Monday 29 July 2024

Story: WR Haruhi


At this point, I shouldn't even be surprised, but my body had absolutely no trouble at all in keeping up with Yuki. Despite her quite literally reality warping pussy enveloping my dick, inviting me into a dimension of tantalising sensations the likes of which must surely exist in direct opposite to the horrors ascribed to or inspired by HP Lovecraft, my body was, inexplicably, able to not only endure but surpass it.

Or rather, that's how it appeared based on Yuki's reaction to our coupling. I felt amazing, but had yet to bust inside her. A crude way of putting it, but at the moment I am not capable of putting it any other way. Her smaller body writhes upon my shaft, four dimensions of sensation toying upon its nerves as she did her best to drive me wild, but instead only succeeded in having that effect upon herself.

"Ah. Ah. Ah. More. More."

... Alright, fine, to the naked eye she might not seem to be undergoing the experience I had described, but trust me. By now I had an extremely accurate read on Yuki's emotional state. She's just... mute at expressing it, compared to other people. A regular girl in her place that was not an alien construct would have been whipping their head back, arching their spine uncomfortably, staring up at the ceiling and clawing at their face with their eyes rolled into their head and their tongue not seeming to know where it wanted to be right now, and incoherent sounds escaping their mouth as if they had forgotten how to speak. That's the condition Yuki Nagato was in, at least by comparison to her normal state.

"Yuki, snap out of it!" I yelped, trying to keep my hands to myself, but... No, that was not to be. Space was being warped around them, forcing me to dance my fingers upon her flesh. Whether she was doing it to herself, or I was instinctively touching her in just the right spots to drive her wild, I could never tell. Worse yet, Asahina appeared right next to me out of nowhere to french kiss my soul out of my body, while Haruhi loomed to my left and Sasaki to my right, both of them smiling and staring down at me while playing with their uncovered boobs.

It was too much stimulation... and yet, I had not yet climaxed. It was getting worse, too. I could see them. Clearly. Their weak points. Their most vulnerable spots. I know exactly where to touch to make every girl in this room cum themselves stupid, and then -

The idea hit me out of nowhere. Of course! I slid my hands along Yuki's slender body, trying to ignore how cute she was, and - There! Her weak point, right on the small of her back! The humanoid interface froze up like I'd pushed her power button, and in the time she did that - 

My hands then shot out for Haruhi and Sasaki, grabbing them both in the same place. Apparently they were both extremely sensitive around their thighs for some reason. No matter, one quick squeeze at the right spot for both of them and -

"Ohhh, Kyon~"


They were already collapsing, which left Asahina... whose weak point was distressingly obvious. While Yuki was slumping off my dick, I slid my face away from hers, nibbling at her ear, tracing my lips down her neck, and then -

I stuck my face in between her tits and motorboated her until she came, which took almost no time at all!

"Mmmm~" Asahina sighed contentedly, and then collapsed into a climaxing, cumming heap on the floor.

"Sorry girls," I sincerely apologised. Now that they were no longer warping reality to keep me here, it gave me the chance to get the fuck out before they came to. Otherwise I'd have to make them 'came to' again, so to speak.

Joking in a situation like this is a means of dealing with stress. Which, you can understand, I was feeling a lot of right now. Apparently I had made several careless wishes which had turned the world into a lewd paradise for one person, who looked a lot like me but had a very different personality, and I needed to get away from these cute girls that wanted to crawl all over my penis long enough for me to figure out what to do next.

Deep breath. Deep, deep breath. I was about half a mile from the cafe within a few minutes. They'd probably find me soon, but this should be fine. I can hide here for at leats a little bit and maybe, just maybe, work out some way to set things right again. What did I have to hand...? Let's see. Apparently, I had an instinctive understanding of how to make a girl undergo the single greatest climax of their life more or less at will.

I have no other notable features.

"At least I haven't knocked any of those girls up yet," I muttered. Then slapped the side of my head for tempting fate. Oof. Imagine Haruhi as a mother... Actually, better not. It might make me want to go back and finish the job - 

"Wait..." I muttered to myself. "Those girls can warp reality already, right? And I can make them cum at will...?" I tilted my head this way, then that. "Wouldn't that mean...? They're still my best chance of fixing this mess?"

Crap, they probably were at that. Which meant... that I'd have to go back there. Figure out a way to keep them from keeping me tied up even tighter than they already had, and then try to use my ability to make them instantly climax extremely hard to compel them to reset reality.

It sounds like something from a hentai plot, doesn't it? Which might well be the point, but -


Uh oh! I'd gotten some attention on me, and... Not attention I especially wanted, either. On turning to look I found myself looking directly at two girls. Two very familiar girls. A pretty redhead with twintails, and another girl with very long, dark hair that seemed to almost envelope her entire head.

"Kyoko and Kuyoh..." I said, backing away slightly. Kyoko was staring at me with hands on her hips, tapping her foot impatiently, a faint blush on her face. "Aha! To what do I owe the pleasure?"

As if I didn't -

"As if you don't know already!" Kyoko said. Oh great! What hell had I stepped into this time?!

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