Sunday 5 November 2017

Story: Quadranma

If someone were to ask Ranma Saotome what he was most afraid of, he would claim that nothing scared him in the first place. This would prove to be a blatant lie as his current behaviour would indicate. Yes indeed, an example of Ranma's fear was being demonstrated rather well, as actions do speak louder than words.

"Ranma? Honestly, where has that boy got to?"

That boy was lurking on the ceiling while staying very, very quiet. Down beneath him was Akane Tendo. His fiancee. Seeking him out so that they could talk about their relationship. For a guy like him that was more than enough to make him break out in a cold sweat!

It was immature. It was selfish. After what happened earlier he really ought to stick around and talk it over with her. Their future. Together. What it meant. If it would happen again.

<i>Oh... Yes!</i>

Nope! Not talking about that! Not anytime soon at least. He was perfectly comfortable up here on the ceiling, staying well out of harm's way. He couldn't even look at her right now without feeling funny! It was weird, all this time Ranma had been wanting his annoying curse created siblings to go away, leave him be, but now that they had gone he was having to endure -

Right at that moment he was seized by something familiar. Something dreadful. Something that served as a reminder that he was afraid of something else. A mind bending phobia that drove him beyond the limits of mere fear and into another realm entirely. A fear he could express in only one way.



Ooh, that boy! Ducking his responsibility like this, running and hiding away. For a while there she thought she had landed herself a man, but it turns out he was just another boy trying to get into her panties. Akane smoothed her hands down her hips. Tried and succeeded. She closed her eyes for a moment and did her best to push the memory down. What it felt like. Having sex. It had been intense. Spur of the moment. For a while there she had totally forgotten herself and gone with the flow. It was strange, but she didn't regret doing it, even with this immature boy.

However... If they were going to do it again, then she needed some reassurance that whatever was going on between her and Ranma wasn't merely some physical deal.


Right after that strange noise something landed heavily behind her and that got her to immediately spin around in a battle posture, ready to defend herself. Ah, but then she lowered her guard a bit when she saw that it was Ranma, on all fours and staring at her with an odd expression on his face.

"There you are!" she sniffed. "Finally decided to show yourself?" He didn't say anything. Merely cocked his head to one side. Staring at her. Unblinking. There was something a little unnerving about it, but Akane pressed on regardless. "Not got anything to say?"

"Nyaaaaa!" Ranma said.

Needless to say but this was not the response Akane was expecting. She stomped across to him and knelt down where he was standing, glowering at him expectantly. "Ranma, cut this out and take this seriously," she admonished, wagging her finger at him. "We need to have a serious discussion about -"

He licked her finger. Ranma licked her finger! Then made an oddly satisfied mewling sound! She slapped him across the hallway for that, though it was probably a bit of an overreaction.

"What's gotten into you?!" she whisper-yelled. Yet Ranma's weird behaviour wasn't done yet. No, not by a long way. The slap had sent him reeling, but he easily rolled back onto all four and immediately began padding towards her. Not crawling exactly. It was kind of like walking, except there was something strange about the way he was moving. Before Akane could work out what it was, Ranma was at her feet.

"Nyaaaa!" he happily yowled. Then her pigtailed fiance began to rub his face up against her legs in a weirdly affectionate way. Then he purred just like a cat. Which, now that Akane thought about it, was a way that she could describe everything he'd done so far. He'd walked like a cat. Made cat noises. And he had even licked her like a cat!

Akane stepped back, her anger faded into confusion over his strange behaviour. It seemed totally inexplicable, absolutely random that he would behave this way. Yet as she wracked her brain, something did come up. A memory, an idea, a recollection. She knew what this was. She knew exactly what this was!

"Ranma! This is no time for - " she stopped herself then looked around. Nobody else in sight. Still, she whispered the next two words, to be on the safe side. "Erotic roleplay."

"Rowr!" Ranma happily mewled, and then set about licking his arm. Yes, that's right. Erotic roleplay. She'd heard that it was a thing that adults did with each other to get one another 'in the mood' and to spice up their sex lives. To think that Ranma would have a kink like this! It was preposterous! It was gross!

It was kind of working for her.

No, no, no! She was going to have a conversation with him! Not fool around!

"If you're not taking this seriously, then forget it!" Akane huffed. She turned around and stomped off down the corridor. What was she expecting anyway? He was just another boy after all. "What happened earlier was a one time deal and - "

She happened to turn around at that very moment, and it was a good thing she did. For at that time, ranma had elected to pounce on her, and Akane was barely able to get her hands up in time to catch him! At this speed she was very nearly bowled over, but somehow she'd managed to grab hold of Ranma's shoulders, holding him up a short distance from her face.

Smooch to the right cheek, smooch to the left cheek, smooch to her forehead, smooch to her lips, biiiiig lick on her neck!


Akane nodded, let go of Ranma's shoulders and then dropkicked him down the corridor. Turning up her nose, she dusted off her hands and resumed walking at a brisk pace to create some distance between them. Unless that boy grows up some, she wasn't going to have anything to do with -

"Huh? What was that noise?" Akane wondered aloud. She turned her head to look, and caught sight of... Well, what she saw was actually too ludicrous for her to properly put into words. It was as if Ranma was springing after her, bouncing off all four limbs at once in a peculiarly inefficient gallop, head and pigtail bobbing happily from side to side in between each leap.

For the benefit of readers, it may help to imagine Ranma as an animated French skunk to better understand what this looked like.

"You! Cut that out!" Akane warned. He did not, in point of fact, cut it out. So she did the only sensible thing she could do under these conditions: She bolted upstairs to her room and put a chair up against the door. Then she squirmed a little. What was with her all of a sudden? It was as if her mind was telling her one thing and her body was telling her another! Anyway, there wasn't anything more for it but for her to settle down and -

Akane turned around. Smooch to the right cheek, smooch to the left cheek, smooch to her forehead, smooch to her lips, biiiiig lick on her neck!


Cue one pigtailed martial artist, exiting via open window.

"D-Dummy!" Akane dusted her hands. "I'm not that easy!" Although she was getting kind of flushed. There really wasn't much else for it, was there? Maybe... Maybe if she went for a quick jog around the block she could sweat out this weird feeling? Sure. That seemed like the best approach. And at the very least it should prevent any further zany hijinks!

  1. Continue with the Pepe le Pew cartoon that Akane's life has briefly become.
  2. Ranma's strange behaviour is noticed by Genma, who tries to contain him.
  3. Shampoo investigates the phantom kitties.
  4. The Ukyos have their own issue to deal with when Isamu goes moggy minded.
  5. Back with Ranko and Kuno
  6. Something else

1 comment:

  1. Lol, this was a joy to read.

    Incidentally, "Yes indeed, an example Ranma's fear was being demonstrated rather well, as actions do speak louder than words." in the first paragraph should be "Yes indeed, an example of Ranma's fear was being demonstrated rather well, as actions do speak louder than words," I think.
