Monday, 4 March 2024

Story: Negima C+S

It was quite the unusual pairing to see, marching so seriously in the direction of Chisame's room. Mana and Akira. They don't seem the sort to have an awful lot in common, do they? Yet here they were, walking with purpose, eyes straight ahead, and yet they were also jumping at any unexpected sound to come their way. The pair of them were determined. Warriors marching forth into battle. This description fits Mana more than Akira, it must be said. One was a half demon mercenary, the other was... Tall, athletic, and a swimmer. In all honesty, their height and athleticism was pretty much the one thing they actually did have in common.

"Oops, I did it again~" they heard from not too far away. Their reaction was instant. Akira dove to the floor, while Mana whipped out a gun and aimed in the general direction the sound came from, and only when they were in that position did they realise it was Yuna singing along to a song she was listening to. Headphones on, switched off to the world. "I played with your heart, got lost in the game, oh baby baby~"

"Yuna!" Akira called out. But Yuna kept on grooving away. Singing and bobbing her head, eyes closed, utterly oblivious. Ah. Wait a minute here! Might that not mean - "Yuna!" Akira rushed up to her and nudged her shoulder.

"Oh hey, what's up Akira?" Yuna said, beaming a big smile right at her.

"Have you seen anything strange today?" Mana asked.

"Huh? Strange? No..." Yuna replied. "I've just been listening to, you know the latest pop songs. This one's really good, have you heard it?"

"I'm afraid we don't have time for that," Akira said. "Listen carefully. The school is under attack by a group of perverts that are out to turn everyone in the student body into a pervert."

Now, that's the kind of thing that, when you hear it, sounds extremely ridiculous.

"Uh, did you read an ecchi series, and are trying to get me to read it?" Yuna asked.

"No, no, this is actually happening!" Mana insisted. "Several of our classmates have already been brainwashed, and are even now seeking to brainwash others still! You may only be safe because you - Akira, stop staring at her boobs."

"Eek!" Akira blushed. "S-Sorry! We've been exposed to their stupid spells and - oh wow you're really hot do you know that?"

Yuna gave them the blankest of all blank expressions, then made to put her headphones back on so she could enjoy her music. A sensible move, all truth told, as this nonsense was definitely not on her 'I have patience for this' list.

"No, no, stop! We're being quite serious!" Akira said. "I mean. Look! See over there?"

"Huh?" Yuna sighed. She turned to look out of the window, not expecting to see anything all that out of the ordinary. "What? All I see are the cheerleaders practising their usual routine, skipping and bouncing and shaking their butts and flashing their underwear and - Oh wow they're wearing thongs. Uh! W-Wow!"

"Don't stare at them too long," Mana warned. "They're brainwashing anyone that watches, making them extremely hot and turned on by their... thick thighs... trim tummies... slender waists, large breasts and - "

"Ahem!" Akira coughed. "You see the problem? Mana's not the sort to joke about this, and neither am I! Has anyone ever told you that your lips look so ki-"

"Ahem yourself!" Mana bonked her on the head. "Anyway, we were heading to Chisame's room since she seems to be tied to this as well."

"Don't tell me, her broadcast is emitting horny rays?" Yuna gasped.

Mana felt a headache coming on, but... "Yes, her broadcast is emitting horny rays." That was a good way to say it efficiently, even if it wasn't quite accurate. "Do you have your Pactio?"

She did indeed. Iris Tormentum, a special gun that fired bullets that caused various different effects. Which seems a little redundant when considering that Mana also had a gun that could do something similar, but - Hey come on you try thinking up unique powers for thirty different characters! It's not easy, you know?

"I have a bullet that can stop someone from casting spells," she said. "But it only lasts for three minutes. I also have another one that I've not used yet, it dispels any magic cast on someone that I shoot with it. That's my Magic Nullifier Bullet, and -"

"Shoot us both with one if we start to behave inappropriately," Mana instructed. "How many do you have?"

"Eh? Uh... Just six..." she admitted. "The effect is also temporary. If the spell itself was temporary it interrupts the countdown and -"

"We don't need the full lowdown," Mana said. "Frankly, we don't have time. Put your headphones back on for now and follow us. The less external stimulus you're exposed to, the better."

Yuna nodded in full and complete understanding. The headphones were returned, and then Mana and Akira both walked ahead of her on to their intended destination.

"I think I'm starting to lose it," Akira admitted. "I thought I was in control, but - Really want to wear a sexy swimsuit and show off my body!"

"You're fine," Mana said. "Don't let it get to you. In times like this, it is when you lose hope that you start to lose in reality as well."

Right. Of course. There was a logic to that. She had to hold on to hope. Do all that they could in the sake of sanity and decency! Before too long they had arrived at their intended destination. Here it was. Chisame's room. The girl was quite the loner, preferring to broadcast her show to her hordes of fans from the privacy of her own single dorm room.

"So how do we go about this?" Yuna asked. "Are we going to knock, or -"

Mana's response was to kick the door down. Well, that was a kind of knock. In they went, and - 

<i>"Oops I did it again, I played with your heart, got lost in the game~"</i>

Only to find a trap waiting for them inside. A trap, a projection, set to play on a loop the moment the door was opened. On the back wall of this darkened room was an image of the cheerleaders, most likely recorded some time ago, wearing slutty schoolgirl outfits, while Chisame's voice sang out the lyrics.

"No...!" Mana gasped. "It's - It's too intensely sexy! I can't - I can't look away!"

"This feels weirdly dated but also equally weirdly erotic," Akira moaned, biting her lip, eyes trailing along the exposed tummies and thighs of the cheerleaders on the projectors as they danced onscreen. "I can practically see the subliminal messages, but they're working!"

Guh! The cumulative effect of what they'd been exposed to so far was making this... quite intolerable! Mana was breathing heavily, trying to concentrate, but unable to close her eyes for more than a blink. Akira was in the same place. They were trapped! By such an obvious, stupid erotic spell! Oh wow they really were flexible weren't they? There was no way out, they were going to become perverts, and - And the two of them were about to turn to kiss one another when - 

Ping! Ping!

The two of them were shot in the sides by a magic bullet each, and suddenly left standing there, blinking heavily, shaking their head. Mana was, at first, surprised. Then angry. Then she channelled that anger into - 

Shooting the projector and putting an end to that little performance. Phew! Thank goodness. Akira slumped to her knees feeling heady, giddy and still kinda horny but not to the point it was making her feel stupid.

"So, uh, this whole thing isn't quite as stupid as that is it?" Yuna asked. She blew into the barrel of her Pactio gun right before holstering it. "Because if it is, then we are in a lot of trouble."

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