Monday 22 July 2024

Story: Kimagure Hentai Road


Once upon a time there was a wishy-washy idiot named Kyosuke, who fell in love with a girl but wound up dating her friend due to extenuating circumstances. Which was fine. He was okay with that. The friend was cute and likeable, they got on pretty great, but... It was like having a delicious sandwich when there's a roast dinner right there. You can't help but wonder, can you? What if...?

But no. He'd hurt that girl's feelings. Little realising that the girl he'd fallen for also liked him, but was having the same reaction. She didn't want to hurt her friend. So the two of them stayed distant, separated by someone who dearly cared for them both.

In another world, that friend, Hikaru, would find this out. She would be crushed emotionally underneath it all, unable to bear it. The fact they hadn't done anything untoward hardly mattered. Knowing how they felt about each other, in their hearts, that was enough. A swirl of terrible emotions would whirl through her body leaving her emotionally devastated, betrayed, hurt, a scar across her heart that might never heal.

But that was another world where Hikaru was naive and delicate. This Hikaru had realised the truth herself, but in a completely different way. The context shifted. How selfish of her would it be to hog Kyosuke all to herself? The two people that she cared for more than anyone else in the world loved each other, and they loved her as well.

So? Why not? There wasn't any harm in sharing, was there? Her bikini hit the floor, and next to her Madoka's did as well. The two of them standing naked before the man they would soon share. The man they both loved, the man they both wanted to fuck. He was staring at them with blank eyes, a vacant smile on his face, uncertain which to look at.

"Alright, that's Madoka's turn over," Hikaru said. She squeezed Madoka's butt while giving Kyosuke a sly look. "I'll draw for the three of us, 'kay?"

She turned, and found... The two perverts being blown by the twins, while Akane had shoved the face of one of them right into her ass, and was using her tongue to fuck the other's mouth.

"Ohhhh, nooooo~" Hikaru chirped. "I guess I'd better draw for you guys too, you're all so... <b>preoccupied</b>."

She let out an airy giggle, and picked up the cards left on the table. Made a show of shuffling them, and looked around, biting her lip...

A sense of power shot through her. You know... Those two boys were kinda stupid. They didn't know what they had. Didn't appreciate it. They were strong with this new way of doing things, but their common sense was diluted. They were dumb. So dumb. So undeserving of what they'd been given. A useful tool to set things flowing in the right direction but -

But Kyosuke was a real man's man. Hikaru had always known it deep in her heart. From the moment she saw him drop that ball in the hoop from all the way back there, he'd pretended he was an ordinary guy, when he was really, really cool...

In which  case, she should not waste this opportunity, should she? To make him really, really happy...?

"Oh, I drew the King again~" Hikaru sang, wielding the card while strolling back towards the pair of them. Sultry, potent, a look in her eyes that was hungry, ravenous. "Then here is my instruction: Madoka. Kyosuke. Do you want to have sex with each other?"

The two of them nodded. Hikaru smirked like the cat that got the canary.

"In which case," Hikaru whispered. "Oh, look, I drew the King again. The two of you need to fuck. Right now."

Once upon a time there was a girl named Madoka. She was amazing. So pretty, so cool, so smart, so impossible to hate. Her best friend Hikaru idolised her. Practically worshipped the ground she walked on. To the point that Hikaru could fully understand it. She understood completely why her own boyfriend would want to break off a piece of that. 

Look at her. Look at the curves on her, that luscious ass, those splendid breasts, that gorgeous face! She's perfect from head to toe. Her body alone makes her a superb prize for any <i>wannabe pervert</i>, and Hikaru wanted to unlock it. Make Kyosuke a pervert. The <b>head pervert</b> of the new world that was coming in. With the two of them at his side.

Thus she watched a sight that would have once filled her with deep complex feelings. Madoka, squat over Kyosuke's member, slowly lowering herself onto it, drawing his length deep, deep inside herself, and then - 

"Kya~" A noise she'd never heard Madoka make before.

The two of them were one. They looked so happy. The sight melted Hikaru's heart, and now...?

"Oh, look at that, I drew the King again~" Hikaru whispered. Nobody was there to stop her. She slid along to Kyosuke. Whispered her command in his ear. "Become a pervert." She kissed him on the lips while Madoka rode him, and she felt him moan into her mouth, and so...?

"Oh, I drew the King again~" Hikaru repeated. "Kyosuke, you must embrace your inner pervert." Another kiss. His arm snaked around her body to squeeze her ass. That's right. That's right! If she kept on doing this then, in time, she'd have her Pervert King. The one who would truly lead the world into a new, dirty minded age! One where perverts reigned supreme, and the sex was amazing for everyone, and the world was so, so much better off for it!


Once upon a time there were a pair of perverts who discovered the rules of reality had changed to accommodate them. Then, things started to go a bit too well, and they had the sense they were losing their grip. Maybe that was pessimism, maybe that was pattern recognition...

Or maybe it was more a sense that they had outlived their usefulness. Like the match that set the fire burning, they had allowed enough of the influence in for it to take shape, for it to seize upon another and use them as the mantle instead. Hikaru blatantly taking control by 'taking Madoka's turn for her' had been particularly alarming, and yet...?

There wasn't much to be done about it. The girls all ducked their already skimpy bikinis off, and their attention naturally gravitated to their bodies. How could it not? Hello, they are perverts, obviously that's what they would focus on! 

"Maybe we should - " Hatta began, only to find himself getting blown, which rather put paid to any rational thought. Moments after this, Akane locked lips with him, and <i>damn</i> she knew what she was doing!

"You're right, we ought to - " Komatsu tried to continue, only for Akane's butt to smack him in the face and - mmm~ so smooth and soft, and those lips around his cock were pretty nice as well!

This was your reward, gentlemen. You wanted a harem? Fine. Take these three Espers. They are yours. However, you two have such limited aspirations! In order for the new, proper way of things to truly take hold in this world? One must take on a higher ambition.

"Oh, Kyosuke! I've needed this for so long!"

"Senpai! Oh, senpai! Embrace it, become a pervert!"

And from here, the world would fall under his control in short order... Especially with the help of his powers as an Esper!

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