Monday 8 July 2024

Story: Friendly Hentai Tome


Today has been a good day to be Akane Tendo. It felt like there weren't an awful lot of days like that, but today? Absolute perfection. She'd made big strides today, in getting what she wanted, getting what she felt she deserved. Ranma was hers. She was certain of it. And Ukyo would be theirs by this time tomorrow, and by the end of the week...? Shampoo was definitely on the cards. That spicy little Chinese warrior would make a delicious dish, no questions asked.

Thus she was wandering home with a smile on her face and a cocky swagger in her step. The stride of a girl who just got a good hard dicking in the middle of a threesome. Lucky girl. Given how hot she felt, the other two were plenty lucky too. Ranma had gone off to get a bit of training done, but Akane was heading up to her room so she could at least try to get this enormous grin off her face. If her father saw her smiling like this, or Kasumi for that matter, they might have some questions and -

"Evening, sis!"

She found Nabiki lying on her bed, reading a certain book. Well. She'd been hoping to wipe the smile off her face and - Nope. That still didn't do it. It felt like she'd gotten a coat hanger caught in her mouth. Her lips wouldn't turn down even from this. Her mind was racing though. Starting to panic a bit. Cue one big nervous gulp. 

"Whatcha got there?" Akane asked. "And why are you reading it in my room?"

Nabiki turned to look over at Akane and... she had the biggest smile on her face. A big dopy grin the likes of which she'd never seen on her sister before. Nabiki rolled her shoulders happily and made a little happy noise, and - 

Jackpot. She'd gotten herself some as well.

"Oh, it's an interesting read from some mutual friends of ours," Nabiki said. Akane winced a bit. Was she about to ask for a favour...? "Though they're your regular friends, and my sex friends. They're also sex friends with Miss Hinako as well, and they wanted me to help them make friends with a lot more hot girls, in exchange for me getting to have sex with them."

"I see," Akane nodded slowly. Relief setting in a little. It's possible this was all a trap. "And the book is...?"

"Little sis, they've already filled me in," Nabiki said. "In more ways than one. Are you enjoying riding the wild horse?"

"God you have no idea - I mean!" There was still a chance she was faking it, be more careful here Akane! "Ranma and I are just friends!"

"Uh huh," Nabiki said. "Akane, do me a favour and assume that we're both complete sluts for our man's dick, for just a moment. Assume that I am a part of Hiroshi and Daisuke's harem because they're such good close personal friends of mine, and I'm fully on board with you getting on that idiot's lap."

"He's not an idiot!" Akane huffed. "I mean. Okay, he is. But he's my idiot! Mine and... Ukyo's, and Shampoo's soon enough, once we become friends with her as well..."

"Goodness, got big plans have you?" Nabiki asked. She rolled off the bed, leaving the book where it had been. "Fun read. As always, you guys haven't really put much thought into how to use it beyond the obvious and superficial. Normally I wouldn't bother with it, too risky, but... I'm already under its spell. It's clearly affecting my judgement, but I can't stop myself."

"Yeah, it's kinda hot isn't it?" Akane asked.

Nabiki stopped for a moment, wrestling with herself. "Yes. It is. But I don't know anymore if that's me or the book. Oh well. I have plans to draw up, and - Don't be too surprised if your homeroom teacher starts behaving weird tomorrow, by the way. She's our friend too now."

Well, that was something to look forward to. Akane flopped onto her bed while Nabiki left the room. Oh, thank goodness, that could have gone a lot worse. As in, a whole lot worse. If Nabiki had found that book before they'd finished working their magic on her, they'd be paying through the nose for life. Worse yet, Nabiki would've used it for something other than setting her mind at ease.

She still might. There's no telling with that girl. She might be playing the long game. Being more patient. It's true what she ssaid, she's not the type to rush in. She'd take her time studying the book, work out what it did, and then make her move...

Tap tap tap. Oh? At the window? Akane kipped up out of bed and strolled over to find, hanging upside down, a certain pigtailed boy lurking there.

"Oh, thank goodness, I thought she'd never leave," Ranma said.

"Uh... Did you... Hear us?" Akane asked, a little nervous about what Ranma might have made out from that.

"Huh? No, window was closed. I could see her reading some book or something. She still stealing from your room?"

"No, it's not mine..." Akane said. "Anyway, what did you want?"

"I was thinking about what we did with Ukyo today," Ranma said. "I got hard again."

"And you want me to take care of it," Akane ventured. "Like the good friend that I am?"

"No need to be so smug about it..." Ranma grumbled.

Oh, but there was. She had him now. Well and truly. She wouldn't even have to try to flirt with or seduce him. No effort required, he'd come to her like a dog returning to its master. After all the insults about her sex appeal, we can see the evidence unfolding right here in front of our eyes.

"You like having sex with me~" Akane jeered.

"If you're gonna be like that, I'm off to Ucchan's," Ranma said.

"Wait, wait! You really think you can roof hop with a boner? Come on, I'll take care of it for you." He started to climb in the room. "On one small condition."

"Yeah, look, I don't need you making fun of -" Ranma began, but stopped cold purely because by the time he'd said that, Akane had taken off her shirt That's right, we both know you like them. Even after making fun, you still really like these boos, don't you?

"I have needs too, you know?" Akane said. "Just like Ukyo, I need my cheeks clapped every once in a while. So. I'll bang you right now, but! From now on, you'll have sex with me anytime, anywhere, either form. And I'll do the same for you. No questions asked."

"You drive a hard bargain," Ranma said, using the sort of tone one would use when they thought they had the better of someone else. Also he was saying it directly to her bare chest. Then he whipped off his own shirt and - The next thing Akane knew she was licking that manly chest. Mmm~ "Heh. Eager to get started, are we?"

Hrmph! Gonna be like that was he? Akane might be more in touch with her perverted side, but she was still competitive at heart. That much hasn't changed at all. 

"Well then buddy, why don't you sit down for a bit?" Akane asked, pushing him onto the bed. "Let your good friend Akane take care of that needy throbbing erection for you."

She tugged on his trousers just a little bit, and it sprang right out. She gasped.

"Oh my goodness!" Akane said. "You're soooo hard right now. Is that because of what we did earlier, or...? Is it because of these?" She leaned forward to pinch her boobs together for him. "Go on, you can be honest with a friend. You wouldn't have gone off to Ukyo again so quickly, you wanted to tap my fine ass didn't you?"

Ranma fidgeted. This is where he'd normally say something stupid, but! He was under the effect of being 'honest with a friend' right now. He couldn't pull his usual nonsense. He'd have to say what he was really thinking.

"Y-Yeah, I mean, we didn't get to spend any time alone together today..." Ranma admitted. "Then I got hard while thinking about when you and Ukyo smooched, and..."

"Smooched like this...?" Akane asked, and the two of them didn't have anything more to say after that. Their bodies did all the talking and they had a lot to say to each other.

They'd have even more to say once they got Shampoo on board as well. As Ranma's penis sank into her yet again, the smile on Akane's face made an argument in favour of permanent residence. Today was a very good day to be Akane Tendo, after all~

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