Thursday, 14 January 2016

Story: Sexy Secret Santa Rosario + Vampire

Secret Santa Rosario
Hehehe! Stupid perverted magic, thinking it could pull one over on a succubus! Kurumu held her head up high, but not too high or Mizore might well wind up seeing her. Anyway. Now that Mizore had bought the lingerie, Kurumu was curious to see where the ice-cold stalker went next.

'Buying lingerie definitely confirms some of my suspicions,' Kurumu thought while pressing herself up against the corner of a wall, and for just this once mildly regretting the fact that she had such a <b>spectacular</b> pair of tits. But only mildly! Trying to hide was literally the only situation where having a rack like this was even remotely an obstacle -

Up ahead of her Mizore stopped and tilted her head. Ah! Oh, no! Movement like that probably meant that she was about to - Kurumu quickly ducked inside the store she was walking by, just as her archrival turned around. Success! Both in dodging being observed, and also from falling for the seductive charms of this powerful, sexy spell that had been cast over all of them!

"Well, there's a young woman trying to hide from someone if ever I've seen one."

Huhwhatnow? Kurumu turned around and looked up at a smiling old woman standing really uncomfortably close. Ah! It very nearly made her jump right out of her skin! Who knew people in the human world could be so, so scary?

"Hmm? Tailing that pretty young thing over there, were we?" the old woman continued. "Ah, I understand. A rival in love, no doubt. Concerned over what she's getting your mutual interest for Christmas, yes? Well, it's not my place to question a customer! My job is to make sure you leave this store completely and totally sat-is-fied!"

"Ah!" Kurumu gasped. "Well, that really isn't necessary. I'm sure I'll find something -"

"Oh, but I do insist, my dear!" the shop assistant said, suddenly thrusting something into Kurumu's arms. "Here. This is a quick and easy disguise kit. Follow the instructions and you'll be another person in no time flat. You'll be able to follow your rival to make sure your gift is definitely better, and she won't even be any the wiser."

A disguise kit? Oho! Now, the innocent act on Kurumu's pretty little face melted away into something more sinister. Oh, yes! A disguise kit was exactly what the doctor ordered. She could walk right next to Mizore and never be recognised, and the best part of all was that she wouldn't even need to expend any youkai, which might well risk her falling under the influence of the erotic spell she was struggling against. Yes, this purchase had absolutely no downsides whatsoever!

"I'll take it!" Kurumu said. "Fufufufu... Mizore, you won't ever see this coming, because now you won't even be able to recognise me at all!"

"Oh, and I forgot to mention," the shopkeeper said. "We were having a sale on today. Since you bought that special disguise kit, you also get a free mirror. Just like the one you're already holding. Happy hunting, Miss!"

A mirror? Pft, whatever. Kurumu already had plenty of mirrors. She didn't need one, especially one with a blood red tint on it... And was that frame around it meant to make it look like a gaping maw? Honestly, how vile! Then again, maybe she could make the best of a bad situation? This sort of thing was exactly the sort of thing that Moka might like? Oh yes, mmm, a mirror like this was exactly the sort of... Thing...

Kurumu's entire body shuddered in delight. She wasn't even thinking right now that Moka was the name that she'd drawn from the hat. She wasn't even thinking that the spell had gotten her in a completely roundabout way. All the young succubus was thinking right now, at this moment, was that she had better make sure to give this awful-looking mirror to Moka as her secret gift.

And then there was one. Tsukune's cousin Kyoko Aono, who process of elimination tells us must have drawn Mizore's name from the hat, and that in turn Moka had drawn Kyoko's name. The only truly ordinary one in the bunch when you get right down to it, given that Tsukune was -

Well. Anyway. This slightly dopey tomboy knew exactly what she was getting from the moment she drew Mizore's name. With a cackle and a laugh, she'd made a beeline right for the sweets store, and was now marching out with a box underarm and a smirk painted on her face that told the entire story.

"I represent the lollipop guild!" Kyoko sang/cackled to herself. It was funny. She'd seen this collection in the shop window earlier on and thought, "That's dumb! Who could ever possibly want twenty-five lollipops that were all different flavours?"

A girl that was never ever seen without a lollipop in her mouth, of course. Although, on looking at the box, they did have some pretty weird names for flavours.

"Instant Climax, Boob Magnetism, Milky Delight, Love Nectar, Silky Legs..." You get the idea. It really did make her wonder what they tasted like... Except of course that she shouldn't test them out herself. Don't be silly! This was a gift for Mizore, after all. It would be wrong of her to open it. It would be wrong of her to try it out… Even if the names of other flavors would tempt her, like "Multibreast Madness, Zasshono Bounce, Expert Suckers."

To Kurumu, From Tsukune: Copy Camera. Creates life-sized copy of whatever it takes a picture of, though the copies are usually flawed in some way.

To Kyoko, From Moka: Tsundere Potion-flavoured candy. Turns whoever eats it Tsundere for Moka.

To Tsukune, From Mizore: Lustful Lingerie. Grants massive curves to whomever wears it.

To Mizore, From Kyoko: Enchanted Lollipops: While being consumed, a certain spell will be cast on the one consuming the lollipop, but only so long as they have it in their mouth. When the last of it is gone the spell will run out.

To Moka, From Kurumu: Mirror with the following effect. Also... Kurumu was just looking into the mirror, so she may be hit by the effect a little early.

  1. The mirror will reflect the sexual fantasy of whomever looks in it back at them.
  2. The mirror will create an exact duplicate of the person looking into it, except for the fact their gender and gender identity are swapped around.
  3. A person looking into the mirror may duplicate the appearance and skills of whomever looked into the mirror directly before them, adding to their own power in so doing.
  4. The mirror completely unlocks a person's id, in particular the part of them that is interested in sex, up until they look at themselves in another mirror.
  5. A copy is created that happens to be a complete and total nymphomaniac, with all the skills and abilities of the original but absolutely no self control.
  6. Something else

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