Tuesday 7 November 2017

Story: Happosai's Deal

Within Furinkan there were several beings that one would be sensible to fear. The diminutive old man was certainly one of the most terrifying. One would think this was because of his perversion. One would think it was to do with his extremely high level of martial arts skill. One would be partly correct, but there was a third reason to be absolutely terrified of this little old man. And that reason was: Experience.

It is not possible to become <i>this good</i> at martial arts without having some encounters with the supernatural in your time. Spells, incantations, potions, demons, ghosts and the like are prevalent in this world for those willing to watch out for them, and these things are drawn towards the strong like moths to a flame. Or perhaps it is the other way around? Who can say.

What matters is the here and now. Happosai had drawn his incantation circle. Because he had something truly terrifying for a man such as him. He had a plan. A long term plan. For a pervert like him to sit down and think through a long term plan is for him to deny the sin of lust, for that is the sin of impatience, the sin of right here and right now. Yet his own amusement has led him to this.

"I call upon the spirit of femininity within the boundaries of Furinkan!" he proclaimed, tossing salt into the markings he had drawn. "I call upon you to make a deal!"

Soon enough smoke began to spill out of the middle of that circle. The smoke rose and shifted into a rainbow of colours, then into colours not even found on the rainbow while twisting and billowing into a shape that could either be a perfect hourglass feminine figure, or a pretty feminine face depending on how one looked at it.

<font size="4"><font face="Gabriola">"What do you want, little pervert?"</font></font> the voice boomed with disdain. Even one so mighty as Happosai was barely able to hold his ground against this force of feminine will. "You enemy of women! Why would you dare call upon me? Do you wish your own end?"

"Hmph! You weren't listening at all, were you?" Happosai casually emptied out his pipe, tapping it out before sitting down and setting it alight. He puffed on it and blew smoke rings with a little dot of smoke in the center of them. "I have come to bargain."

<font size="4"><font face="Gabriola">"I swear to you now, if time loops during or after this conversation then you will deeply regret it."</font></font>

"Not that kind of bargain," Happosai held up his hand. "Poor choice of words. No, I have a real deal for you. I think that by now you would agree that I am a suitable representative of all perverts within the Furinkan area, much as you are the actual representative of all women within Furinkan. Do you agree with this much?"

<font size="4"><font face="Gabriola">"With that much, it is plain to see."</font></font>

"Splendid!" Happosai hopped to his feet. "Here is my deal. I think you will quite like it. What you get it simple, what I get is a little more complicated. However, both of them play in your favour, after a fashion."

The embodiment's eyes narrowed. Or if your perspective was skewed the other way, then its sexy hourglass figure was leaning over in a manner that betrayed suspicion. <font size="4"><font face="Gabriola">"This is a trick. Tell us what it is you intend, so we may know how you intend to deceive us."</font></font>

"Well, that's simple enough," Happosai rocked in place, twiddling his thumbs innocently. Well. A decent mockery of innocence. He hadn't been innocent in a long, long time. "What you get is this: No man within Furinkan may touch a woman or their clothing in a deliberately sexual way without that woman's express permission. How does that sound for my part of the bargain?"

Oh, Happosai already knew the answer to that. It was a sacrifice. A terrible one. He would no longer be able to pat busts or butts. He would no longer be able to flip skirts or steal panties... But it would be worth it in the end. He'd have to endure a tough period of transition, yet in the end it would all be worth it.

<font size="4"><font face="Gabriola>"And what would you claim in return for this?"</font></font>

Happosai grinned. "Why, it is simplicity itself," he said. "What I find the most joy in is when a woman is happy. Therefore... Whenever a man thinks of a woman in a sexual manner, I would like for her to receive twice - no, thrice the thrill that the man experiences. How does that sound?"

<font size="4"><font face="Gabriola>"It sounds like... A bargain. Yet be careful what you wish for, little pervert. The results may not be what you anticipate in your corrupted, twisted mind!"</font></font>

Be that as it may, this was what Happosai was aiming for. Would it turn out as he anticipated? Well, the fun was in the learning wasn't it? A beam of light shot out from the embodiment, striking right through him and yet leaving him completely unharmed.

<font size="4"><font face="Gabriola>"The deal has been accepted, Happosai. Tomorrow a new dawn awaits you and the women of Furinkan. We anticipate the outcome of this bargain with great relish."</font></font>

Do you know what? So did he. And do you know, he had the perfect guinea pigs to try things out on.


It was a new morning in Furinkan and that meant Ranma had a whole new mess of nonsense to have to deal with. What would it be today? Why, what else!

"Boy! Your beloved fiancee seems to have slept in!" his stupid pops bellowed at him. Ranma casually tossed some cold water in his face to shut him up, but alas all that meant was getting signs shoved in his face instead. Actually, the signs were less annoying so this was still a step up. "You should go and wake her up before she is late for school!"

"Ugh, why me?" Ranma grunted. Whatever. He might as well get this over with, if it would shut his old man up. Up the stairs he trudged, fully accepting his fate. He could see it already. Ranma started by knocking on the door. Nothing going. He thought he heard something, but he couldn't quite make it out. "Yo, tomboy! You decent in there?"

Still nothing. With a heavy sigh he opened the door, fully expecting something bad when he went inside... And sure enough, there she was. Getting dressed. In her underwear and not a stitch else.

"R-Ranma!" she yelped. Here it comes. The screaming match, the punch to the face. Or maybe she'd grab the nearest object (her alarm clock by the looks of it... Ah, it was showing the wrong time, too!) and try to toss it down his gullet. She took a deep breath in - and then tripped over her own feet in shock. "... Guh!"

"Sorry! I'll let you get dressed!" Ranma apologised. The door was closed and he took a deep breath. Phew! Just as he thought, that sight didn't excite him in the least bit! Nothing at all erotic about Akane standing there in her underwear. Nope. Nothing worth seeing. Those thighs were way too thick and not the perfect shape to catch his attention. Those breasts were far too small to find attractive, and that waist - Well, it was okay. For a stomach. But it was Akane's stomach, therefore it wasn't sexy in the least! He adjusted his pants because they were loose! Not to hide anything poking out down there!

"Oh... My... goood!" Akane moaned into her pillow. "Ooh, why do I feel so good all of a sudden?"

Meanwhile, unnoticed was a lurking presence outside Akane's window. Listening in with great interest. "Kukuku..." He cackled quietly. "Just as planned! Before long, every attractive woman in Furinkan will be as big a pervert as I am!"

  1. Follow Akane as she tries to go through her day.
  2. Ranma notices girls behaving weirdly. Then gets splashed.
  3. Shampoo feels something off in the air and investigates.
  4. Go to another girl.
  5. Go to another guy.
  6. Something else

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