Monday 29 July 2024

Story: Hamefura C+S


Katarina Claes is a very simple person when you get right down to it. Simple like a fox! Or perhaps a labyrinth. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and tries to think far ahead of herself, but she isn't really all that good at it. Her motivations are pretty simple if you understand that she is mentally a girl from another world. If the concept of an isekai is completely foreign to you? Well then! You stand no chance of figuring her out. Once you know the answer everything else sort of falls into place. Getting to that answer without cheating? Impossible. You can't. You literally cannot, don't even try, and even the act of cheating would be incredibly difficult to do.

Thus, she comes across as simple, yet layered. It helps to emphasise her real qualities as a woman. Kind, caring, compassionate, a little bit weird, in fact she's just weird enough to grab your attention by the throat and lift it up. She can also trip love flags in others by accident on the regular. Without even noticing that she's done it.

"And so, you see! When you do this, it puts a fun, fun, fun little mental compulsion on the person!" Mary was telling her. Mary Hunt. One of her best friends. Babbling around in a panic, while fiddling with a carrot and a stick, placed on either side of Alan's head while he slept with head in her lap. "Ahem! It makes them want to behave in a particular way! You understand!"

"Ohhhh!" Katarina nodded. Of course, of course. It made sense. It made perfect sense to her! Clearly, Mary was concerned that Alan was spending too much time with Maria, and wanted to bring his attention back to her! Oh yes, that made perfect sense to her. Though it was kinda... Perverted to do something like that, so - 

Grk! Katarina winced with pain. Trying to object to it felt wrong. Therefore! She had to support Mary in whatever she was up to! No matter how gross, disturbing, ethically questionable or lewd! Especially since they were now going to regularly have sex to blow off some steam!

A warning for those of you new to the thought process of Katarina Claes: Remove your palm from your face now, this girl is extremely dense and if you continue to observe her with this rate of facepalming you risk concussion yourself. Or breaking a bone in your hand. One, the other, or perhaps even both.

"Don't worry, Mary! Calm down!" Katarina said. "I understand completely!"

"You do!" Mary squeaked.

"Of course!" Katarina said, and pulled her friend into a great big hug. Gave a nice hard squeeze to her as well. Mmm, this was super nice~ Worth remembering at this point that Katarina herself was completely naked. "I'll do whateer I cacn to help you out!"

"Y-You will?" Mary squeaked, an even higher pitch than before.

"That's right! And I know exactly what I'll do first!"

And then she got dressed. Left the room. Took the carrot and the stick with her, before skipping off happily, leaving Mary just as Alan was starting to stir. Oh, what a good friend she was! This would surely help the two of them hook up together! It had nothing to do with any of her Death Flags anyway, but -


"Order, order, we must come to order!" a false moustache wearing Katarina slammed her gavel on the table in front of her. "We must consider this carefully now! How does knowledge of this spell affect our plans to avoid our Death Flags?!"

The rest of the council of Katarinas, meanwhile, were a bit too busy either masturbating, giving each other lap dances, or in one case, erecting a pole on the table in the middle of the room and shaking their ass like they needed to pay for College. Not that the moustache wearing Katarina was any better, given that the false moustache was the only thing she was wearing.

"Ahem!" the gavel was struck on the table several more times in quick succession, which led to the pole dancing Katarina getting her foot clobbered, tumbling off the table into the lap dancers, who in turn katamari'd themselves into the masturbator. Not exactly the most organised meeting of the mind, is it? And yes, that was meant to be mind singular rather than plural because this is all part of the same mind, in the end. "Are you sluts ready to take this seriously?"

"No..." one Katarina whined. Ah, this was the pole dancer. Formerly, the one who could be thought of as the 'Regular Katarina'. "Still horny!"

"Yes, yes, we're all ravenously horny, to the point of night nymphomania..." said the one that was masturbating until right now. She adjusted her glasses, revealing that she was, in fact, meant to be Katarina's intelligence. "One can only hope this does not lead us to make ill decisions and - "

"Hey, let's go suck off Gerald!" said the aggressive Katarina, who had been giving a lapdance to the last one. The others all oohed and ahhed at the idea, receiving a hit of pleasure for the idea.

"N-No, no, there's no way he'd let us do that!" the last one, the lapdance receiver, the timid Katarina observed. "He's obviously way too into Maria..."

"That is, unless we tag him with the spell~" the aggressive one pointed out.

"But won't that trip up the Death Flag, if he hooks up with Maria?" the regular Katarina asked.

"That's the beauty of it!" the aggressive one stood up, steam shooting from her nose. "If we use the spell on her as well...?"

Ohhhhh! They hadn't thought of that before!

"Maria is a hot piece of ass herself, huh...?"

Nod, nod! The council all fell into agreement on that point right away. Oh yes, Maria was a very hot piece of ass! She'd probably make an even cuter face than Mary did if they made her cum!

"Then it's decided!" the head of the council banged their gavel once again. "First, we corrupt Maria with the spell! Then we use her to get a chance to wrap our lips around Gerald's mighty Princely dick!"


Be afraid, everyone. Be very afraid. For when this girl sets her mind to something, mountains have a tendency to move.

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