She took the parfait, freeing up his hand. His right hand.

For those not in the know: Imagine Breaker is a potent power that existed within Touma's right hand. When he brings it into contact with something supernatural or magical, he can completely negate it. His hand acts as a kind of "normaliser" that returns something to an inherently natural state of being, and right at this moment that hand was reaching out towards a place he never thought he might intentionally touch:

Index's chest.

"Gosh, aren't they forward?" someone else in the cafe mumbled.

"Young today, they're quite bold," another whispered.

"Foreplay out in public, the shame of it!" another outright said without lowering their voice in the slightest.

"Ohhh, Touma..." Index whimpered and squirmed in place, holding his hand against her enhanced bosom. "It feels pleasant when you touch me there."

... Nothing happened. Could it be that this wasn't a magical effect, but something else? Or maybe he'd been too late and the spell had already normalised. Her breasts were just as big as before. They were also much, much softer than he had been anticipating even through the robes. His fingers squeezed on reflex. He really should let go of them. This was getting quite embarrassing. Index puckered her lips and waited. It was so tempting. He should just give in. It's what they both want, after all...

But for one thing. Touma... Is a rather brilliant tactician.

"We should find that old man first," Touma whispered. It took virtually every reserve of willpower he had, but there it was. "I don't think we could enjoy ourselves if he was still out there causing trouble. Could we?"

Index trembled. Oh ,no! If she looked at him with those same big eyes she'd viewed the parfait with, he might well allow her to eat him whole! "You want the old man?" she asked. "Before you can sate this strange hunger I feel?" Her eyes flickered up at him, and Touma reeled. Such a high level of fighting spirit! He'd never sensed this from her before, it was so incredibly intense. "Then the old man I shall bring you! Wait for me, Touma, I shall not be long!"

She ran out the front door like a bat out of hell. Touma slumped back into his seat and took several deep, deep breaths.

"Aren't you going after her?" the customer behind him asked.

"In a minute," Touma replied, adjusting his trousers. "I, uh... Just need to calm down a little first."

  1. Index encounters some other girls she knows, winds up infecting them.
  2. Resuming the chase, Index introduces herself to Ranma and Ukyo.
  3. Ryoga and Akane get checked out.
  4. Shampoo and Yami's misadventures!
  5. Nabiki notices something odd going on.
  6. Something else


  1. Just so you know, Touma (or any Index/Railgun characters) doesn't really do "calling out attacks", so having say "Imagine Breaker" is kinda jarring. He would just touch Index without a word and then see that whatever Happosai did, IB can't undo it.

    1. Thanks, that's helpful. If you can offer other suggestions, dialogue tweaks and the like to make them more in character that could also be quite useful.

  2. Well done, well done.

    Now how to explain their presence in... I think the city this takes place in is Tokyo and the various schools are supposed to be in different districts? Huh, holiday... or maybe a school exchange program? Or are they on a mission of some sort.

    Hmmmmm.... you know, earlier someone suggested Shokugeki no Soma, right? That makes me think it would be amusing if they won a free menu in some high class restaurant, but were thrown out because Index complained about the tiny portions.
