All things considered, for someone who had untold access to the most powerful energy source in this universe Libra was doing a hell of a lot of panicking of late. Panicking about Usagi's raw level of power for one thing, and now panicking because the power he'd been giving her had just been casually knocked out of her, poof, just like that.
"What the heeeeeeellllll?!" Libra yelled into the crystalline structure he'd been staying in. "I can't access her corridor at all anymore?! How did they do that?!"
He couldn't hear her thoughts anymore, based on what the others were saying and thinking he couldn't be heard by her anymore. Totally cut off. Some-fucking-how! This was bad. This was bad for so, so many reasons. It made the girls weaker, when his 'gifts' had been the only thing letting them fight those creeps in the first place. It made his control over them weaker, making it more likely they'd figure out what he was up to and turn against him. It was bad for the people the Sailor Senshi had to protect, and ultimately just plain bad all around except for those Order guys who might as well have been given a fucking gift!
Stress levels do not sit well with a lust Demon like him. On the plus side? He got to watch that hot bit where Naru was being fucked while inside Makoto's cleavage. That was hot. That was plenty hot, thanks a bunch.
Okay, that was enough of that, he had to get down to -
Woah. These girls were more inventive than he gave them credit. Sailor Venus was running a chain in between Naru, Moon's and Jupiter's legs, then playing jump rope with a loose piece of chain. Which was causing the rest of it to grow taut and loose, driving it into their -
No, no, he was getting distracted. There was also another problem that needed to be addressed. Sailor Mars was no longer accessible to him either. Completely blocked off. Her section of the crystal even felt colder than Moon's, as though her heart was closed to him in a way that Moon was not. This was troublesome, alarming, deeply deeply concerning.
"Of course, it's not as if I'm worried about them or anything, I just need them for my sextopia."
Yep, that's it. The only reason he was bothering or getting stressed was because - because these girls were a vital part of his sinful planning. He wasn't concerned about them, no, no. Don't be ridiculous. The only thing he cared about was that they were hot, and they were powerful, and they were also foolish enough to take him at his word.
That being said, if his influence on the girls could be banished so easily that made things difficult. Very difficult. Not the fun kind of difficult either. No matter how powerful Libra's upgrades made them, it didn't matter if they could be knocked back to a weaker state like this. How did they figure out a counter to his influence?
It didn't matter how. What mattered was the next step. Namely, boosting their power in a way that didn't depend on him. Right now he was like a load bearing wall, but you never just rely on one of those. You need several. So, find a way ot make them stronger that those Order goons couldn't just snap out of them at will. Don't put your eggs all in one basket, and let that be their route to victory! Alright, that sounded like a good plan! Now to figure out a way to do that!
"You know... I just realised the problem with this idea," Libra grunted. "Boosting them with methods that aren't directly connected to me would mean using something unconnected to me... which is shit I don't know shit about."
Ah, that was a problem, you know? The only things he truly knew about in terms of power boosts were things to do with him personally. That was... an issue. Damn. Double damn. Let's even go for a triple damn while we're at it, for all the good it does. Uh... maybe, he could push them to develop new powers on their own? Something like that?
Honestly Libra was stumped. Flummoxed. Baffled. He didn't know any way to fix this mess!
But... the girls might have an idea. Yeah... yeah! How about that? A little honesty might work wonders here! Tell them the truth. Not, like, the part about him corrupting them into nymphomaniacal minions to his lewd will, but everything else was fine to lay on the table! Stripped of that context, they might have an idea that he hadn't come up with!
He praised his thinking here, and rightly so. After all, by pretending that he cared about what happened to them, he could more... effectively manipulate them into doing what he wanted. Mould them into the kinds of useful minions that he desired. Certainly not because he actually cared about them, because that would be ridiculous. Hohoho.
<i>"So, that's basically what's on my mind right now,"</i> Libra said, and Venus related to Sailor Moon. <I>"This is a totally unexpected development. Do you girls have any ideas?"
In all honesty, no. They didn't. Because of course not - if they knew of any avenues to become stronger for the sake of fighting evil they would have already explored it by now.
However, for Sailor Moon this wasn't merely a case of an ally telling them they need to become stronger. It was a sign, to her, of Libra's loneliness. Even though she could not hear their benefactor, this kind hearted girl could plainly imagine the suffering going through that mysterious being's heart. Oh, it made her want to lament for the things they had endured! If she had the skill, she'd write poetry about it. Or paint, or sculpt, or whatever it took to get this out there so other people could experience it!
"There is one other thing we should think about as well," Tuxedo Mask said. "It sounds as though that enemy saw Naru here. What should we do with - "
<i>"Eureka!"</i> Libra roared. The others jumped, but Sailor Moon didn't hear anything. <i>"Hold on a second, let's see... When Sailor Moon was having sex with her it created a spiritual connection that we can use..."</i>
"Huh? What's going on?" Sailor Moon asked. She looked around in confusion. What was this? It seemed as though everyone was getting all excited for some reason, and she was starting to feel a little left -
"Oooooh!" Naru suddenly gasped, breathy and seductive. "Ahh! Ahhhh!" She rose to her feet like a puppet being pulled by a string, her hands running down her cheeks while her hips jutted out, once again, as if someone new to puppeteering was trying to make their marionette walk and not doing a very good job of it. "Ah! Ah! Aha! Ahhhhhhhh!"
There was a burst of blinding light, and then, to Sailor Moon's amazement, a transformation wand appeared in Naru's hand.
"Earth Prism Power - Make Up!"
This was the point where Sailor Moon's jaw hit the floor. From shock, from amazement, and then shortly after from sheer arousal. See, it's not hard to describe the Sailor Senshi transformations as an 'intergalactic striptease'. Because, let's be frank, they pretty much were.
In Naru's case, it took the form of a dust tornado billowing around her, making her spin around. Her head tilted back as far as it could go while her hands were held down and a knee was lifted. The dust grew thicker until it covered her body, then within a series of bright sparkles could be seen. One for her tiara, another pair for her gloves, then her boots, the broach, a flickering light for her skirt - and then suddenly it all came to a stop, revealing Naru in a sailor uniform with earthy colours. A greenish leotard, a muddy brown skirt and trimmings.
"Sailor Earth, here at last!" she saluted.
<i>"Yeah, weirdly this feels cliche, but also right,"</i> Libra said. <i>"I mean, technically you could argue Tuxedo Mask, or maybe even Chibiusa count as Sailor Earth - but they're not named that, so we can fudge things a little. We'd need to use other celestial bodies if we do further recruitment, but luckily Jupiter has a shitton of moons."</i>
"I almost feel like that's a shot at my weight you know," Jupiter quipped. "Your gravitational well is so dense it protects the earth from passing meteors, that sort of thing."
Sailor Earth turned towards Jupiter and gave her a look up and down as if to promise that she would do everything in hre power to ensure that neither one of them got a wink of sleep tonight. "Your gravity well can protect me any time you like," Sailor Earth said. "Ugh, I'm so horny! Even after all that, I really gotta get laid, pronto!"
This was it, huh? This was the plan? Recruitment? Right, that made a strange sort of sense. With greater numbers they could catch the Order minions off guard and even make use of new strategies.
<I>"Hold on, I'm not done yet!"</i> Libra continued, unaware of Moon's thought process right now. <i>"Carving out the corridor was one thing, now let's give it a touch up -"</i>
"Hrnk!" Earth went cross eyed. "Oh baby, give me some of that! Gimme those curves, let me turn all the heads when I strut my stuff down the street!"
Ask and ye shall receive. Now. Each of the Sailors had received a boost in line with a different kind of 'interest'. Mercury might not be present, but she had dat ass. Mars had a pair of legs that could make you beg she'd walk on you with them. Jupiter was a modern day big breasted amazon type. Venus was a walking talking hourglass. While Moon - was simply the total package. A little bit of everything.
So, what sort of boost was Sailor Earth getting? Why, what else? Earth spirits are often associated with fertility - and motherhood. No, no, she didn't appear pregnant. But she did gain something of a motherly aura, with knockers to match. With large milky nipples, that could leak on command.
"Come to mama," Earth beckoned, and what do you know, Jupiter and Venus were on that, with lips latched around those nipples before you could blink. It seemed that they could feed even through the leotard, which was kinda... huh. It was certainly hot and all...
But somehow Sailor Moon was feeling increasingly left out. Almost as though, in her efforts to ensure that Libra wasn't alone anymore, she'd taken on that loneliness instead? She missed him already. Missed his presence, missed his power, missed his guidance... Could it be that his attempt to bring them together had inadvertently caused the very wedge he was trying to prevent in the first place?
Only time would tell... and it wasn't looking to keep that secret for long.
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