Monday 1 July 2024

Story: UY Splitter


It was an astonishing scene. Seven beautiful girls, six naked boys. The boys, flat on their back, each one with a girl riding their dick like it was their purpose in existence - which might well rapidly be the case for many of them before too long.

The sole girl left without a man under her was Oyuki, the one that was most at peace with the idea of a harem to start with. She had little problem in sharing Ataru among the others, for her interest in him was not romantic like Lum or Shinobu, but an entirely physical attraction.

Even so, she'd required a bit of a nudge to make her fully accept it. So she turned and watched the others, wondering which of them would succumb next... and join her, forevermore, as a part of Ataru Moroboshi's growing, swelling harem.

Now, of course, none of them were as accepting of the idea as Oyuki was. Not by a long way! If anything, the difference between Oyuki's first and the second place was quite a vast gulf. Which makes sense. The number of girls who actively want to be in a harem is... not a big number. Even globally, you could probably count the total off one a single hand.

Which is why it took considerably longer for Ryuunosuke to fall like Oyuki had. She didn't accept the idea of a harem at all, but she was quite a fair bit ahead of the others. Why is that? Let us consider the psychology of the poor girl. From the moment she could walk and talk her father had raised her as a boy. No feminine aspects allowed. No feminine dress, taught to speak like a boy, act like a boy, compelled to ignore things that were cute or girly...

And yet! And yet, and yet, and yet, he could not ever diminish her desire for girly things! It brought a war to light within Ryuunosuke's heart. Masculine pride! Manly behaviour! Yet a yearning for that which was feminine! The conflict was maddening. A contradiction at the heart of her personality and her desires. She could easily go off with her new friends, put on a bikini or a bra or whatever, but what did it matter? Until she could beat her father in a fight, it felt wrong for her to make a serious attempt.

Except now...?

"I'm a girl!" she gasped, thrusting her hips down upon this filling dick. It had always felt weird before. When guys would leer at her, or try to touch her. Moroboshi was the worst, but now? She was leaning down to kiss him on the lips. Basking in her femininity - without actually changing a thing about herself!

"That's right Ryu-chan!" her Ataru whispered to her. Like a devil sitting on her shoulder, or in her view, an angel. "You're perfectly girly the way you are. You wanna wear trousers? You can wear trousers. You don't need to wear a bra to be girly. It's what's inside that counts!"

And what was inside her right now was wonderful, glorious penis! Take a picture of her face right now and show it to Ryuunosuke from a week ago, she wouldn't recognise herself. Eyes rolled up in her head, tongue flopping out of her mouth like a dog with its head out a car window.

Sex. Sex made her feel like a girl. Feel like a woman! Oh, she really liked sex! Especially with Ataru! Oh! Being filled up like this made her feel like the girliest girl to ever... Um.. Be a girl?

She'd do absolutely anything to thank him for giving her a nice hard dicking. Even once was enough for a lifetime, but now she could have it every day, twice a day, thrice a day time times a day! Perhaps once upon a time she would have been weirded out by it, but now?

Now...? Why had she been weirded out by it before? The memories lingered. Feeling kinda gross when Ataru spoke with her. Was she being naive? Stupid? 

"You're not naive," Ataru said underneath her. "You're not stupid. You were afraid. Afraid of embracing this life. You don't have to be afraid anymore, Ryu-chan!"

That sounded good, but it didn't sound right as well. That wasn't it. It felt like she was about to pull on a dangerous thread. Ah- Oh! Why now? Why was she being confronted with this now, of all times?

"Because you need to look at it, Ryu-chan!" Ataru said. "If this doubt lingers in you past today, there's a risk you'll come to resent this life. You've been repressing your girly side for a long time, and so?"

"I need to fuck this out of my head," Ryuunosuke said, at the same time Ataru did. The words sort of formed in her mouth without her even thinking them. Her head lifted up and she looked around to see the other girls, all fucking their own Atarus, every bit as lost in pleasure as she was.

"Harem sisters," she whispered, and a few of the others followed suit. "These are my sisters in the harem. I love them almost as much as I love Ataru!" Love Ataru...? Did she love Ataru, or was it his penis that she - "I love Ataru Moroboshi~ I love being in his harem!"

But did she though? Was that really what she loved, or was it the sex? The doubt was there, regardless of what her body was saying or doing. She needed more. More reassurance. More sex, too, but certainly more reassurance as well!

And then... A new movement caught her eyes. Graceful, serene. Like a skater gliding upon an ice rink, she appeared. Oyuki, wearing... very precious little. An ice blue costume that concealed precious little of her beautiful pale body. It was made of expensive looking silk (not that Ryuunosuke had any idea of what expensive clothes really looked like) that was kinda translucent. She was wearing multiple layers of it, wrapped around her chest and legs, but you could still sort of see the impression of what lay beneath. There was a single layer of the silk attached to her shoulders as well, and another one wrapped over her mouth. They hid nothing, but left a distinctive light blue overlay on everything they moved in front of.

"We are Ataru's harem~" Oyuki sang, dancing for them. As one, the girls replied, like a Reply in the middle of a Church service, repeating the phrase back at her. Oyuki's movements were sensual, powerful, and Ryuunosuke noted, they were... extremely girly. "A harem girl gets the pleasure~"

"A harem girl gets the pleasure~" the girls all called back, Ryuunosuke doing so of her own will. Yes. She understood now. These doubts. These fears. They were anxiety.

"A harem girl should relax~" Oyuki drifted closer to her. Closer, closer... then leaning up against her to kiss her on the lips. Which Ryuunosuke returned, for no other reason than it would turn Ataru on. Watching two pretty girls kiss like this.


Those anxieties seemed ridiculous now. She returned the kiss even deeper, but this time because she felt pleasure from it. It felt like they were melting out of her. It felt like Oyuki's lips were somehow sucking those anxieties away. Ah? Hold on... Something was creeping into Ryuunosuke's mind. New information. New facts. A certainty in something she shouldn't be able to know...

Oyuki likes it if you touch her like -

"Mmmmm~" Oyuki sang into her mouth, as her hands trailed Ryuunosuke's curves, bringing a similar whimper from her. Oyuki pulled her lips away and placed her forehead up against Ryuunosuke's. "What are we?"

"Harem... sisters!" Ryuunosuke moaned. Her body rewarded her with a very nice climax, that made her collapse into Oyuki's arms. "When our Darling is busy, we must pleasure each other. That's why we know -"

"How to pleasure each other," Oyuki kissed her again. "But Ryu darling. Look down. Haven't you noticed yet?"

Look down...? Ah! Her Ataru... he was gone! That's right. The copies were only temporary. Five left. And then, the seven of them would share a single Ataru between them.

"I'm a horny girly girl," Ryuunosuke whispred. She looked Oyuki, her harem sister, up and down. "I wanna dress and dance like that. You gonna show me, or...?"

"Come with me, I'll have you fitted out in no time flat!" Oyuki helped her to her feet, linked arms with her, and then the pair of them strolled off.

Five girls left. Five girls barely hanging on, for one reason or another, and keeping themselves from becoming members of Ataru's harem. By the time they were back, Ryu wondered... How many would still be there for them to bring to their senses? And how many other willing, happy members of Darling's harem would be left?

Either way, Ryuunosuke intended to learn more from them about being a girl. As much as possible so she could help them keep their Darling happy!

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