Sunday, 10 August 2014

Discussion: NTR 1/2, HHL Ghost Sweeper

Very odd pair won this week. I honestly thought it would be Ranmasexual that won as well, but it got nudged out by NTR1/2.

For NTR 1/2 I think I should focus on the contest between Ranma and Akane over everything else. It's a daunting prospect trying to make it fit the way the series worked while also going in a sexy NTRish direction, but I feel convinced that I can do it. I think Ranma should go in all confident and girly, deliberately teasing Akane by - for example - pouring water on her hiding place or otherwise deliberately trolling her. With Akane silently promising retribution the next day.

Meanwhile, HHL Ghost Sweeper! I actually did update this one recently off my own back, and was expecting Drake Sextant to get back to it before I did. He may not have the chance now. I was thinking it might be kind of funny if Mikami tried to "snap Yokoshima out of it" by giving him a lap dance, which she really gets into, leading to her forgetting for a while why she was doing this in the first place.

However, if anyone reading this is intending to do an update on either of those thread this week please do say and let me know what you're intending to do with them so that I can plan accordingly. And as always, your own suggestions are welcome.


  1. Had a few ideas but nothing really crystalizes. Though, thinking of one possible segway between Yokoshima and Emi, I can envision the outline of a scene that starts with Yokoshima recalling a chapter in the instruction manga he'd been given explaining tricks to get people to start freely talking about their kinkiest sex fantasies, but not quite remembering the details, then cutting to Rick who's nodding as Emi talks about her interest in getting pete to fuck her brains out.
    Rick meanwhile is contemplating weather he want to invest the time and effort into really guiding Emi to express her perversion (With half vampire Pete as the focus) to the point where she can be recruited.
    Then Emi pauses to gush a little about pete: "He practically sparkles!"
    '. . . Ok fuck that shit.' Rick thought.

  2. New episode posted in the NTR 1/2 thread:
