Monday 8 July 2024

Story: FGI Akane


Let us take a very brief break from the antics of Akane Tendo and the enchanted penis to look elsewhere. Yes, yes, I know - even if you lacked context that sounds like something you'd want to check out, but bear with me for a moment please. We need to set up the next layer of insanity to hit this poor girl's life.

And that layer could be found in a humble mailbox. A letter, you might ask? A parcel from a distant relative? No! Look here, we see an old man approach, oblivious to what befalls him.

"Oh, I didn't realisee there was a mailbox here," he muttered to himself, Postcard in hand. "I'll just pop this in here and -"

"You'd better not!" came the cry from a pretty face that poked itself out of the mailbox. "I've had enough of people dropping stuff on my head! Gah! Clear out, can't a guy stalk - I mean, brood about the girl he likes in peace and quiet?!"

"Ah! Hrm! Right! I see!" the old man said, nodding along to what this strange boy in the mailbox said. Then he lifted his cane and began to bash the top of it with great energy. "Pervert! Stalker! Help, I'm being attacked by a lunatic!"

"Yipe! Ouch! Hey! Cut that out!" the boy yelped. "Oooh! Forget this! I'm gonna disguise as something else!"

He ducked out of the mailbox and rushed down the street as fast as his legs would carry him. Had to hitch up the dress a bit to really get going, but anything to get away from that cane!

Instead, Tsubasa decided to hide as a bush, which is funny because it's the only way he'd ever get to be inside one. Oh, that's a bit of a cheap shot, but really - consider his personality. Is this the attitude of a guy that's getting laid? Ever? Actually, he might, but not through any savoury means...

Ah, that's a little off topic, lets focus on the here and now. Tsubasa is a very cute boy. But not in the way that boys are usually cute. Not quite the way that girls are normally cute either. He's a bit too annoying for the latter, and too delicate for the former. He's like finding a mouse sitting on your kitchen worktop. Objectively, on paper, the thing you're looking at is probably adorable. In the real world? You really, really do not want it there. You're more likely to grab a broom and try to shove it out of the way.

Anyway, normally this pest would be lurking around wherever Ukyo Kuonji was, because he liked him some bishounen chef booty. The way those legs and that butt filled up those tight black trousers - mmph! No fooling these crossdressing eyes. You can attend an all boy's school all you want, but Tsubasa was a connoisseur of dressing up, and -

"You really need to get that thing under control." There she was. His current target. A cute girl in her own right, but not a patch on Ukyo! Ah, wait, actually, maybe...? Oh, if he hadnt set his heart on Ukyo first then maybe he could have asked her out! But no!  That would be cheating, it would be wrong, it would be -


"Yeah, well, it's your fault it's even an issue, so..." said the cutest girl Tsubasa had ever seen in his life. Oooh! A redheaded shortstack with a boyish demeanour! Jackpot! And hanging out with his target, too! The devious yet pretty snake called Akane Tendo, who had used her feminine girly wiles to - Mmmph, you know, that skirt might be long but the waistline was snug enough that it gave a pretty good idea of her figure. Tsubasa likes what he sees!

"Ah! What shall I do?! All three of them are super cute!" Tsubasa yelled, rising from the bush, clutching at the side of his head, totally lost between his desire for revenge and the desperate need to tap that. Tap any of that. Tap any of -

Without warning, the pigtailed beauty was right in his face.

"Hrmmmm..." she said. "You're cute, but not my type."

Imagine a really convincing crossdressing boy turned to glass, and it started to crack. "Not... your type...?" Tsubasa repeated back to her, watching as she retreated... Then was grabbed and hauled away by Akane and that pigtailed girl! Oh! Twins! 

Even better! The cracks in the glass healed, and all that was left to do was "Charge!"

Whack! Something familiar struck the top of his head. It could only be - 

"Ukyo! My beloved!" Tsubasa whirled around to grab her in a great big hug, a tender warm embrace to greet her after oh so long - only to find himself wrapped around a cactus that Ukyo had inexplicably put in between the two of them.

"Tsubasa! My stalker!" Ukyo quipped. "Clear out, ya jerk! How many times do I have to tell you? Super. Not. Interested!"

"Ah, but you're only playing hard to get~" Tsubasa replied. Hey... a cactus! That might be a good disguise! Nobody would want to touch you, so nobody would do things like, for instance, dump mail on top of your head or try turning the handle for sweets or something like that.

"Urgh! Where do guys even get that from?! No means no, you -"

"Hey Akane, can I lick you?"

"No! You freak!"

"Please? I bet you taste really nice."

"Ranma! Control her!"

Yes, ladies and gentlemen, Akane just demanded that Ranma, a healthy young man surrounded by pretty girls all the time, control his penis. Read into that what you will.

"Anyway, you'd better leave us alone Tsubasa. Got it?"

Ukyo stormed off without giving Tsubasa a chance to rebut, but... Hold on. What was this now...? Someone had dropped something. Looked important. Let's see, this was...


From Akane's perspective, this whole thing was extremely annoying. Ranma's penis was, at present, a cute girl. As was Ranma, actually. The difference between them was like night and day. The penis was all over her, which is a thought Akane really didn't want to dwell on, while Ranma was -

"Hey, quit getting in her personal space like that." Ranma said that after barging in between the two of them. 

"Why?" the penis replied. "She's so cute! And obviously, giving her my full and undivided attention is the biggest compliment I can give a girl!"

"Wah! Ignore her, ignore her, she doesn't know what she's saying!" Ranma waved her hands around like a windmill, trying to distract from something or other. Like the fact that she's attracted to Akane. Which she already knew. Urgh! Could this possibly get any more awkward?

"Agent Tendo!" said a girl in a cute dress, who was skipping towards them for some reason. "I'm Supervisor Kurenai, FGI."

The girl then flashed a badge, and Akane instantly knew her day was about to get worse.

"Uh, sorry guys! Official business!" Akane said. Great! Just wonderful, exactly what she didn't need! "Back in a moment!"

Not that they actually went very far. Around the corner, and that was it. Nobody around, so...

"What is it, Supervisor?" Akane asked. Not questioning for a second whether her behaviour was being influenced by the badge she'd seen.

"Agent Tendo, we have some concerns about abuse of power," the Supervisor said. Oh hell! Abuse of power? She looked back at the corner she'd left the other two at, worried they'd come to follow her. "Don't look back there, they'll understand it's official business, we're fine."

"Okay then..." Akane let out a sigh of relief that they weren't there. She had a funny feeling it was the only relief she'd have right about now. "I'm sorry, I should have been more careful. This is a tremendous responsibility."

"I'm glad you understand the position you are in," the Supervisor nodded in full understanding. "Honestly, making me possess this idiotic crossdresser to make the point to you."

"I am deeply ashamed of my actions!" Akane bowed. "I promise that from now on I shall not abuse the power of the badge for my own benefit!"

"Huh?" the Supervisor said. "No, no, you got it backwards, Tendo. Tsk! Honestly now, young people today! You'd think that you lot would get it, but... We want you to abuse the power! Why do you think we gave it to you in the first place?!"

Eh...? Eh?! What?! What was that?! What nonsense was this now?! "You... you want me to abuse it...?"

"Of course we do! Urgh! This explains so much!" The Supervisor threw their hands up into the - Hold up, did she say something about crossdressing before? What was that about?! "This is supposed to help you let out all your inhibitions! Your lewd repressed nature! It's not healthy ignoring your libido, you know! If you had any common sense about you, you'd have enjoyed your little tumbles with that pigtailed hunk slash babe!"

"N-No!" Akane shook her head. "Me and Ranma, we're not actually - "

"Yeah, yeah, pull the other one," the Supervisor said. "Look! Here's the deal! I wanna see you doing more than the bare minimum here, okay? That's the reason the badge gets worse about things, got it? You're not being horny enough! You're not using the badge to get what you want! If anything you seem to be using it to get yourself out of trouble! Where's the fun in that?!"

Anyone else would be cowed by this. But not Akane Tendo. She'd had enough. She rose to her full height (which wasn't all that tall, but when you combine it with a battle aura, height doesn't matter much) and glowered at the Supervisor.

"You're all worse than I thought!" Akane yelled. "You - You're all a bunch of perverts! I thought maybe there was some greater purpose behind this - This ludicrous badge, but it's a obscene joke! I ought to clobber you into the horizon!"

"Oh, what? With the hammer everyone thinks you use, but actually you don't?" the Supervisor cooly replied, though... Akane had a sense that the person they were possessing was panicking a bit. "Get to it, Tendo. You've got twice the pigtailed ass to enjoy and at least one of them is willing, eager and very talented at pleasing. As I'm sure you already know."

Her battle aura turned inwards, making her blush like a lunatic. Ohhh, she'd become a beacon if she wasn't careful! Her head might shoot off and explode like a firework. This group... this organisation! Whoever it was responsible for this lewd atrocity! She'd find out who they were, and then she'd - She'd show them what for!


Tsubasa dropped to his knees and sucked air like he'd just climbed out of a swimming pool after a near drowning.

"What the fuck was thaaaaat?!" Tsubasa yelled. "No, no, no! What the fuck was that?! Something else was controlling my body, and -"

There was a badge on the ground right in front of him. Tsubasa looked at it. Stared unblinkingly for a full minute. Then immediately turned tail and ran for the hills. Fuck this! He wasn't dealing with freaky supernatural bullshit! He was gonna hide in this mailbox and then - 

Plop! The badge landed on his head almost as soon as he'd settled in.

"Chaaaaarge!" he yelled, tossing the badge away and then running in the other direction, only to get smacked in his petite gob by the badge coming the other direction!

"Stay away from meeeeee!" Tsubasa shrieked at the badge, so loudly that it left him breathless again. He doubled over, holding the badge in his trembling hands. No, no, no! He didnt' want anything to do with this freaky - 

"Thank you for your cooperation," a voice said in his head. "You are now promoted to the role of Supervisor for Miss Akane Tendo. Your responsibilities include - ensuring that she has intercourse with at least three of the following people once a day, separate from her badge duties. Ranma Saotome. Ranma's enchanted penis. Either of Ranma's mirror duplicates. Ukyo Kuonji. Shampoo of the Joketsuzoku. Kodachi Kuno. Hinako Ninomiya."

"Uh, thanks but no thanks? I don't want none of -"

"In exchange for this, you will receive regular blowjobs from one of the following, once a day each, at your leisure. Nabiki Tendo. Kasumi Tendo. Mariko Konjo. Nodoka Saotome. Azusa Shiratori..."

"Hold up, stop right there!" Tsubasa said. "None of them can possibly be as cute as my darling Ukyo, and for you to even dare to suggest that - "

"Hey! Are you the FGI Supervisor in charge of my little sister!"

Tsubasa turned. Found himself looking right into the eyes of an annoyed babe. Not really his sort, but she was kinda cute. Slender body, pretty face, brown hair that framed her face.

"Who wants to know?" Tsubasa asked.

"Nabiki Tendo, and for some reason I really need to get on your dick. Right now. I don't care that it's in public, I've got this weird feeling like nobody's gonna care, and that I'll like it when we're done, just.... Lemme at it, don't ask stupid questions."

Huh.... Huh! You know what? Alright. If this was how things were gonna be from now on, then... Why not have a little fun, eh?

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