Monday, 11 April 2016

Discussion: SBO Naruto + Hentai Crystal

SBO Naruto: Oh boy. Oh boy oh boy. So many fun ways to go, I simply can't make up my mind at all! I think it would be kind of fun to see one set succesfully containing the outbreak, while the other makes the situation worse. No hints on which is which. But, yeah... I really can't make up my mind on which option to take for this one.

Hentai Crystal: The comment about the slow burn made me realise that's what makes this one so much fun. I'd like to continue that one, if that's alright. No porn logic, except for the character trying to make there *be* porn logic going on. I'm thinking option two. Get to the point of the scene, have Libra give the Senshi a "power boost" that will in some way help unlock their perverted impulses. Perhaps appealing to a different fetish they don't even know they have, but that Libra notices?

I think they should still be hesitant and need persuading to take on these powers, though. Perhaps show Libra's thinking before showing his persuasive argument?


  1. Go for Option 5, Hinata wants more! more enough to want to turn anyone into a bimbo! go for ino.

    1. Do you just want random nonsensical sex scenes or do you want them to be basically true to the characters? Because that's not something Hinata would ever do. Throwing Ino under the bus (or whatever the Konoha equivalent would be) just so she could get her itch scratched? Remember, Hinata is pretty much the nicest character in the entire series. Even the relatively light degree to which she's been acting out so far in the thread has actually been really pushing it when it comes to characterization.

    2. well honestly yes. I love the sex scenes. don't judge me.

    3. It's not about judging. There's nothing wrong with sex scenes. But think about who's writing this. Lumitiel doesn't really write sex stuff just for the sake of sex stuff. I would think you'd know that by now.

    4. well thats true, but considering the type of story this is. when Bimbos collide, sex occurs. its just inevitable that way.

  2. Well one thought for Hentai Crystal could be for Libra to start with the perverted stuff because "That's the fastest way to learn the basic skill. Once you know that adapting it to weaker drives will be easy."
    Also, one idea I have contemplated with ideas has always been for the Senshi to strengthen how much passion they can infuse their magic with by 'connecting' with various bystanders so that some of their passions flow through them into their magic. With of course the basic "Tons of passions you can sync with, but 'I wanna do her' is the easiest to do, even for the tourists who don't speak Japanese. Though actually this might work with Libra not emphasizing it but rather getting the Senshi to get their introductory poses to link with onlookers passions, knowing that while it's going to start out with a basic admiration or cheering, desire is going to start filtering into the flow over time.
    Just a few ideas anyway

  3. I had a minor thought for SBO Naruto: Since Inner Sakura's sort of broken now, what if regular Sakura is still aware while the bimbo persona is in charge? So both personalities are active all the time even when they aren't driving her behavior. I know it hasn't been shown before in the thread, but it also hasn't been shown *not* to be happening, so maybe? Or not. It was just a thought I had as I was rereading the past few episodes.
