I also have an idea for the Haruna continuation, which takes advantage of the fact that they are in a public bath. I may write that tomorrow, time permitting.
Run Elise Jewelria was an idol. Or if you prefer, a particular kind of celebrity in Japan that typically did Five things.
1: Look pretty
2: Sing
3: Look pretty
4: Dance
5: Look pretty.
Much like other celebrities they had to deal with all manner of hassle. Overeager fans, meaning that they needed to be much more discrete about heading out in public than they might otherwise enjoy. Being very careful about who they associated with, and what they talked about. Even in the privacy of their own homes, because anyone could be just outside the window, anyone could be listening in. A slightly paranoid existance to say the very least.
Still, Run loved the attention. She loved to perform. Loved that she was loved by so many. Though she had originally become an idol to try and capture the attentions of one lucky (lucky, lucky, lucky, seriously I cannot stress this enough) boy over that of the other (really, a ridiculous number) of other girls interested in him, she had now come around to enjoying herself quite a lot.
Run was more than any other idol, though. Most other idols were human. Run was the royalty of a planet named Memorze, and for most of her life whenever Run sneezed this adorable, curvaceous pink eyed idol transformed into a boy by the name of Ren. For most of her life to this point, emphasis must be given. Once they were adults the two split into seperate beings which was much more convenient for both of them, given their wildly differing personalities, hopes, aspirations and crushes.
Having stepped out of the bathroom, Run idly twirled a strand of her long green hair and, with a slight giggle in her voice, said "What was I gonna do again today?" she stopped to think for a moment, and then skipped happily in place eagerly clapping her hands. "Oh yeah! I was gonna meet Kyoko! How silly of me to forget something like that!"
It was funny how she used to hate the girl that had fast established herself as a close friend. The two of them had met during filming for her show, with Run playing the role of an antagonist in some stupidly revealing outfit (though looking back, it didn't seem so bad now for some reason). Run found her impossibly annoying, and couldn't get used to acting up the role of the villain at first - but then she discovered how much they had in common! How could they not become friends after that?
"She's such a great friend," Run sighed. "And cute as a button! Hm... Maybe she'll help work out the best way for me nab Rito..."
Run nodded and skipped off to her room to pick out the cutest outfit for their meeting later on. She could hardly wait!
It was a nice cafe. Positively lovely, and serene. Kyoko made a note to come here more often in future. The atmosphere was agreeable, the staff were friendly, and so far only three people had asked her for an autograph.
Not that she hated her adoring public, but sometimes it was nice to get a bit of a rest. You know?
The bell above the door rang, and her attention lingered on it to see if her expected company had arrived. She was not disappointed. Run stepped inside, and Kyoko raised an eyebrow in interest. There was something a little different about her friend. Her skin looked radiant, and her hair had never been so vibrant. The greenest of grass would be envious of that shade! And once she turned to energetically wave at Kyoko, her pink eyes seemed to shine with excitement.
Run was positively glowing with... happiness? No, not just that. Something else. She considered herself a pretty good read of people, but... Something was a little bit off about Run today. And as the fellow celebrity sat down opposite her at the table with a cutesy grin, Kyoko had to blink as an overpowering and intoxicatingly sweet aroma struck her nostrils.
"Hi Kyoko!" Run giggled. "It's so good to see you!"
"Hello Run," she said, wondering what had set her friend in such a good mood. "How have you been these last few weeks?"
"Oh, ya know. The usual," Run replied, twirling a stray strand of hair around her index finger. "Got concerts, then autograph signings, and school, and stuff. How 'bout you?"
"We've started filming the new season," she said. "Of course, I can't tell you what we have planned - at least not in public - but it should be the most exciting year yet!"
"I can't wait!" Run said emphatically, then leaned forward on the desk with her hands coyly cupping her chin. "But, you got any boyfriends yet?"
"Nope. Though I have had plenty of offers, I simply don't have the time at the moment for a boyfriend. What about yourself? Is your new squeeky clean look another attempt to seduce Rito?"
"Squeeky clean? Oh! Well, no. I just tried out a new kind of body wash. It's totally effective. I'll have to lend you some!"
If it was half as effective on her as it was on Run, then yes. Yes she really did. Except that Kyoko could tell, Run really wanted to talk about Rito. A rather interesting boy that one, in the way that he really shouldn't have been interesting at all. Barely above average looks, with his main positive features being clumsiness and a good heart.
"Alright," Kyoko said, leaning towards her friend conspiratorially. "Let's talk about the best ways for you to seduce Rito, and see if we can't get you to win his heart!"
And maybe while she was at it, she could figure out what was really making her friend so excitable today. Honestly, with the way she was smiling and giggling and bouncing like that... her behaviour was almost certainly contagious!

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