Monday 1 July 2024

Story: Change-Switch Fever


I think it's safe to say that containment was a colossal failure at this point, right? A failure unmatched throughout history. There are slapstick shorts from the first half of the century where things went more according to plan - at least, in universe. Out of universe the comedy was intentional, which of course leads to the dichotomy between the Watsonian and Doylist...?

Pardon, that line of thought also escaped containment for a moment there. Where were we again? Ah! Yes, of course. The horny plague was loose and there was precious little to stop it!

Right now, our hapless group of idiots had decided that blindfolding themselves was the best course of action to prevent any further inexplicable orgies. Which meant more time wasted. More time for this arousing microbial whatever it was to do the rounds. What we have here is a classic exponential growth problem. The more people that became affected, the more people they would affect. Of course, like a pyramid scheme, this eventually bottoms out when there are no more people to 'infect', but going for full saturation would be... bad.

"And so as you can plainly see, if we don't stop this within twenty four hours, the entire planet will be..." Lala trailed off. "Yui, are you sucking Rito's dick again?"

"Mmmnooooo~" Yui moaned, sounding like someone with a dick in her mouth. 

"She was sucking on my dick, actually," Saki sniffed. "There there, you cute little tsundere. Get it allll out of your system~"

"That's the problem," Lala said. "I'm pretty sure this won't actually - Achoo!" And now he was a guy again, so his voice was much deeper. "This won't actually get it out of our systems. At all. If anything, I think that repeated exposure to infected body fluids is making us indescribably horny and - Okay, whose breasts are those?"

"Mine, sorry!" Rito chirped. "I tripped and -"

"Managed to catch my penis right between your... soft, tender cleavage... Ohhhh~"

Splurt! You can see why containment was a failure, in case you didn't get the memo. They really weren't helping with this behaviour, were they?

"If we're not careful the whole world will end up like this!" Lala forced herself to finish. "Mmm, that's right, clean it up with your - No, wait! Use something other than your tongue! Ahhh, if we don't stop this the whole world - maybe even the entire galaxy - will become an enormous genderbent orgy!"

"Question!" Rito raised her hand. Not htat anyone could see. Or was meant to be able to see. "Your gender flipping gun doesn't have anything like this effect, right? I mean, it just makes me a girl. It doesn't make me boy crazy or anything, so why...?"

"Hrm...? Lala mused. "You know, that's... Huh! I had thought it might be a hormonal thing, but there must be something else at play here... pheromonal release? Or is it interfering with your pleasure centres in a really weirdly specific way...?"

Now, it might seem like Lala was getting really distracted by something kind of obvious about their problem, but... The part that she was having problems with wasn't actually the gender flipping. That would be inconvenient for a lot of people, certainly, but it was the soul consuming arousal that she was actually, rightly, concerned with.


Yami was not in a good mood. There she was, having a nice friendly conversation with Haruna... Which admittedly did mostly involve the Earth girl talking to her while Yami ate some ice cream. All was well. All was normal. No sign of Rito Yuuki to ruin her day, and then, out of nowhere - 


Someone sneezed. That was all it was. A simple, ordinary sneeze.

The next thing Yami knew, she had a penis and Haruna was sucking on it while Yami continued to eat her ice cream. She was not happy right now. Rito Yuuki was to blame for this. Obviously.

The thing was, she kind of wanted to cum. Really badly. It was embarrassing for both of them, but... It felt like if she didn't spurt down Haruna's pretty throat right this instant, then she might go absolutely bonkers. So she did the same thing that any old assassin would do and surveyed her surroundings with care and -

"Achoo! Achoooooo!"

A lot of people were sneezing. A lot of people were spontaneously switching genders around them. A lot of them were also dropping whatever they were doing, grabbing the nearest hot person of the opposite sex and - 

"Achoo!" Yami sneezed. And she was a girl again. Sne sniffed and gurgled incoherently, feeling wobbly and woozy. Her temperature must be pretty high. "Haruna, we should go elsewhere before Rito -"

"Rito? Where?!" Haruna was looking rather flushed and dishevelled. Her thighs were pressed together desperately. The girl couldn't look hornier if she was cosplaying as an Oni. "Ahhhh~ Achoo!"

All of a sudden Haruna herself had changed as well. Normally, she was a cute, but fairly ordinary seeming girl. After that gender flipping sneeze...?

A cute boy. A cute tiny boy. A cute tiny boy that Yami was feeling two strong contrary feelings: To violate and protect. At the same time. Must violate! Must protect!

"Ehhhh, Yami, don't look at me like that!" Haruna blushed. The front of his skirt flipped up to reveal an absolutely enormous delicious looking penis, which...

Which Yami, to her utter disgust and horror, found herself dropping to her knees to get a taste of. "Mmmm~" she moaned around it, finding it more delicious than the ice cream. Which she'd dropped to the ground in her desperation to taste Haruna's dick.

Needless to say, but that quarantine attempt had failed really, really fucking badly, and Lala had better find a cure soon before this had serious consequences! Of course, that would involve her managing to keep her hands off of Rito. And Yui. And Saki and her entourage, and anyone else that might come by...

Let's face it. They're doomed. Doomed to a life of amazing sex, doomed to... Uh... Is that really being doomed, cuz that sounds kinda awesome?

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