Sunday, 7 November 2021

Story: Carry the Ten


 Nabiki's least favourite thing about this job was this door. This door, right here, was the absolute bane of her existence. What door was this? Why, it was the door of the vice principal of Furinkan High, Okamada.

What's that, you ask? Not the Principal himself? Surely that annoying creep is far more of a nuisance. In a literal objective sense, yes he is. Principal Kuno is a fucking nightmare to interact with on a good day. In comparison Okamada was fairly milquetoast. If one ignored the persistent rumours that he was a crossdresser with his own personal crossdressing army that the students were spreading around (because high school students are like that, they spread that kind of nonsense like it was fact) then he was the most ordinary adult in a five mile radius.

So what made this so annoying? The fact that Okamada was a proxy. Meaning that, while still dealing with the Principal's insane whims, meant that she was also unable to effectively snark at him. This took off enough of the edge to make meeting with the vice principal just that little bit worse than meeting the creep directly.

And it should go without saying that Principal Kuno was enough of a hobgoblin to know that fact very, very well.

So inside she went, finding the most boring man in Furinkan hurriedly shutting his cupboard when she entered. He smoothed down his smart suit, looked her dead in the eye, and gestured for her to sit down. Which she did, of course. Begrudgingly.

"Miss Tendo, I understand that a friend of your family is attending our school as a student," Okamada began. "Ranma Saotome, was it not?"

"Quite so," Nabiki said.

"It is my understanding that he got into a fight with the Principal's son. Is that not also correct?"

"Very probably," Nabiki said. The Principal had an odd relationship with Tatewaki. To say the least. "Though I understand that Tatewaki was also in a fight with my sister."

"A mere spar between a martial artist and his master, nothing more," Okamada said. Ah. So the Principal had rolled the dice and decided that today, he would spoil his idiot child. "As you are also his mathematics teacher, we would like you to please reign in this wild horse. Otherwise, the Principal will have to take a personal interest."

That would sound almost amusing - if not for the fact that Ranma was living at her place. She could see it now. Pineapple bombs in the freezer. Little Himiko toddling around with one trying to show Kasumi the cool thing she'd found.

"I'll do my best," Nabiki grumbled. "Is that all?"

"Yes, that is all for now Miss Tendo. You may leave at your leisure."

Fine by her. No fun to be had here at this man's expense. It would be like making fun of a blank wall. So, pressure from on high to make Ranma stop 'bullying' the boss's son? Alright Ranma. Looks like it was time for her to kick down a little. Let's see how you handle a little teasing.


Maths sucked. Ranma was never any good at it. Numbers and him plain didn't mix at all. He could do it fine. It was just boring and repetitive, and he mostly didn't see the point. Normally he'd zone out during class - but every time he started to, Nabiki - Sorry, Miss Tendo - called him out to answer a question.

For some reason this made the lesson drag on like it was taking hours. It wasn't that bad actually, but it sure felt that way. When the bell finally rang for hometime, he honestly couldn't wait -

"Mister Saotome, see me after class."

"Ooooh!" went up among some of the students.

"Huh... Akane, Kasumi and now Nabiki?" Hiroshi whispered

"Some guys have all the luck. Maybe if we hang out with him more, some of it will rub off on us?" Daisuke whispered back.

Yeah, yeah guys, he's a total chick magnet, especially for those older Tendo sisters. Ugh. Whatever. Ranma rolled his eyes and sat down at a desk at the front while Nabiki paced around waiting for the remaining students to file out. Well... Let's see. She did look kinda smart in that dress suit. A nice gentle blue jacket, a pencil skirt that stopped just above her knees. You could see the resemblance between her and her sisters as well, though the expression was different to either of them. Confident like Akane, sure, but with a more sarcastic bent behind it.

"Right now, you're not my houseguest, you're my student." Nabiki began that, while sitting on the edge of her desk, crossing her legs and letting one dangle over the top of the other. This, of course, had the effect of causing her skirt to rise up, giving him an excellent look at her legs. "Similarly, I am your teacher. That means it's my responsibility to straighten you out." Those were very nice legs. "Although, when I say straighten you out, I didn't mean that I wanted you to stare so obviously."

"Huh?" Ranma grunted. Oh. She'd caught him staring. "Yeah, sorry. It's been a weird day."

"I see, picking a fight with the Principal's son got the old male testosterone going did it?" Ah, but then Nabiki did something he wasn't expecting. She leaned back on the desk, then slid her upper leg further up the lower one. Bwah? "This sort of reaction is quite normal for your age. I advise spending more time letting that youthful energy on girls than boys."

"C-Could you not do that?" Ranma asked, hastily looking away. Urgh! It was still kind of embarrassing really, being flirted with so obviously.

"Why? I thought you liked my legs," Nabiki said. "Unless... You think they're ugly? That I'm ugly?"

Now, that was so blatant Himiko could have seen through it. Still, the little quiver in her voice... "N-Nah, you're pretty..." He admitted, unable to deal with a crying woman. Which was when he heard the click Then his own voice playing back. "You're pretty."

Imagine the sound of a jail cell slamming. That's what it felt like for Ranma just now. Nabki slid off the desk and chuckled to herself, putting the recorder into her cleavage before Ranma could react. Then, she leaned forward a bit, making him keenly aware of the fact that she had pretty nice breasts too.

"So, picking a fight with the Principal's son isn't an especially good idea," Nabiki said. "He's perfectly willing and able to pull some strings to make trouble for you. Which can cause trouble for me as well. Since martial artists do not, in my experience, react well to 'do not fight this person' commands, I'm going to hold this recording hostage."

"What, you think you can blackmail me with that?" Ranma scoffed. "I mean, anyone cna see that you're really pretty, it's not like I said something bad."

"Oh? What sort of things might have caused you trouble?"

"That I'd push you down and force myself on you, that sort of - Wait."

Ranma Saotome would never not fall for this. If you had a machine that could travel the multiverse, you could go to a billion different worlds before you found one where Nabiki couldn't get him with this trick every single time. She held up her second recorder and slid it in right next to the other one. Like Ranma said, she had nice breasts. Pretty generous cleavage, plenty of space for both of them.

"Behave yourself Saotome, or I'll have to push you down and punish you," Nabiki said, pushing her index finger into his nose and then strutting out of the classroom like she owned his ass. In the process, leaving him thoroughly and utterly entranced by the figure she cut.

She left the room, and ranma adjusted his trousers in frustration. "Stupid sexy older fiance number 3..." he muttered to himself.

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