Tuesday 21 November 2017

Story: Rei Swarm

Ah, how content. How serene! Asuka couldn't remember the last time she'd slept so well. Why, there was even a faint smile on her lips as she began to return to consciousness. She was comfortable. Something smelled nice right next to her, too. Really nice. Ooh, the sleepy redhead tucked her face in and took a big deep breath. Whatever it was, it was intoxicating. Felt nice to nuzzle up against too. She could spend the rest of her life right here and die happy.

Then her eyes creaked open and she beheld the sight of a slumbering Shinji Ikari, with his lips mere inches from hers.

Guh! She fell out of the seat she'd fallen asleep in, right onto her rear end. A little shudder shot up her spine from the sudden impact, almost as though a certain blue haired body morpher had deliberately fiddled with the nerves in her ass so that pain became pleasure.

She rose to her feet and patted down her clothes. Ew ew! Gross! Sleeping next to Third!

"Asuka?" the boy mumbled. He rubbed sleepily at his eyes and looked around. "Huh? Where..."

"You fell asleep in the base, dummy!" Asuka harrumphed, and then immediately spanked her own ass. Absently, as though the only reason she was even aware of this preconditioned behaviour was because of the throaty moan she barely suppressed right after doing so. "Hrmph! Honestly now, such an unhealthy habit, is it - Ooh! - Any wonder you're so morose - Ahhh! - All the time if you're falling asleep in strange places? Nnng!"

Those strange noises she had been making were, of course, Asuka spanking herself for teasing Shinji so much. Not that she understood this, and nor did poor Shinji who was now staring at her and crossing his legs in a time honoured futile attempt to keep a pretty girl from noticing that he was harder than diamond plated steel.

"S-So what's all this in aide of?" Shinji meekly asked.

"Speak more plainly, dummy!" Asuka retorted, smacking her butt yet again but this time quite obviously thrusting her ass backwards into the hit. "What's <i>what</I> in aide of?" She didn't give him the time to answer. Instead, she glanced down at the extremely obvious and very poorly hidden tent in his trousers, and that triggered yet another implanted command, making Asuka's nipples immediately become even harder than his dick, and about twice as sensitive. Still, she turned a shade that matched her hair and yelled "Pervert!" while paddling her own ass with both hands like she was doing a drum solo.

"Um... If you say so?" Shinji mumbled. He looked around the room, wondering where the hidden camera was, while Asuka sank to her knees, still paddling away. Her head dipped down so he couldn't see her face, but she kept right on going making these cute little stifled whimpers with each and every blow. This was a prank, right? "I'd prefer it if you didn't abuse your tush like that. That's a butt that needs tender loving, not discipline!"

In his time since coming to this city Shinji Ikari has faced numerous beings called Angels. They could be charitably described as Eldritch abominations, with biology that defies all the understanding of modern science and evolution. They were grotesque and they were frightening, otherworldly, alien, powerful and sometimes seeming totally invincible. Not a single one of them frightened him half, or perhaps even a tenth as much as the look Asuka gave him when she lifted her head to make eye contact with him.

Although having said that the effect was slightly ruined by the way she had adjusted her shirt while leaning over so that he could plainly see all the way down at her cleavage. Then put her hands on her knees and squeezed those tits together, showing off her chest as though it were a preprogrammed command.

"What was that about my ass?" Asuka seethed, not really believing he had the balls to make that kind of claim. Then again, looking at the lump in his trousers he might well just!

"Well, I happen to like that you're so fond of jean cutoff hotpants," Shinji answered. Ah! There we go. The terror he was feeling from the look in her eyes had now completely surpassed the arousal from the free nipple glimpse she was giving him. He really should choose his next words more carefully. "Although I definitely prefer watching you shake and jiggle those cheeks when you're wearing that tight red plugsuit. It would be such a shame if you had to cover it up with padding or bandages."

From Asuka's point of view, the urge to strangle someone had never been stronger. Yet her hands were being held back, as a strange and errant thought entered her mind: Smother him with your chest. Go on. Do it. The perv won't even struggle. Her hands actually did begin to fiddle with the hem of her shirt, giving serious consideration to lifting it up and giving him the fitting death that he deserved. She squirmed. She bit her lip. She grunted. A little steam shot out of her nose.

But common sense prevailed. Asuka stepped back and shook her head. Nope! She was not going to get him off that easily. Let him off! She meant let him off!

"Hrmph, so you've finally found some backbone, is that it?" Asuka crossed her arms underneath her boobs. "Maybe next learn a little bit of common sense. That is if you want to have any girl take you seriously. Anyway, I'm out of here. I have better things to do than talk to a loser - Oh <i>god</i> yes! - A loser like you!"

She had to get out of here. Perverted thoughts were dancing around her mind. Perverted thoughts about that dork Shinji! She wanted out. She needed out! She reached for the door handle, gave it a twist - but it didn't turn! The door was locked!

"H-Hey, what's the big idea!" she yelled, pummelling on the door with her fists. "Hey! Let us out of here! Ooh! Fine, be that way! It's been years since I've had to pick a lock, but it's like riding a bicycle, and I always keep my hair clips just in case!"

Asuka completely ignored Shinji and immediately set to work on the lock. Yep, it looked like a fairly standard lock. Whoever locked them in here would have hell to pay, as soon as she got out! She could already think of a few things that she'd like to do to them...

Meanwhile, Shinji's situation was getting better and worse at the same time. Consider for a moment: Here he was, sitting on one side of the room while opposite him Asuka Langley-Sohryu was bent over fiddling with a lock. And just to remind you: This girl was wearing a pair of jean cutoffs. A snug pair of jean cutoffs that were wrapped around a really, really nice butt that was now swaying gently back and forth like a king cobra lulling its prey into a false sense of security.

"Stupid Shinji... I bet he's staring at me like a total perv..." Asuka griped, then spanked herself. Right on the butt. This was the point where Shinji dropped out of his chair. Keep in mind dear reader that his implanted assertiveness was regarding one topic and one alone: Dat booty. Not some other girl's ass, not some other attractive part of Asuka's anatomy like those killer legs or slender waist, nor even those erect nipples. It was that ass or bust. Er, that was badly phrased. That ass or nothing probably puts the idea across better.

And with the way she was jiggling that butt, it was like she was begging for him to reach out and caress these ass cheeks...

"Anything I can help with?" Shinji asked, standing up and quite deliberately resting the tent pitched within his trousers within the cleft of Asuka's jean shorts.

At the very instant contact was made all sound and motion within the room ground to an immediate halt. It was as though time itself had done a double take, rushed off to find some popcorn, called its friends over and decided to take a backseat to watch this spectacle.

Recall before how terrified Shinji had been earlier on when Asuka had looked at him? Well, throw that out. That wasn't fear. That was, at best, concern. A mild concern, like he'd just learned he was out of milk at breakfast time. What he felt when Asuka turned her trembling head around to look at him, now that was fear. Raw and total terror that grabbed hold of his survival instinct, screamed at him to find out what the hell he was doing, put it back down and then spin kicked it off into the sun.

Then in total defiance of reason he blatantly, openly and right as Asuka was looking groped onto her buttcheeks with both hands and smooshed them all around while making thrusting motions with his pelvis.

Hell, if he was already a dead man why not go whole hog? Or whole pig, as the case may be.

<b>"You!"</b> said something that was probably Asuka, but wasn't quite recognisable as her voice. <b>"You're finally showing your true colours!"</b> she whirled around to slap the taste out of his mouth, but it seemed as though she had severely underestimated how weak at the knees she had become due to all of this erotic nonsense spontaneously happening all around her. The redhead's legs buckled, she grabbed Shinji's shoulders for support, actually managed to pull herself up at the same time she pulled him down and...

Long story short: His head was up her shirt, face implanted square in her cleavage, hands firmly squeezing her ass, and the second half of the command regarding the desire to rub her tits up against people she found attractive came into play, with a strong emphasis on the word 'came'.

“Mutter Gottes ja! D.. danke das du mir dieses Schwein von einem Mann gegeben hast!”

Naturally, the very moment she was achieving some much needed orgasmic relief was also the same moment where the door was unlocked from the outside and of all people, a handsome man with a stubble covered chin opened up the door to peek inside, finding the two pilots in what seemed to be a very intimate embrace.

"Well... At least she's going after someone her own age..." Kaji mused. "Although this is still going a little too quickly for my tastes."

  1. Kaji tries to behave responsibly for a change of pace.
  2. Kaji decides to fob this off onto Misato. Little does he know.
  3. Aoba snaps out of his conditioning on his way to the Reiquarium.
  4. Rei's training continues.
  5. Something else

1 comment:

  1. #2 with Misato trying to seduce Kaji and Asuka warming up to Shinji, with quick cuts to #4 as Rei's imagination starts acting up about what her fellow pilots might be doing.
