Sunday 19 November 2017

Story: HCI

Nabiki Tendo's mind was racing. Her typical vice was greed, to have in her possession things in excess of what she needed and to keep them for herself. She was not above using the vices of others to extract her pounds of flesh, be it from the lust others felt for her, their vanity, their jealousy of others... All was fair game when it came to padding out Nabiki's wallet. She rarely felt those things herself, which made her seem aloft, cool and above it all. In control of herself and hence over others.

Until today. This was the day that Nabiki's libido was given a booster shot. True enough, the curse wasn't driving her wild with lust, but that was only because there was an easier path for it to take. And magic, like water, will tend towards the path of least resistance. Instead of magnifying her lust, it twisted around her greed.

This 'curse' increased a woman's breast size. Quite substantially, too. The business opportunities that alone created sent a shiver down her spine. Then you throw in the (presumably delicious) milk that can be created on demand. It was like a money tree, without the worry of inflation.

On that basis alone the idea of sucking some dick was starting to sound really, really juicy to the greedy mercenary-like girl. Ah, but there was another problem: Something's value is often dependant on how rare it is. If everyone had giant knockers and would drop their panties in exchange for a wink and a nod, then the money would dry up sharpish!

Which meant that as wonderful as she was now beginning to see this curse, it meant that if she wanted to make any dough from it she needed to be the one to control the spread. But with Cologne investigating... how on earth was she supposed to do something like that?

"Oh gosh, look out!"

"Huh?" Nabiki grunted, turning just in time to see a beautiful blonde haired woman tumbling over  apparently nothing, incidentally dragging her down to the ground as well with this strange woman's cleavage acting as a rather soft, pleasant pillow for her face. Though these were, unfortunately, quite obviously not the tits she was looking for. No milk.

"Ah! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" the woman began to panic, but not in the kind of way that would help Nabiki extract her face from this pillowy deathtrap. Instead the blonde was shaking her shoulders back and forth, incidentally causing Nabiki to motorboat these splendid examples of breasts that were still not up to the lofty standards set by the curse. Nabiki made an internal note to bill any boys watching for the experience, as she was quite certain it was extremely accidentally erotic. "I slipped! I didn't mean to do that!"

Left with no alternative but to free herself before she asphyxiated, Nabiki grabbed hold of the offending weapons, pulled them apart and then lifted her head with the intention of taking in a deep, deep breath - only for the extremely ditzy and clumsy woman to gasp in shock, and the vacuum effect from both of their mouths pulled them together. Nabiki heard a smattering of applause from the male students passing by and resolved to double the bill payment. No, make that triple, since this extremely clumsy woman chose this very moment to tip over backwards, pulling up Nabiki's skirt in the process.

The part that should have worried her most of all was that she was actually starting to enjoy this.

Whap! Whap!

"Uwaaaaah!" the woman moaned. "What was that for?!"

Nabiki didn't bother asking. She knew all too well why Cologne had done that. It didn't stop the old woman from giving her the evil eye. And oh, when she gave you an evil eye it was well and truly malevolent.

"I hear some noise, I come out to investigate, and you're being attacked by another victim of this curse," Cologne said.

"Curse?" the woman blinked, adjusting her glasses. Which had somehow not fallen off during all of that. "What sort of curse do you mean?"

To that, the old ghoul whapped her cane against the stranger's bosom. "You cannot mean to tell me that these are all natural!" Cologne declared. The stranger merely whimpered and moaned, even going so far as to bite her finger. "You see? This lewd behaviour is a clear and present sign -"

A boy passing by coughed into his hand then raised it into the air. "Actually, Miss Tearju is always like that! She's really clumsy, and provides us with a lot of accidental fanservice."

"She's my favourite teacher!" another called out from further down the corridor, giving a big thumbs up in the process. "Yesterday she accidentally taught my girlfriend how to french kiss!"

Cue Miss Tearju beginning to tear up and hiding her face in her hands. Eh? Could it be that this woman is really that clumsy? Actually when you consider some of the people she'd met of late that didn't seem too impossible.

"You're all so meaaaaan!" Tearju cutely yelled, rising to her feet and rushing off down the corridor. To her credit, she only tripped up three times, and only one of those times did she actually flash her panties to anyone.

"I'm heading after her," Nabiki said. "That woman owes me for this humiliation just now. Even if it was only clumsiness, I can't let her get away with treating me like that!"

"Hmph... Try not to get yourself infected in the process..." Cologne huffed. "I have work to do, and these distractions are not conducive to what I'm trying to do."

That was fine with her. As it happened Nabiki had ulterior motives anyway, and didn't it say something when extorting someone was the less morally dubious of her reasons? In any event: That woman seemed to Nabiki to be the sort that was easily manipulated, easily controlled and she knew the school a hell of a lot better than Nabiki did. Not to mention that as a teacher she was bound to have some exploitable authority! All of which meant that if she wanted to get a handle on this curse, she'd make for a fine, fine sexy ally. So she gave chase, easily catching up because while this woman was fast she was also giving off fanservice like it was her personal religion.

Eventually Tearju ran into a room, which was exactly what Nabiki wanted. A little privacy was always helpful when trying to emotionally blackmail someone. Just before the door closed, Nabiki stuck her foot in the doorway and gently pushed her way in. "Pardon me, Miss Tearju but..."

But her thoughts trailed off the instant that she set foot inside. She'd been expecting a teacher's lounge, or an office. What she wasn't expecting was to set foot in a high tech laboratory! All around the room there were glass tubes filled with creatures that were not of this Earth. Probably not of this Milky Way for that matter... There was a blue thing that was either a flower, a mushroom or a particularly tall rodent depending on how you looked at it. Next to it was a fish, if a fish were described by a drunkard to someone that had never seen one before. Then she walked past an octopus/dog that made lewd groping motions at her. There wasn't enough money in the universe to let that happen.

"You're a scientist, are you?" Nabiki mused aloud. Tearju nodded, part proudly, part embarassed. "It's quite the display you've got going here..." This was new territory for her. Ghosts, evil spirits, wannabe mages, tough guy martial artists. Never any mad scientists in there before. Still! Nabiki could certainly appreciate a challenge, and she had a doozy of one for Miss Tearju to take a look at. Nabiki pulled up a chair, spun herself around and then sat on it, confidently crossing her legs and in the process immediately dominating the room.

"I have a proposition for you. A challenge that I think you might find quite interesting..."

  1. Nabiki negotiates with Tearju so she can find a way to control the curse.
  2. Nabiki manipulates Tearju into exposing herself to the curse so that Nabiki can control her.
  3. Mikado arrives with Akane and Ryoga in tow.
  4. Back with the Index crew chasing Happosai.
  5. Something else

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