Monday 5 September 2022

Story: Tunnel of Lust Love

If they weren't cross before, at this point both Nabiki and Shampoo were absolutely steaming mad. Both of them were, at this very moment, planning a bloody and brutal revenge against the people in charge of this tunnel. The question of them being perverts was fairly thoroughly answered at this point, and neither one of them was feeling in an especially charitable mood for how to handle them.

"Can you smash through these walls?" Nabiki asked.

"Yes, like tissue paper," Shampoo said. "But is likely load bearing. Shampoo pretty sure she and dumb Mousse survive, but you and stick boy not so much."

That was the easiest approach cut off, then. Destroying the tunnel would get them killed. And for good measure could kill everyone inside. Nabiki was cold, but not that cold! She was about that angry, though. These dumb costumes were the absolute last resort. She could feel every one of her curves going 'ooh yeah' with each step she took. If she'd passed a construction site like this, the collective howling would have brought in animal control. 

Looking to her left, she had to admit Shampoo looked like she'd been poured into that outfit. Goddamn, if Nabiki looked half as fine as that, then she'd surely drive any man insane! Of course, she didn't have much of a problem using her natural good looks to ensure she had a man's attention. It was a fine first step to getting money out of them. However, showing this much was beyond the pale.

The two girls shuddered a bit, though. Neither wanted to admit it, but they were starting to get turned on. Which was worrying. Because the only male attention for these two straight girls was - 

"Shampoo, are you sure you know where we're going?" Mousse asked Kuno. "You seem to be going in a weird direction."

"Pay attention, oaf!" Kuno whapped him on the head. "Do I look like a girl to you? Hmph! Might be best if you do not answer, you are as blind as a duck."

"The phrase is blind as a bat," Mousse replied, and Nabiki could feel her headache getting more and more grating the more the idiot spoke. "Much like you're dumb as a mule."

"That's stubborn as a mule!"

"That too!"

The two of them were really gritting their teeth now. They were smart girls. They could see what way the wind was blowing. This place was going to try to make them so damned horny and so damned stupid that they boinked those two dummies right here on... probably that extremely comfortable looking mattress they were walking by even now.

"That suspiciously comfortable looking mattress," Shampoo said. "Too too much so."

"Yep, it's calling to me as well," Nabiki said. "Like the song of a siren."

And then, just like that, she had an idea. She looked to Shampoo. It seemed that she'd had the same idea. The two girls stopped in their tracks and whirled around, waiting for the boys to catch up, and then -

"Hey, what's that on the ceiling!" Nabiki said, gasping and pointing straight up. Giving Shampoo all the time she needed to bring her strong, sexy leg sweeping in from the side, and sending the two boys rolling off, landing on the mattress. "Alright, that should take care of them."

"Wait, Shampoo want to see what happen..." Shampoo said. "Need to know what we is dealing with."

That was true enough. Nabiki was expecting some sort of trap though. That was a damned comfortable looking place to rest. So... alluringly soft, there had to be some kind of visual magic on it. Would watching them be safe? Well... Maybe it would be alright. The more they knew about the kinds of magic and tricks that this place could use, the better off they would be.

"Climb off me, you blind fool!" Kuno yelled, for Mousse had indeed landed on top of him.

"Bah! Now I've lost track of Shampoo!" Mousse yelled, throwing up his hands into the air. "This is all your fault, you know."

"Only a true idiot would blame others for their folly," Kuno said, trying to sound wise without realising how many fingers he was pointing back at himself. He sprung experimentally on the mattress, kicking up some dust. Both girls put their hands over their mouths and stepped back into the shadows, just to be safe. "Hrm. This is quite well made. One would not expect that, being stored in the middle of a tunnel like this."

"They probably have someone come in to replace it, do maintenance," Mousse said, though he began to bounce on it as well. "You're right though, it is very comfortable." A yawn suddenly escaped his lips, and he stretched out, his arm inadvertently resting around the back of Kuno's head. The two boys wobbled a bit, toppling into one another.

"You know, it occurs to me that we are not truly cross at each other," Kuno mused. "I, having to endure the sharp barbs of Nabiki Tendo, while you face the prospect of love unrequited... Is it any wonder we are sharp with one another?"

"No," Mousse said. "They looked really hot in those costumes though."

Shampoo picked up a rock and went to throw it, forcing Nabiki to grab her arm to keep her from doing something stupid. They were just watching, for now! To see what happened!

"Indeed, and I will admit that Nabiki Tendo has a fine posterior," Kuno said, then laughed a little. "How appropriate, given how much of an ass she behaves as!"

This time, Nabiki broke off the very end of a stalactite and attempted to march forward, prompting Shampoo to stop her in her tracks.

As for the two boys, they were slumping into each other. Bleary eyed. Starting to cuddle.

"I don't get it," Mousse sighed. "Why do we have such trouble with girls?"

"We're both good looking young men, in the prime of youth," Kuno said.

"Talented martial artists in our own right," Mousse added.

"Couldn't be because they're both idiots," Nabiki whispered to Shampoo, and - Oh! When did they get so close to each other? That was weird.

"Who needs them?" Kuno asked. "Fickle girls like that are more trouble than they're worth."

"Oh gosh, is this going where Shampoo think it going?"

"You're right. Maybe I'm looking for love in the wrong place..." Mousse muttered, turning his head, and finding himself inches away from kissing Kuno right on the lips.

"Hhhhhhrnkkkkkk," Nabiki bit into her fist. "This should not be as hot as it is! Not fair! Not fair at allllll!"

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