Sunday, 27 December 2020

Story: Kimagure Hentai Road


 What a surreal sight it would have been, had anyone looked in the kitchen at this very moment. HIkaru was standing at a chopping board, cutting up vegetables, but that was the extent of anything normal going on. For you see, her shorts and underwear were around her ankles, and behind her was Komatsu with a hand on both cheeks, giving her what could only be described as a deep tissue butt massage.

"You know, when you put it like that it makes so much sense," Hikaru sighed. "Kyosuke and Madoka have a crush on each other. Why didn't I see it before?"

Add that to the pile of quickly accumulating oddities: A girl in love having the realisation that her boyfriend and best friend are mutually interested is usually met with panic, shortness of breath, genuine concern for two of her closest relationships. Yet Hikaru was smiling. Brightly. Widely. Like she'd never smiled before. As if the best present ever had just been dropped into her lap.

"You were intimidated by Madoka, so you had a blind spot," Komatsu said, relishing the sensation of freely grabbing hold of a girl's naked butt. "But now you realise that you have a crush on both of them, so the solution is obvious."

Hikaru's eyes flickered. It made so much sense. Too much sense. "Seduce them both," she said, her voice throaty and full of pent up lust. "A three way relationship, where all of us can be happy. Ohhhh, such a thing is frowned on in society, but it would work for us. I-It's perfect, it's - "

She threw her hands down on the table, stuck out her butt and came from the thought of waking up in bed, limbs entangled with Kyosuke, Madoka hugging into her from behind... It was serene, it was perfect, it was <i>dirty</i>.

From Komatsu's point of view things were progressing well. Getting her to this point by using her attraction to those two was the ideal weak point to exploit, and now she was easily as far along as the twins. Ah, with one caveat - she'd only let those two, Kyosuke or Madoka, do dirty things with her, or allow others to do dirty things with her if it furthered her relationship with the two of them. In that sense the twins were still further along, as they would let either of the perverts do whatever they wanted to either of them and it would feel too good for them to complain.

"Do you have a plan?" Komatsu asked. Hikaru shook her head, of course, she'd only just realised her heart's desires. Or perhaps that should be the desires of her loins? "Don't go for it aggressively. Let them come to you. Draw attention to your butt, and let it do all the talking."

His grip on her butt slipped around to her hips, and he made her rock them back and forth while standing in place. After a few seconds, he returned those hands to her cheeks and continued her groping, enjoying the sight of her booty swinging like a pendulum, back and forth.

"Just like I trained you," he said, licking his lips. Nice. Very nice. "Mesmerise them with your butt. Let them come to see how blazing hot you are. Chase them and they'll run away. Make them chase you instead. Behind you is the best place to admire your butt, right?"

Kukuku! It was perfect. Absolutely perfect! He had this babe drooling from his touch, even if she was very obviously fantasising about someone else touching her this way. With his coaching, with his advice, that wishy washy idiot wouldn't know what hit him. He'll be too busy getting caught up in a threesome to pay the remotest bit of attention to what either Hatta or Komatsu were doing with his twin sisters - or any other babes they set their eyes on. Like Akane, for example.

It was a shame they wouldn't be able to include Madoka in that list... but still, given how obviously she wanted to bang Kyosuke as well (for some reason), who was he to stand in the way of true lust?

His cousin, Akane, had always been a tease. The sort of girl who liked to cause trouble for others. Sometimes he didn't mind that - but when she used her 'shape changing' ability, to make a person believe that she was someone else, it always rankled him something fierce. Tricking him like that, yet again, to get him out of the way was really irritating him.

"What are you planning?" Kyosuke asked. Akane looked at the ground, probably more embarassed at being caught than the fact that he was scolding her. "Come on, you just said 'this is going to be the best prank I've ever pulled', so I want to hear about it."

"A guy like you wouldn't appreciate a good prank if it bit him on the nose!" Akane countered."I mean, come on. Those two perverts have it coming. Have you seen the way they drool over the twins?"

"Yes, but they've behaved themselves quite well today," Kyosuke countered. "Which is more than I can say for someone setting up a prank -"

"Oh yeah?" Akane interrupted. Blast, he was no good at this. Letting her walk all over him, when he should be the one telling her off. "It's just revenge for the prank they pulled on me earlier!"

"Two wrongs don't make a right," Kyosuke said.

"Yeah, but if you let someone do whatever they want without pushing back they'll keep doing it, because they know they'll get away with it!" Akane countered. "Not all of us are pushovers like you, you know. And I'm pretty sure they're pulling the twins in on it, too!"

"Hello Akane! Hello Kyosuke!" Manami said, patting him on the back. "How are things going?"

For once, Kyosuke was a step ahead of Akane. Made a nice change. "We were just discussing the prank Akane was setting up. Do you know anything about it?"

"Prank?" Manami asked. "Noooo, I don't know <i>anything</i> about a prank. I certainly don't know anything about sheets with eyeholes, or picking out good spots to have them levitate right in front of the perverts to scare them silly."

Aha, now Akane was starting to sweat a little. Kyosuke reached out to tweak Akane's ear. She winced in pain. Normally she'd fight her way out of it, but not this time.

"You were going to use The Power for a stupid joke like that?" he whisper-yelled. "Are you trying to make it so we have to move?!"

"N-No, like I said she's in on -" Akane began, but Manami interrupted.

"That's right! And we definitely weren't going to use it to trick them into thinking there were poltergeists!"

"And what, pray tell, would your explanation have been after the fact?!" Kyosuke asked. "How stupid can you be? I think you were right before, if someone does something wrong they need to be punished so they know not to do it again!"

He would punish her by making her do the dishes. Or maybe cleaning up? Or washing their clothes? Or would it be better to... to... Damn his indecisiveness! Kyosuke felt a sense of dread at the very familiar sense of part of his brain being paralyzed by the need to commit to a single choice.  Why was it so hard to ever be decisive?

But then, just like had been happening for a little while now, when Kyosuke's general wishy-washyness started acting up... His little sister Manami piped in with a suggestion.

"If we really have to punish her, then I've got something we could go with."


It was a little strange if Madoka was being honest about it. She had invited Kurumi into her room to talk about her brother - and then at some point Hatta had entered the room as well with a bottle of lotion, that he started to rub onto her back.

When had he entered the room? Why was she simply letting this boy touch her like this? Why didn't it bother her that he was seeing her in this skimpy bikini? She was on the verge of asking, when suddenly -

"So, about my brother," Kurumi said, apparently ignoring Hatta like he wasn't even there. "I don't get it. I just don't understand it at all."

"What don't you understand?" Madoka asked, ignoring the hands rubbing her bare shoulders, squeezing out all the tension and making her feel oddly relaxed.

"I'm a little too close to see it, but... why does Hikaru like him so much?"

Ah, the innocent question of a little sister. How best to answer?

"Well, he is handsome," she began. "And kind. He always seems to be concerned with the wellbeing of others and - ah!"

Without warning Hatta's hands slipped from her shoulders, and under the string bikini to directly massage her breasts. A moment of outrage spiked in her - but then died down just as quickly, leaving her puzzled about her own feelings. Which was an unusual position for someone as carefree as Madoka to be in.

"Gee, the way you put it almost makes it sound like you like my brother as much as Hikaru," Kurumi smiled innocently.

"Yep, that's the impression I get too," Hatta said.

"Well, you're both quite mistaken," Madoka said. "He is Hikaru's boyfriend. Not mine."

"Aw, that must sting," Hatta said. "I mean, the guy you like is dating your best friend. Wow, that must suck."

"I don't like him," Madoka insisted.

"Why not?" Kurumi asked. "You were listing off his good points with a happy smile on your face."

"It came so easily, you barely had to think about it," Hatta said.

She had? Madoka honestly hadn't even noticed anything like that. Then again, it was getting hard to think for some reason. Hatta's hands, his eager busy hands, were somehow finding all of her weak spots. Including spots she didn't know were weak to start with. Spots that she only wanted to be touched by - By Kyosuke!

"Ahhhh," she moaned carelessly. "S-So what if I did? What would it matter, he's dating Hikaru!"

"No problem there either," Hatta said. "I mean, you and Hikaru are super close, right?"

"Talk to her about it," Kurumi said. "Go ahead, discuss it with her. I'm sure she'll be... amenable to a flexible relationship. Right?"

A flexible relationship? Madoka tried to speak, but her tongue wasn't obeying itself anymore. Every time she pictured Kyosuke's face, it was timed perfectly with Hatta tweaking her nipple, or blowing in her ear, or tickling her stomach, or finding some new spot she was surprisingly sensitive and making her feel good.

Kyosuke smiling. Kyosuke warning her off cigarettes. Kyosuke hanging out with her. But also... Hikaru smiling. Hikaru hugging her. Hikaru looking up to her. She couldn't let that girl down. If she found out how Madoka really felt then she'd be crushed. She'd never be able to compete, that's how she would feel!

"Share him," Hatta whispered, and the words slotted into her vision. Kyosuke. Kyosuke. Kyosuke!

A new image entered her mind out of nowhere. Herself. Waking up in bed. Limbs entangled with Kyosuke, with Hikaru hugging him on the other side. A serene image like that... It was perfection, yet at the same time such a dirty thought that she could barely stand it.

She was on the verge of climax from that vision alone - but then Hatta pulled away and left Madoka sitting there, panting heavily, sweat matting her brow, more sexually frustrated than she could remember being. The memory of that conversation settled into her mind - though for some reason the reason for her arousal wouldn't quite settle in correctly, she was still left with a strong idea that she should talk to Hikaru about her relationship with Kyosuke at the very next opportunity.

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