Sunday 5 November 2017

Story: Code Cocknosis

Lelouch stared at the door handle to the next room as though it may bite him. It was not a strange thing for this genius young man to be deep in thought like this, but it was rather unusual for him to take a moment to consider the situation for quite so long.

"What's wrong?" Kallen asked. "We got through this trap just fine, we should be okay in the next room to."

"Will we?" Lelouch pondered. "Isn't it strange though? Cornelia is allowing us to advance further into her facility. She clearly knows we have tit and cocknosis powers, and has set up this trap to ensnare our minds. Yet I wonder..."

"You wonder what?" Shirley asked. "Um... I guess it's a little strange that she would put these people there in the first place, right?"

Yes, exactly. Even with this kind of setup, it was too much of a risk. Why would Cornelia allow them access like this? Would it not make much more sense to seal off the room entirely, then have automated turrets mow them down? Or fill the room with knockout gas? Why employ a wet t-shirt contest when there were several things that could, in theory, go completely awry with such a tactic?

It was bothering him. It was an irksome thing, an obviously flawed line of reasoning. Why allow an enemy a route of progression when it would be so, so easy to completely close it off? There were only two reasons Lelouch could think of. On the one hand: It could be a test. On the other: Cornelia was playing a game.

<I>Then what is there to worry about?</i> a busty green temptress whispered in his ear, unseen. She gently floated up behind Lelouch's head, gently pulling the back of it into her astonishing cleavage. <i>Either way, there are rules. Right? It's not a game if you can't win, and it's not a test if you can't pass.</i>

There was a very slight tremor of motion from within Lelouch's enthralling cock. His balls stirred, his eyes gleamed with mischief and his hands unconsciously slipped around Kallen and Shirley's waists so that he had a hand on each of their asses.

"Open the door," he commanded, in that moment feeling tremendously lucky. Not many men could say they had girls like this, willing and eager to allow him to grope and squeeze their impossibly sexy bodies at his own discretion. Then again, he had little trouble allowing them to do whatever they wanted to his body either.

Kallen was closest to the handle, so her hand reached it first. Shirley's were too busy rubbing themselves along Lelouch's chest to be useful for that anyway. The door in front of them swung over, and Lelouch braced himself for whatever game or test or trap Cornelia had laid for them inside this room -

Only to discover another locked door on the other side. This one with two chains bolted in place over the door in a giant cross, both chains connected by a rather large and obvious lock. Yes, this rather did confirm his theory about Cornelia testing or playing with them. If that door was truly intended to be secure, then it would have been locked up and secured on the other side.

Which meant that the key was almost certainly hidden somewhere within this room. Or more precisely, the mud pit sitting quite obviously in the middle of the room. The trio took a tentative step inside, while Lelouch looked for something he could use to jam the door open. Too late unfortunately, as the instant they were within it slid shut again and made several clicking noises.

"Great! What now?" Kallen sighed. She pulled away from Lelouch and strutted forward to the mud pit. "I don't see anyone. What's the big idea?"

"The big idea is me!"

And then the mud stood up. Or rather, the woman hiding within stood up. She was tall, ridiculously so, and she carried this balance between seeming overwhelmingly powerful and just as overwhelmingly beautiful. A real knock out. Lelouch would think of her as Amazonian, if not for the fact that she very obviously still had her right breast. True enough that was probably ancient propaganda by the Greeks against a given enemy, but since the Amazons themselves were probably not real then it seemed rather an irrelevant point for Lelouch to draw upon, except for the fact that he was trying to distract himself from the obviously hypnotic effect of the mud sliding down a trail that began at her neck, then dripped and slid slowly down in between the treacherous mountainous valley, which was a place no mind could escape.

Lelouch immediately closed his eyes.

"Hah!" the woman laughed. "That's a good one! You think I'm like those sluts outside? You think my style of titnosis is all visual, right?"

"Style...?" Lelouch asked, intrigued by the implications. "There are different styles of titnosis?"

"Didn't even know that much?" The woman then slammed her fists together. "Oh, this is gonna be easy as pie. Listen: I'm here because if you got by that lot, you worked out a way around the visual style titnosis. You know, the kind that brainwashes you when you watch 'em?"

"Um..." Shirley whispered in his ear. "I've been trying to titnotise her for the last thirty seconds now. I've been rolling my hands around my nipples and squeezing the girls, but she's not even flinching."

"Me too," Kallen grunted. "And... I've been looking at her tits this entire time. I still feel fine. I mean, they're an awesome pair but they're not twisting my mind into a horny pretzel."

The woman in front of them laughed uproariously. "Of course it ain't, dummy! I'm the kind of woman who has a bit more of a physical approach if you catch my drift. It's kind of a payoff, you see? I can't be titnotised by sight, but I can't titnotise other people by sight either. Which is fine by me. The balance plays in my favour anyway."

Interesting. Intriguing, actually! Oh, how Lelouch wished he could read that accursed book with his own eyes, rather than relying on someone else to fill him in on its contents. He never would have imagined there could be payoffs and tricks like this in there. It made him wonder if Cornelia had... No, she hadn't. She definitely had not. Her advertisements had a distinctive hypnotic effect to them which would not be possible given this payoff. Given that this woman was limited in this particular way, that meant it was likely you could not take and leave this trade-off at will, meaning that Cornelia was still vulnerable to sight based titnosis. And for that matter cocknosis as well.

Peeking his eye open, Lelouch confirmed that Kallen was correct. Those were an astounding pair of tits, but they were totally lacking in the visual hypnotic aspect that Kallen and Shirley's had. Fascinating. Truly and honestly fascinating! More to the point he studied the rest of the room with care. There was a camera high in the corner of the room. Cornelia was no doubt watching, possibly through some kind of filter that would keep her from getting hypnotised.

"If you're looking for the key, here it is!" the woman announced. She slid her finger around her collarbone and lifted up a chain, a much smaller one than was barring the door. This made the key a lot more obvious. It was covered in mud, which had made it totally indistinguishable from a random dollop painting her chest. "You want it, you're going to have to come get it."

"Come and get it?" Kallen snorted. "When you just said that your tits hypnotise on touch? Yeah, right! As if we're dumb enough to go for that!"

"That's fine," the woman said, leaning forward and using her upper arms to press her breasts together while simultaneously flexing her powerful looking arms. "If you don't go for that... Then I'll come for you anyway."

Oh dear. Well, Cornelia did always favour challenging games, didn't she?

  1. Milly, Rivalz and Nina arrive at the waterpark.
  2. Suzaku and Euphemia accidentally stumble into another trap Cornelia had set. Are mistaken for intruders and put to the test!
  3. The mud wrestling begins, with Kallen stepping up to the pit to throw down!
  4. Lelouch has a better plan than playing the game the way Cornelia intends.
  5. Something else

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