Monday, 22 August 2016

Story: Double Trouble

As much fun as the doubled-up tsundere couple is to watch interacting with their past/future selves, there were other people living in this home who had their own internal reactions to this completely bizarre and unexpected turn of events. Perhaps "people" was the wrong word; "characters" may fit better.

Two of them in particular were in what would become their normal place, on either end of a shogi board testing one another's wit, will and capacity to cheat. These two being, of course... Kasumi and Nabiki, playing in the former's bedroom. What? Were you expecting a pair of idiot fathers? Hardly. These two sisters played rather regularly, but didn't make such a big show of it. For Nabiki, it was a chance to exercise her mind. For Kasumi, a chance to bond with her troublesome little sister.

"Your move," Kasumi demurely said. She was sitting politely and serenely on her knees. Upright, angelic, completely innocent. "Oh my, this is quite the mess, isn't it? To think that Akane would wind up engaged to such an interesting young man."

"'Interesting' is hardly the word," Nabiki sniffed. In contrast to her sister she was lying down, resting hand on cheek and staring a hole through the board, its pieces and the floor beneath yet still looking as cool as ice. She moved her piece. "Here I was getting intrigued. Turns out he's better suited for the boy-hater."

"And then their future selves turns up," Kasumi concluded, immediately moving her piece as soon as Nabiki had let go of hers. "That sort of issue is bound to complicate any relationship."

"Uncuuuuuuute!" yelled Ranma the younger in an apt demonstration of the Doppler effect, assisted by a rather well-executed haymaker that sent him flying by the window of Kasumi's room. Kasumi turned to look, as did Nabiki, but the younger sister took the time to switch some pieces around to give herself a more immediate advantage.

"'Complicate.' That's a good choice of words..." Nabiki drummed her fingers, then made a more legitimate move. Outside, Ranma landed in the garden. "I'm having trouble seeing how they got to a wedding in the first place."

Kasumi stared at the board and scowled. That is, scowled for Kasumi. That meant she just wasn't smiling quite as brightly or sincerely. "They must grow more mature as time goes on," she sated as she made her move. "Did you notice? The older Akane cut her hair short. I suppose that must mean she gave up on trying to copy me so much. That's a good sign. It means she's growing up."

"Ranma Saotome!" yelled Akane the elder. "Watch where you touch the younger me! Idiot!"

Nabiki automatically ran to the window, grabbed a camera seemingly out of nowhere and made as if to take pictures of the scene out in the garden. Then her shoulders slumped and she returned to the game, disappointed. While she was gone Kasumi had moved one of Nabiki's pieces a single solitary square, but enough to throw off the younger sister's strategy.

"You noticed she was copying you?" Nabiki asked. Now it was her turn to frown at the board, but she dismissed the possibility that Kasumi would cheat. Wasn't the sort. She instead made her move.

"Of course," Kasumi beamed. "She's my little sister. I notice that sort of thing. I didn't say anything because she had to mature on her own. Nobody can force her to grow up."

"What did you do that for?" yelled Akane the younger.

"Because you dunked me in the pond!" replied Ranma the younger, female form. "Bleeegh! Uncute! Why would I ever want to put myself out of the way to protect you? Ow!"

"Honestly! You're worse than the mirror copy of my girl form..." Ranma the elder, male form yelled. There was a brief bit of silence, and then he said. "Long story. Stay away from creepy-looking mansions when it's raining. You'll save yourself a lot of grief."

"Oh, goodness!" Akane the elder gasped. "I'd almost forgotten about that! Oh, what a headache."

"I think her future self might force her to," Nabiki stroked her chin, deep in thought. "If they've really been through as much as it seems, our little sister may become more mature than we expect before we even... Hrm..."

Kasumi sighed. She could already spot the yen signs forming behind Nabiki's twinkling eyes. Oh, dear. Oh dear, oh dear! It seemed as though Akane wasn't the only little sister with some growing up to do. Still. Just as Kasumi had expressed about Akane: Nobody can force her to grow up. Nabiki would have to become more mature all on her own.

So, where were the two idiot fathers? Where else? Out for a drink, of course. It really had been years since the two of them had met up, and the best way for a pair of old friends to catch up is to drink it up and swap stories while having a good laugh. You'll be all up to date before you even know it, partly because you won't be able to see straight within about three to four hours.

"That's quite the boy you've raised, Saotome!" Soun Tendo laughed it up, slapping his friend on the back right at the moment he was trying to take a drink. "I was a little worried he wouldn't take to any of my daughters, but it's clear he and Akane have quite the connection already! Haha!"

Genma choked a little, but soon enough he was also drunkenly laughing. "Yes, that caught me by surprise as well," Genma admitted, which was quite a rare thing for someone as arrogant and pigheaded as him. "To think those two would appear like that out of nowhere. But it's quite reassuring. With their help we could speed things along quickly."

"On the contrary, Shaotome," Soun slurred. He wagged his finger in his friend's face, and Genma wobbled in tune with it, seemingly under the belief that the entire room was shaking in time with that finger. "Thish meansh we don't need to rush at all! Think about it. All our children need to see is how they get on shoooo well within a few years and they'll shtart up themselvesh! They might be shy now, but in no time at all..."

"They'll be wed before they know it!" Genma hiccupped. "Haha! Smart thinking, Tendo! To be honest my boy is a stubborn sort, and he's only been getting worse since we visited China. Do you know, he even tried running when I told him about the engagement? Ungrateful! A relationship with your daughter is just the sort of thing he needs right now after all that nonsense in China."

Yes, Soun could but imagine. The poor boy must have been through quite the ordeal, travelling through China with such a bizarre curse. Oh, it truly must be a terrible thing to endure, especially for one at his age. Hormonal confusion, the psychological effects... Yes, Soun could see why Genma would feel that way. And, at the same time, a relationship with a boy like Ranma would be good for Akane as well. Given her trouble at school, and the apparent interest the boys there had in dating her, this might help reassure her that not all boys are so... single minded.

Of course, Soun hadn't the fainted idea that the two of them had been through worse of late than he was imagining. He did not know about Shampoo and Genma wasn't about to tell him there was a homicidal warrior woman out there honour bound to kill Ranma. Nor did Akane ever tell Soun that she had to endure a series of morning attacks from the athletic portion of the school due to the moronic proclamation of an arrogant buffoon.

If he had, maybe he would have rethought whether this tactic was going to actually work out the way he expected. Maybe. Or maybe he'd have stuck with it anyway because it would hardly make things worse. People are like that. They make their minds up about something and then justify the decision after the fact.

"Here's to the joining of the schools!" Soun toasted. He chuckled away to himself. Yes, this turn of events could surely turn out for the best for everyone involved.

The foursome get into an argument
Sleeping arrangements are made
Next morning, off to school
Something else

1 comment:

  1. Heh, always nice when Kasumi is ever-so-slightly naughty. :)
