Monday, 5 April 2021

Discussion: It's Fate, First Impressions

It's Fate: So, back to our hapless protagonist, or to our newfound yuri harem builder? I'm open to ideas for this one.

First Impressions: Also kind of tough to call, there's a lot going on at once here. Focus on Ataru, Lum and Benten? Or continue on with Shinobu's attempts to get the machine working? Or maybe go back to Oyuki et al?


  1. It's Fate:
    Well, assuming that we're continuing from
    I am down for some sweet yuri developments. Gotta get that tsundere on board with fulfilling her harem destiny!

  2. First Impressions: I think it might be time to get back to Oyuki et al. and see what they're up to in the midst of this Oni-Lucky God bedlam.

  3. It's Fate: I also support yuri, and tsundere recruitment.

    Alongside that I would like to see Namiyo work towards deliberately or inadvertently making the girls curvier. Inadvertently helping the protag's wish by making more girls too endowed to compete.

    First Impressions: I agree with following Oyuki.

    1. I agree that Namiyo should be helping girls lose the tournament, possibly for reasons not exclusively having to do with large floatation devices.

      However, I would also like to consider alternatives to everything being caused by Chise's BE gun. Perhaps there is one of those little shops in town that wasn't there yesterday, sells odd curios, and isn't there when one tries to return them? Or perhaps Chise's late father has left mad science gadgets squirreled away throughout town like perverted little land mines? We did find FATE in a hole in the ground, after all.

    2. I also agree that Namiyo should be helping other girls into the losing bracket - though it does beg the question of who else is there to fall behind at this point.

      Perhaps, while planning this out, I should create a list of positions that the girls would take as things currently stand to make it easier to follow along with how it changes (or needs to change). That might help out with future planning as well.

      Of course, I'm not opposed if anyone wants to make a list of who is participating already. I've not started properly planning this one out yet, so it should be easy to come up with something that works.

      Also, alternatives to the BE Gun... yes, definitely. I like the idea that Chise's father left unexploded mad science bombs around town, just need to figure out their exact nature.

    3. I have some notes compiled, if you'd like.

      PS #6 "Golden Salmon"
      Saito Komon - On a revenge bender, but no weird science yet
      Kahori Fujishima - Disqualified because Marbles
      Yumi Abe - Disqualified because Marbles
      Yoko Tsutomu - Had a glass of milk

      Koemi goes to PS#6 but apparently isn't a Golden Salmon.
      She was also involved in the milk incident.

      PS #3
      Namiyo Maeno - Our new favorite lesbian tsundere
      Mika Joshuya - Possibly getting laid
      Michiko Ishinomori - Had a glass of milk
      Sae Yoshikawa - Had a glass of milk
      Seiko Tomimoto - Sexual preference completely unknown

      PS #3 also has the only other named character, Atsuto.
      Not much at all is known about him, but apparently he's very popular.

      PS #9
      Yumako Kijimuta - In Eito's harem, no debuffs yet
      Mayo Nomura - Out due to injury
      Koken Nomura - In Eito's harem, had a glass of milk
      Yoshi Fukunaka - No debuffs yet.
      Ai Santo - No debuffs yet.
      Cho Santo - No debuffs yet.

    4. Thank you, that is tremendously helpful.

      Hrm... Yumako, Saito, Yoshi, Ai and Cho are the girls who are in the most need of a debuff. Perhaps the episode could focus on one of them?

      I was thinking of having a scene which showed Chise's dad being all mad sciency and fixing a few things around town, to set up a few things. Any thoughts on that?

    5. It occurs to me that a grown man with a wife and daughter - I assume he had a wife. I don't think we've actually seen many adults around here other than Mad Science Daddy - Anyhow, it's a bit odd to think of a grown-ass man with a family planting sexy booby traps out where his family might run into them.

      But then, even Mad Science Daddy must have been young once. Back when he was building BE ray guns, hiding hypnotic ASMR projectors under bridges, and installing fabric-eating aerosols into trash cans he may have been around the age that his daughter is now.

      In which case, he might have gone to one of the public schools, and so as to avoid detection, might have set some booby traps with very unlikely triggers. For example... trigger a series of pressure plates by walking past three mirrors in such a way as to not be reflected in any of them, then saying a keyword that wouldn't come up in normal conversation.
