Saturday, 2 April 2016

Story: UY Authority Badge

You know, before that whole "responsibility" and "professionalism" nonsense, Ataru had thought the real benefit to using the authority badge would be merely using the badge itself. Not so, as he learned upon seeing the badge had a few leaflets of paper attached to it. The young boy pulled them off, then nearly dropped them in sheer shock when he saw what he was looking at.

"Compensation notes," he read aloud. Five of them in all, stapled together. Payment of a sort for a job well done on his first day as an official for the National Department of Sexuality, even though he couldn't really remember everything he did over the course of that day. There was even the same symbol for the fictional department on the front note. Ataru flipped it over to take a look.

"One night of passion, free of consequence: May only be redeemed with Lum the Invader."

There was a little doodle of Lum reclining in an erotic posture, with some rather intense come hither eyes. Even Ataru had to swallow nervously at that steamy sight. Whatever else he might think of having a longer-term relationship with her, she was still a babe. And, hey! If these tickets were all one-time deals with different chicks he could definitely live with -

"Shockproof during intercourse and sleep," Ataru read. His eye twitched a little. "Intimate familiarity with female Oni physiology. Order to sleep in the same bed. Intimate familiarity with human male physiology."

Those last two seemed addressed to Lum, clearly. Ataru very nearly tossed them right out of the window, but then again... A consequence-free one-night stand with Lum? Sharing the same bed? On the one hand that sounded kind of nice. On the other it sounded a lot like settling down with Lum. Ack! What a terrible payment this was! It was torture! It was -

Speak of the devil and here she comes. Drifting in through the window. Yawning and stretching out her limbs. "Good night, darling," she cutely cooed. Ataru gulped. He took a look. A really good look. That tiger-print bikini didn't leave all that much to the imagination, and what was there was pretty nice to see. It really wasn't any kind of wonder she wore such a skimpy outfit when she had something as nice as that to show off.

"Hold it," Ataru suddenly said. He frowned, then passed her the order to sleep in the same bed. Crap! Why did he do - Ohhh, of course. It was an order for both of them to sleep in the same bed, wasn't it? That meant he was vulnerable to its effects as well! "We have to sleep in the same bed from now on," he said automatically, unable to stop himself. "By order of the National Department of Sexuality."

"Oh," Lum said. "Well, I suppose that's... Do you want me to get you the shockproof -"

Before she finished he'd already brought out the other order, about him being shockproof. Oh, stop that, Lum! Blushing wasn't going to help; in fact, if anything it was going to make him blush too! This was happening, wasn't it? This was actually happening. From now on the two of them would be sleeping in the same bed, by order of a government department that didn't even exist. Should he spend the ticket tonight? That decision was also taken out of his hands when Lum gently pulled the rest of them out of his hands, and flicked through them before he could stop her.

Awkward. Huh! For the first time in his life Ataru Moroboshi was stunned into silence by the prospect of a pretty girl wanting to spend time with him. It must be because his relationship with Lum was, at best, complicated. She was a babe, he was a skirt chaser. Age old story, really.

"Uh, could I have those back?"

"Nuh uh," Lum coyly said, fanning the remaining three across her face. "This one has my name on it for some - Oh!" And there it was, intimate familiarity with human male anatomy. Actually, funny thing. Now that he was looking at her, Ataru felt like he knew what would make Lum feel pretty good too. A little point just there on the small of the back would make her purr like a kitten, and if he kissed her neck just so she would melt into his arms, and then -

She was on top of him, and his clothes had vanished into the ether. With a hungry, ravenous look on her face that honestly frightened him just a little bit she lowered herself onto his fully erect cock. Ataru opened his mouth, to say what he couldn't quite tell, but the only sound that came out anyway was a grunt of absolute pleasure. His hands moved automatically, caressing the side of her amazing alien body, drinking in the smoothness and warmth of her skin.

"Oh, darling!" Lum cooed. "I know this is only for one night." She reached down and pulled his face up, taking care not to utterly smother him with her breasts. "I know! But - This is what I've always wanted! Show me your love! Show it to me!"

"If you insist, babe," Ataru grunted, trying his best to sound cool and completely failing due to the strain in his voice. Trying to keep up with a girl like Lum in bed when she had absolute knowledge of how to satisfy a man was no picnic, even knowing exactly what she would be satisfied by. Especially when it turned out that pleasing him was a big part of her turn ons.

Next to his head was a discarded piece of paper. A ticket for one night of consequence-free sex with Lum. As the two of them fucked with a building passion, a red line appeared across the words followed by another, forming a large cross as the ticket's effect was spent at roughly the same time a certain "most perverted boy in the universe" was.

There was a heavy lump on his chest and something tickling his nose. Smelled nice. Felt soft. Ataru's eyes flickered open. Oh, yeah. He had spent last night having sex with Lum. Yep! Consequence-free, world-rocking, breathtaking sex with an alien chick who was now sleeping on his chest, nicely snuggled up like she belonged there. Oh, yeah! That was the stuff! Ataru chuckled to himself. That authority badge was awesome! One day's work and he'd already gotten laid. Not only gotten laid! Now Lum was going to sleep in the same bed as him from now on. He could give this cute body a discreet squeeze whenever he - As his hand snaked down her back to gently grope her sexy butt, Ataru was struck by the feeling he was forgetting something vtially important.

Hm. Well, he was pretty sure if he did it the right way she'd enjoy the experience as much as he did. He had retained full knowledge of how to sexually satisfy a girl Oni in bed, after all. Hehe! Maybe later on he could give her a massage, lure her back into bed and have a bit more fun. No need for tickets, he'd get her addicted to his dick in no time flat and then -

"Darling..." Lum cooed at the moment of truth. And then gave him a great big shock. Oh, yeah! He was only immune to that when having sex or when asleep, and right now he was neither.

Well, look on the bright side! Now he could set about pretending to be some other kind of authority figure, so maybe he'd get more rewards tonight? Although what sort of authority figure should he pretend to be...?

  1. Ataru holds off at first, to see the consequences of yesterday's actions.
  2. Sakura spent last night warding off erotic dreams about Ataru... To absolutely no avail.
  3. Ran is embracing her newfound sexuality... By creating yet another "personality", one that is completely boy crazy.
  4. Mendo reflects on the advice he has been given.
  5. Something else

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