Monday 29 July 2024

Story: Hentai Crystal


This was, of course, a temporary reprieve. Sailor Venus understood that perfectly well. Nonetheless, it was a much needed reprieve, from an enemy that could manipulate the terrain around her. This gave her space to breathe. Maybe do that thing people joked she didn't like to do: You know! Think! 

"You two, get out of here!" Venus warned. They were shaking their heads. Not out of disagreement, mind, but because the effects of the spell they were under were wearing off. "I can't beat her if she's controlling you at the same time!"

"Venus...?" Katarina asked. "Oh my goodness, your body...?"

A moment of silence and then she nudged Alan to get him to quit staring. Not that she was exactly innocent of that herself. Venus caught that little blush there as you looked at her legs! Venus couldn't blame them either, earlier in the mirror she had been drooling over her own reflection like an idiot and -

Oof! Tour Guide was getting cranky. In which case - 

"Get the civilians clear!" Venus yelled. There. That ought to do it. They might not flee if she told them to for their own safety, but if it meant keeping other civilians safe? They'd do that! "I'll keep her contained until then!" But that's all that she really could do. Tour Guide was a tricky opponent, and she was fending off the tentacles fairly easily. Venus had to be careful here - one wrong move and she might let the bitch speak!

"But Venus, what happened to your body?" Alan asked. "You weren't this absolutely ridiculously hot before."

"Yeah, you were more like a kinda cute and precocious kid sister, not Queen Babe of the Planet Thot!"

Aw, that was so nice of Katarina, calling her a babe and a thot, but there really was no time for that right now.

"I'll fill you in later! Will you please take the hint and - "

Wait. Wait wait wait. The thought sort of snuck up on her, but... Hadn't Usagi given her parents some form of protection earlier? A fraction of her power, through which they could defend themselves! Yes... It had required Libra but... Maybe if she tried, she could share a little bit of her power as Sailor Venus with the two of them?

She wasn't sure. Maybe? She closed her eyes, tried to concentrate, and - 

And there was a door in front of her. The Venus Symbol engraved upon it. There were others too, but it felt like Venus couldn't see them. She knew they were there because of course they were there, but you can't see them stupid. It was sort of like... persistence of vision. She knew her friends existed, but she couldn't see them right now? Or something like that.

Go ahead. A voice that sounded like Libra's whispered in her ear. Go ahead. Open the door.

She reached out, gave it a gentle nudge, and then -


Katarina was baffled, horny and concerned, prioritising in that order. For some reason, from the moment she'd laid eyes on her old friend doing her usual business (no mask though) in a weirdly sexy version of her usual uniform, she'd had that horniness and arousal creep creep creeping into her soul, and it was kinda bugging her. A lot. 

Weirdly, it was also not bugging her that much that Alan was staring at her. God, that body! It was so hot she'd kinda be more pissed off if he didn't look. Even so. She knew intellectually that this response was weird. Something was going on with her. Not just the usual, either. Something big, something scary, something... She didn't really know how to address, but if her friend was in need then she'd be here to give her the support that she -

And then there were tentacles. Bright yellow tentacles made up of interlocking chains made of hearts, glowing brightly in the night. They coiled around the pair of them in an instant, and then -

It's okay to be horny.

It's okay to be horny.

It's not okay to not be horny.

Must be horny all the time. All the time. Horny. Horny. Horny!

"Oops, sorry about that!" Sailor Venus chirped. The tentacles pulled away, and Katarina collapsed into Alan, himself only now being released from that heart chain tentacle cocoon, which is a really weird way to describe something. Four nouns in a row, what the hell? "Lost concentration there and - Are those transformation pens?"

Looking down at her hand, Katarina did indeed see a really weird pen. Alan had one as well. Where had those - never mind. Only one thing mattered right now. There were words pounding in her brain telling her to <i>flaunt her body</i> that she was <i>so horny</i> and she needed to <i>give in to the perversion</i> if she wanted to help Sailor Venus, her dear friend, who was working up a sweat trying to keep a dangerous enemy contained.


"Zoozve Make Up! Power Up!"

Okay, so Zoozve, what the hell is that? Alright. So. Here's the thing. Venus is one of two planets in the Solar System which does not have any moons orbiting it. However! It does have Zoozve! Which was discovered in 2003, but let's ignore that for now.

To put it simply: Zoozve is a quasi-moon, which means that it is an asteroid that appears to orbit Venus, but is not gravitationally bound to it. Instead, it goes around both Venus and the Sun in a complex orbit. Zoozve's orbit is unstable, meaning it will eventually be ejected from its quasi-satellite orbit. But you know what? It fucking counts! Let's go Sailor Zoozve! Her costume basically... looked like Sailor Venus, if it hadn't been given a size boost to accommodate the more mature figure.

As for Alan, well, let's go for Sailor Vulcan. No, that's not a reference to Spock, you philistine. Vulcan! As in, the husband of the Goddess Venus? Based on the Greek God Hephaestus, their God of blacksmithing, fire, etc? No? You're doing the Vulcan salute, aren't you? Or at least trying to do it. Fine. Fine. It's based on Spock, it's not worth the argument...

In any event! His costume changed into what he was actually based on. No, not a blue shirt with a - Stop that! It was a black tuxedo with a yellow undershirt and a yellow domino mask. Tuxedo Vulcan took Sailor Zoozve, whirled her around with a hand on her ass and the two of them went in for a deep, very lewd dip, stared longingly into each other's eyes - 

"Uh... Katarina?" Sailor Vulcan whispered. "I feel a really strong urge to ask if it's okay to have a threesome with Venus when we're done here? That's not normal is it?"

"It's normal," Zoozve replied so fast you'd think she broke the sound barrier. "It would be much less normal if you hadn't."

"Oh, thank goodness!" Vulcan let out a sigh of relief. "So you don't mind if I absolutely destroy those cheeks, right?"

"Ah! Guys! I don't think I can hold her for much longer!" Venus interrupted. "Talk about absolutely ruining me later on, 'kay? Priorities, can't fuck if we're dead!"


The two of them sprang into action right away. After all, in her civilian identity, Katarina was a cop. Now, I know, I know, some believe that all cops are bastards (or bitches), but let's not stereotype here. Obviously not all of them are, don't be daft, there are good ones and there are bad ones, and Katarina is a good one, though when you phrase it like that it doesn't sound great does it? Well, anyway! What this meant was that her weapons were rather based on the weapons of a police officer.

No. No, I don't mean a pun like having a long arm. Har, har, long arm of the law, et al. No, I don't mean the monopoly of force either. Come on, didn't we get this out of our systems earlier on in that whole police station bit? Firearms! Guns! Pistols! Batons! Those kind of weapons! Literal, actual weapons!

Which leaves one wondering, does it not? What might Alan have, as Sailor Vulcan? Why, obviously he'd have - 

Um... Huh. Okay. So, there's basically no information about him, like, at all. He's just a guy that Venus had a crush on. Easy to see why. Got sniped from under her by the more mature Katarina. 

Luckily, the identity of Sailor Vulcan makes this - no, not a nerve pinch. No, no mind melds either! Stop that! He's a weapon forger. Thus!

"Here, have a tear grenade," Vulcan said.

"Thanks dear!" Zvoozve kissed him on the cheek, then chucked the tear grenade into the very top of the parting tentacles with magnificent precision, letting out a cry of "Zvoozve Tearful Confession! You have the right to remain silent - but you won't, because that stuff stings like a bitch!"

Indeed, Tour Guide was left a coughing, sputtering mess as she stumbled out, grasping at her throat, unable to manipulate the terrain around her by speaking it into existence. Nasty stuff, tear gas. There's worse out there, but there's a reason most modern police only use it as a last resort. Or if they're feeling particularly risk averse this evening, pretty confident they have just about enough justification to get away with it.

"What - Hack, hack - Was that stuff?!" Tour Guide sputtered, writhing around on the ground. "Ah! This ground - cough cough! This ground is - cough cough cough cough!" It was no good! She couldn't do anything at all. Which left her absolutely powerless, while her quarry strolled around her, their long legs striding out, their yellow skirts swishing around until the pair of them squat down before their prey with hungry, horny looks in their eyes.

"Say, Venus?" Zoozve asked. "You wanna play good cop, or bad cop?"

"I'd rather play 'naughty' cop, 'slutty' cop myself," Venus giggled. "Come on, let's break her brain, it'll be great to catch up!"

Indeed. It had been a bit too long for both of them. Nothing quite like a little group activity to reignite an old friendship, eh?

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