Monday 8 July 2024

Story: SBO Negima


You know, sometimes it's necessary for this writer to look back over the course of the story so far to remind himself of what, exactly, the manner of madcap bullshit he's put into it so far has been. Upon rereading the earlier entries one thing became rapidly apparent.

Negi Springfield, the character whom the entire series is named, could at best be described as being referenced as existing within the work so far. Every time his name has come up, it's been about what he'd do, or what he'd think, or what others would think of him. Never what he was actually doing or thinking, it was him viewed through the lens of other characters.

Thus, it feels as though we really should turn our attention to him, as he was returning to campus grounds after a bit of conveniently timed administrative work that had taken him away. He sneezed as he walked out into the main hall, causing a gale down the hallway which, for once, did not have any effect at all on any passing girl's skirts, which made for a nice change of pace.

Even so, that felt less like a 'a bit of dust tickled my nose' sneeze, and much more like a 'someone is talking about you behind your back' sneeze. Which, fortunately, doesn't trip every time someone mentions you while you're not present otherwise it would be going off constantly. Which would mean that someone had talked about him in a way that he'd probably care about, in some capacity...

Or, not! Negi chuckled and shook his head. While there was that strange feeling he'd missed something, he was sure iit was nothing. What could possibly have happened in a couple of hours away from -


"You know, maybe I should do a quick check, just to make sure there's nothing going on anywhere... Check in on a few of my students, the faculty, and so on..."

That would be for the best. The last thing he needed was something sneaking up behind him and - 


Grabbing him from behind. Like Ayaka just did.

"Hi there Ayaka," he said. "Nice to see you. You're quite full of energy today."

"Eh? Huh? What?" Ayaka burbled. She sounded confused. "No, wait, I'm not like that! Ah! I'm not that kind of girl, really!"

Hrm? How strange! There were spirals in her eyes, and she seemed completely confused about something or other. Except, she had been the one to grab him from behind like that out of nowhere.

"Are you feeling okay?" he asked. She shrank away from him nervously. Oh well. He looked behind himself to check if there was anyone else around - 

"Negi~ Yipe! No! I dote on him entirely because he makes me think of a little brother! That's all!"

And now she was running away. Leaving Negi genuinely confused about what the hell was going on... but he was equally certain of this: Something weird had happened while he'd been away, and Ayaka seemed to know something about it!

"Ayaka! Come back! We need to talk, teacher to student!"


Ayaka's a pretty smart girl. When she's not been cursed to turn into a bimbo when nobody's looking at her. Oh yes, she'd worked that one out pretty quickly through observation, as well as what Asuna had said to her right before she'd changed.

She'd also worked out that she absolutely had to stay away from Negi in case she let something slip out. What would happen to the poor boy if she told him about the bimbos? Would he become a shortstacked babe? Would he become a buff dumb beach himbo?

Either way, she had no intention at all of finding out!

The frustrating part was that whenever she left his line of sight for even a moment she'd shift forms. "Ohoho, I'ma get me some Negi di- Ack! No, stay away!" and then she'd be running again.

In a quite literal sense she was fighting herself. The other her was wanting to do something rather grossly inappropriate, and the only way to keep her contained was... to find someone unaffected by the curse, and be within their line of sight at all times! Without telling them why!

"Stupid Asuna!" Ayaka grunted. "In that form I must be even dumber than you!" Which is quite the low bar. Then again, she was pretty sure that even Asuna didn't spontaneously become a thirsty bitch for their teacher's dick when nobody was looking!

Granted, she knew that some of the other girls thought that she was like that normally but - she wasn't! Honest, she wasn't!

Alas, Ayaka wasn't quite watching where she was going all that carefully, and this resulted in her running headfirst right into the tender cleavage of Shizuna Minamoto.

"Oopsie, careful there Miss Ayaka~" Miss Shizuna said, grabbing hold of Ayaka in a big pleasant embrace, which would normally be extremely comforting, but since she had lewdness on the brain currently... Not a great thing by any means! "No running in the hall, you don't want to hurt yourself do you?"

Negi soon followed after, and there really was no escape now! Guh! Oh, this was a total disaster! How could she avoid making this worse?! Negi would normally be the very person they would use to sort this problem out, but if he became affected as well...?

She could imagine it easily. Everyone in class affected, all bimbos, and then in strides this walking slab of male sex appeal. He whips his dick out onto the desk, puts his feet up and goes 'ladies, have at it', and they all line up like tittering airheads to salivate all over him-  and each other!

"H-Hey, why were you... What were you running for?" Negi asked, looking up at her with his ultimate weapon. Big, innocent eyes that only wanted to help! Noooo! Don't do that! "Come on, Ayaka! Don't be shy. Tell us all about it, start from the beginning."

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