Tuesday 21 November 2017

Story: Sailor Moon Alpha Male

Consider for a moment Usagi Tsukino, the young woman who was otherwise known as Sailor Moon. Anyone that knew her would find the idea quite laughable. Usagi? That plain crybaby? Secretly the gorgeous, the glamorous, the brave superheroine that led the Sailor Scouts? Don't be silly. This is a joke, right? Sure, their hair looks similar and sure they have the same face, the same body type and the same voice... But Usagi was nowhere near that level of radiant beauty. She was, at best, pretty in a rather average way that didn't especially stand out.

Of course, had Usagi heard you say such things she'd have probably clocked you one.

Regardless, being Sailor Moon was far from the forefront of her thoughts at the time being. Today she was Christmas shopping! Now, it must be noted that in Japan that means something a little bit different than it does in the Western world: Where other nations use it as an excuse to indulge in capitalistic hedonism, Japan... does so as well but with a touch more of a romantic bent to it. Think of Christmas Eve as being more akin to Valentine's Day, a day which couples spend together and exchanging gifts rather than a religious festival that had been consumed by consumerism.

Which left Usagi in a bit of a bind. She'd never actually <i>had</i> a boyfriend before. Oh true enough she'd crushed super hard on many, many guys in her time. Yet none of them seemed interested in her as more than a friend or that weird girl who hangs around their arcade all the time. This was why she was standing there in the middle of a crowded mall, shoulders slumped and a dejected expression painted on her face.

"Ah, who knew that guys could be so hard to shop for..." she lamented, that common complaint for those new to the dating scene that had the potential to hit both genders really badly. "I thought that I could come out here and something would obviously speak to me, but..."

"Advertisement missile strike!"

Huh? Advertisement missile strike? What on earth did that mean? No sooner had this question passed Usagi's mind than she found her answer: A flying glomp from a store mascot, a woman dressed up like a female Santa!

"Oh, that common complaint for those new to the dating scene!" the mascot whined, blatantly cribbing notes from the narrator in the process. "Standing there in the middle of a crowded mall, shoulders slumped, dejected expression painted on your face!" Hey now, this is starting to get personal! Get your own lines! "It's all so pathetic, all too common at this time of year."

"Too... tight! Can't... Breathe!"

"Oh! Sorry darling. Don't know my own strength at times," the Santa cosplayer said. She disentangled her arms from around Usagi's torso, then rapped her knuckles on the side of her own head in a cutesy 'I am silly' way.  "Anyway! Never fear, your gift getting worries are in the past! Whatever it is your man desires most - except from you - will be available at our new store! Santa's Sack!"

Usagi mulled this over while taking a better look at the mascot giving her this sales pitch. Her hair was the same colour as Usagi's, golden like the sun though hers flowed freely down her back. She was wearing a cute little red hat with white trimming and a little white ball attached to the end. As for her actual clothes, it was very much a sort of sleeveless minidress with the same style as the hat. Top it off with some jet black boots that went up to her knees and you created a very sexy, cute outfit that was in no way overtly sexualised or inappropriate for public viewing.

Something about this rubbed her the wrong way, but right now what could she do but follow along? It wasn't like she was getting any better ideas! If this weirdo could suggest a good gift for Mamoru then she was all for it. So, the mascot skipped off into her store and Usagi followed meekly afterwards.

The first thing that struck Usagi about the store was its size. It looked way, way bigger on the inside than she was expecting. The second thing was that there didn't seem to be any customers. Only more mascots rushing around the store, putting boxes on shelves, straightening out merchandise. All of them with big, bright and cheery smiles on their faces. All of them looking exactly the same.

"Alright! Aisle seven, here we come!" the mascot declared, fistpumping the air. "You'll have a gift for your wonderful Mamoru in no time flat! Just you wait!"

Uh huh. Usagi stopped in her tracks and narrowed her eyes at the mascot leading her through the store. As one, every mascot around stopped what they were doing to look directly at her. "Funny," she said. "I don't remember saying his name aloud."

"Oh, you don't?" the mascot said, nervously scratching the back of her head. "Um... You did! Don't you remember? When we came into the store you were mumbling his name under your breath!"

Okay. Usagi nodded, then reached into her pocket, and said the phrase "Moon Prism Power Up!" with a sense of energy and excitement that would probably have left those doubters mentioned at the start of the episode floored that Usagi could express her voice in this way.

The transformation was nigh-instantaneous, although it did not feel that way to Usagi. She could feel every nano-second passing by, as her regular clothes disappeared only to be replaced with the facets of her Sailor Moon clothing piece by piece. It was enough to make time slow down for her and her alone. The power it filled her with was intoxicating, to the point that were she even a speck less a decent person than she was then she would have been completely corrupted by it. Although she'd never had sex she could hardly imagine it feeling better than this.

"I might not know what's going on around here," Sailor Moon declared, with one hand on her hip and the other giving her normal salute. "Even so! In the name of the Moon, if it is evil then I shall punish you!"

"Guh! That wasn't regular energy I was sensing! No wonder it was so high! I thought you were an athlete or something!"

Well, that cleared up that mystery at least. Sailor Moon reached for her crown - only for some tinsel to wrap itself around her wrist and pull her hard to the ground. They were quickly followed by Christmas lights affixing themselves to her clothing, one by one but very quickly until she was buried underneath them! Yet this only lasted for a second before Sailor Moon let out an almighty scream that sent the decorations flying.

"I'm a warrior for truth and justice! Not a Christmas tree!" she admonished.

"Never mind, it's not a problem!" one of the mascots yelled. "We'll turn her into another Santagirl in no time flat! There's no way she can beat all of us!"

This turned out to be true. Though Sailor Moon was leagues stronger, these Santagirls were legion. One would jump for her, and she'd knock them away only for another to grab hold of her limbs. Bit by bit they were pinning her down through sheer weight of numbers, not even giving her the chance to grab hold of her tiara. Although on the inside, Sailor Moon was actually smiling. Why? Because it was usually when she was on the brink of defeat -

"Such unsightly tactics from such fair maidens!"

- That a rose would fly out of nowhere, striking her foes and knocking them down! This rose bounced off several of the Santagirls one after the other in a pinball like ricochet, giving Sailor Moon more than enough leeway to toss them off! Next came the part where Tuxedo Mask would giver her words of encouragement and -

This was about the time that her eyes actually wound up on Tuxedo Mask. The alter-ego of Mamoru had always been dashing with a strong air of mystery about him. Even after discovering his secret identity that hadn't entirely gone away. Even so, she had never before experienced such an intense animalistic lust towards him. Not once. Never. No, correct that. She'd never experienced such an intense animalistic lust period, full stop, end of discussion.

The reason for it was a mystery to her. So far as she could tell with her eyes there wasn't anything different about him. Maybe he seemed a lot more confident in his movement and body language. Dominant. He was giving off an incredibly superior feeling right now. It was like, somehow, it would be wrong to not lust after him, not to do as he said. Not because he was a man. Because he was an alpha man. <b>The</b> man.

"Now girls, it's not right for you to fight like this," said Tuxedo Hunk. He reached out towards the nearest Santagirl, delicately lifted her chin so that she was looking him in the eyes and <i>wait one damn minute!</i> "Do you realise what a crime it would be to ruin those pretty, delicate features?"

"Sorry!" sighed the Santagirl, and it was promptly followed by a loud series of sighs from the rest of them as well. Seeming satisfied with this, her <i>boyfriend</i> returned his attention to her and oh goodness were her knees ever so weak all of a sudden.

"They haven't hurt you, have they?" he asked. Sailor Moon shook her head meekly, then immediately tapped the side of her head. Woah! What was going on here? All he does is show up and it suddenly feels like he's in charge! "All of you, apologise to my future wife for startling her."

"We're sorry!" said all of the evil Santagirls all at once, bowing meekly to her. Okay, this was getting creepy. And hot. And the fact that she found it hot was super extra creepy.

"Good girls!" he said, then immediately swept his arm around Sailor Moon's waist, hugging her close to his body... His manly, rugged tuxedo clad body... And dipped her ever so slightly, with his face mere inches away from hers. "Come on babe, let's get out of this place. I don't think we've had the chance to fool around in our alter-egos yet, have we?"

That... Sounded really, really fun. By the time Sailor Moon had realised it her hand were already resting upon Tuxedo Mask's shoulders, making ready to pull him in for a kiss... But somehow, she found the strength to push back. Keep him away. "We still haven't dealt with them yet," she said, gesturing to the evil Santagirls who were clearly up to no good. "Shouldn't we...?"

She was interrupted when out of nowhere Tuxedo Mask slapped her on the ass. Loud enough that there was a distinct echo throughout the store! Sailor Moon opened her mouth to protest, but he groped her buttcheek firmly and all that came out was a strangled moan.

"I've done my part," Tuxedo Mask said, using his other hand to spin her around while keeping the groping hand right where it was, squeezing and fondling, and... "Purify them all for me, that's a good girl."

This was beyond the limit! Her Mamoru, her Tuxedo Mask would never ever act this way! At least not in public... No, not even in private! His left hand was still on her butt, and now his right hand was trailing around her hips, under her arms and cupping her breasts. The feeling made her back arch, but she simply couldn't bring herself to voice any complaints, not even when he began to kiss the nape of her neck.

"M-Moon healing escalation!"

 "That lucky girl..." one of the Santagirls mumbled moments before Sailor Moon's tiara bounced clean off her, purifying her and turning her back into a normal girl before ricocheting off, hitting each of the Santagirls one at a time. Normally this kind of impressive display would have Sailor Moon jumping for joy and showing off but right now her mind was a total mess. Wh-what had gotten into him all of a sudden? Into her, for that matter? Why did it feel so wrong, yet so right?

"So how about now?" Tuxedo Mask whispered in her ear. His breath was hot, it felt like he was melting her brain with his words. "Shall we find somewhere more private? Or would you prefer that we do this right here in front of those women you saved?"

"Nnng!" Sailor Moon struggled and writhed. "I'm t-taking you to Ami!" She stopped on realising how that sounded. "I need to have her check you out!" oops, that was even worse! "I mean, she needs to take a good long hard look at you - Gah!"

That was the problem with being so turned on when you don't actually want to be. Everything suddenly sounds like a double entendre!

  1. Somehow, Sailor Moon resists long enough to change back to normal and take Mamoru to meet with Ami for a quick analysis.
  2. Sailor Moon succumbs to the effect and cannot resist his advances anymore.
  3. Meanwhile, the villain behind the Santagirls has fallen head over heels for that hunky Alpha Male.
  4. Alternatively, the youma controlling the Santagirls attacks!
  5. Something else