The relationship between Euphemia and Cornelia was one of contrast. One of them was a well respected and naturally gifted General, who earned the respect of her troops by deed rather than blood. The other was a relatively unknown pacifist who had no confidence in her own abilities, or idea in what she was doing with her life. One was tough, brave and mighty. The other feminine, hesitant and frail seeming.
"Good evening sister," Euphemia said, entering the gallery where Clovis had hung all his paintings. The weight of that statement should not be underplayed. All of his paintings meant a <i>lot</i> of canvas and a <i>lot</i> of pain. "Did you have a nice day?"
She got to see a rare sight before her very eyes. Her big sister relaxing. Cornelia was only capable of doing so around Euphemia, she was inherently tense and focused and driven and - And an image came to Euphemia unbidden of Cornelia wearing a short pleated skirt, thigh high socks and a snug fitting jumper, waving around a pair of pompoms like her life depended on it.
The very notion made her lick her lips in anticipation. Yes. Turning that tough big sister into a ditzy girly cheerleader... There was something very appealing about that idea. And she was uniquely placed to set that about. Like she'd just thought, Cornelia could relax around her, and her alone. That meant she could make use of the Fantasy Seduction Club's techniques to their absolute maximum effect.
Although, how best for Euphemia to set about such a thing? No. No! A cheerleader was confident. A cheerleader was not the sort to give up easily. She would talk with her sister, and leap upon the first opportunity. Although it must be said that Euphemia believed at this time that she would be waiting for said opportunity later than she actually got one.
"Zero has everyone high strung," Cornelia said. "He must be planning a big move of some kind, but nobody can find out what it is. Our usual network of information is possibly compromised as well, though we also suspect that discovery was intended to cause maximum paranoia."
Cornelia herself didn't seem too worried though. More like she was commenting on the concerns of others. Euphemia stepped up to her and gave her big sister a big beaming smile.
"Knowing you, you've already got everything well in hand," Euphemia said. "They're being silly. Worrying over nothing, I'm sure."
"It's not helped when my little sister ducks her detail and sneaks off to meet with her Knight at that Academy," Cornelia said." Less of that, please. If you want to leave the palace, we can easily arrange a tour of the settlement. A guarded tour. Undercover, perhaps."
The opportunity might as well have been gift wrapped. The admonishment flowed so naturally into the opportunity that it was almost like it had been done on purpose. Of course, Cornelia had done no such thing. It was genuinely sisterly concern. Which would have grown into apoplectic rage if she'd known that Euphemia had been given a ditzy cheerleader fetish and been given oral by a member of the Fantasy Seduction Club.
"Hrm, I did see something interesting while at the school," Euphemia said. "A team building exercise that might help out. Something to help cheer everyone up."
"Really now?" Cornelia replied. "That might be what we need. What sort of exercise would it be?"
"Ah... Would it be alright if I returned to the Academy tomorrow?" Euphemia asked. "Forgive me, sister, I need to do a little more research before explaining my reasoning, the idea only struck me just now when you mentioned how stressed your men are."
"If I didn';t know better, I'd swear this was an excuse to play around," Cornelia said. "Very well. I expect to see a report o n your idea, if it has any merit. You may attend the academy - undercover, and with your bodyguards in tow.
Euphemia curtseyed. "Thank you sister." Her head was tucked down, because she couldn't help herself. She couldn't help but imagine the sight. Her sister. In a tiny pleated skirt and too tight jumper. Twirling her finger through her hair iwith a vacant look in her pretty eyes. Such a sight! It couldn't possibly live up to those expectations! "You will not be disappointed."
Normally for a visit like this she would have Suzaku with her at all times to keep her safe, especially as he was an attending student. He knew she was going to be at the academy today - visiting a few of the clubs to get an idea of how things are going in his school environment, and seeking inspiration for ways to help Cornelia's men relax. Otherwise though? She wasn't planning on seeing him except by accident, and he would have to pretend not to recognise her - up until the moment she was recognised, of course. If that happened then she had to press a concealed button in her collar that would only react to one of her fingerprints.
Naturally, as soon as she arrived, Euphemia had dragged her bodyguard all the way to a certain clubroom. Well, more like a club floor. The Academy was fairly large.
"I still think you should have told me what club we're visiting," the bodyguard whispered. "Your sister is very excited to see you taking an active interest in ongoing matters. Even if it is something like morale."
"Relaxation of mind and body are essential to everyday life," Euphemia said. "It doesn't do well to be so high strung. You never know when you might lash out and hurt someone without meaning to." Though honestly, Euphemia was more concerned with those who hurt people while meaning to. "Anyway, we're here now. I'll let the club themselves explain what they're all about."
She pushed her way in, and found the club members all decked out in delicious, yummy cheerleader uniforms. No sign of the Fantasy Seduction Club here. It was all cheerleaders all the time. Stella was at the front of the lineup, while the rest of the club were practising a basic routine.
"Who has the best polo team?"
"Ashford, Ashford, always gleams!"
"Ch-Cheerleading?" the bodyguard whispered. She adjusted her collar nervously. "Isn't that kind of... immature?"
"Not at all, there's nothing immature about it!" Euphemia said, feeling genuinely offended by such a careless remark. "To bolster spirits, to raise morale... Is there anything more decent and just in this world? Tirelessly working hard to encourage others towards success, that is what my sister was hoping to see from me was it not?"
Gosh where had that come from? She didn't know she had it in her!
"Well said!" Stella began to applaud, and the rest of the club followed suit.
"Are you here to join?" said a girl with very, very large breasts. She rushed forward and hugged the bodyguard, whose instincts twitched until she recognised the hug for what it was. "Yay! Please join!"
It was funny really. Even in this position, if anyone in this room tried anything genuinely aggressive towards Euphemia, the bodyguard could absolutely incapacitate them all before a single hair on Euphemia's head was put out of place.
"Ah, no, my friend was simply interested, so I came with her," the bodyguard said. She extracted herself from Miya's grip with an almost casual ease and pushed the large breasted girl away. Impressive, though still expected. Not many could escape her hug, though that was largely because they didn't want to. "I'm not interested in this sort of thing."
"Oh, don't be a stick in the mud!" Euphemia said, patting her bodyguard on the back. "Why not take a closer look at things? That is why we're here. Remember?"
Her bodyguard didn't like this. Now, sure enough, there were at least a few more undercover people posted just outside the academy in case things went awry, and the wig Euphemia was wearing was a high quality one. It was highly unlikely people would recognise her with black hair. Even so, it must have felt like catering to the whims and whimsy of a stuck up brat. Even so. All Euphemia had to do was smile and the bodyguard would get the hint. This was as close to an order as she'd get, and since it didn't involve putting Euphemia in danger in any way, she'd play along. For now.
"Alright, come over here for now, it's obvious you need a nice presentation on what the cheerleading club is all about!" Lily said, nervously guiding the bodyguard to a seat in front of a monitor. Though, of course, the nerves was just an act. "A lot of p-people tend to misunderstand what cheerleading is all about. The girls here ha-have given me all sorts of confidence boosts!"
"You should have seen her when she first got here," Lucia tittered. "Like a scared little mouse. Now she's like a scared little lion."
Euphemia sat in the seat next to her, and offered a pair of headphones to the bodyguard. After putting them on, the video began. A simple video, showing off the Fantasy Seduction club in their cheerleading attire - though Euphemia couldn't actually hear any of it because her headphones weren't plugged in. From the way the bodyguard's feet were tapping, she obviously could.
After a minute or so Stella tapped Euphemia on the shoulder. "She's under," the leader of the club said, handing her a coat hanger. "Think you can sneak this back to the palace?"
"If I can't, I'll strut in through the front door wearing it," Euphemia said, hungrily seizing it from Stella's hands. Oh, yes. Oh yes! This is it, this is exactly what she wanted, what she needed, what she craved! The copy of Ashford's uniform that acted as her primary disguise was discarded, dropped to the floor carelessly in a manner quite unbefitting a Princess, so she could put this on all the faster. A tight jumper that seemed to be made only to cover her bust, leaving her waist completely exposed. A tiny pleated tartan skirt that practically showed off her underwear. Comfortable sneakers.
And of course a pair of pompoms that she could wave around while cheering and going hip hip hooray! Yes! She felt like herself again! Or at least like her new self. This was it. This was her life. This was her fetish! And soon, oh so soon, her sister would join her in enjoying it, relishing it, living it, being turned on by it - and that fact made her feel so. Fucking. Wet.
... But before she could get a chance to properly enjoy herself, the door the club opened up, and an unexpected guest arrived.
Let us rewind a few weeks to an event quite a bit more serious and dark than a hot Princess assisting in the brainwashing of her bodyguard to give her a cheerleading fetish. A lot less sexy too.
So, at the hotel on Lake Kawaguchi, there was an international conference regarding Sakuradite - this is the substance that is used in this universe in a similar vein to how oil and fossil fuels are used in our own, real world. It was the public impetus for Britannia's invasion of Japan in the first place, as they were the nation with the most amount, and they were trying to throw their weight around to make Britannia stop their encroachment on various nations.
Anyway, at this particular conference an unexpected event occurred. A particularly stupid and violent figure within the Japan Liberation Front decided that it would be a good idea to take everyone there hostage in an attempt to pull out some demands. Protip to any revolutionaries, this kind of strategy might look good on paper, but its downsides will really bite you in the long run. It makes the public really hate you, granting even more excuses to the powers that be to stamp down on you <i>super hard</i>.
Especially when the person in charge of local government is Cornelia "I conquered the fucking Graveyard of Empires, what did you do this summer?" li Britannia. Under normal circumstances she'd have flipped the wannabe hostage taker off and sent in a crack team to take the place, in the process making it clear that you weren't getting anywhere this way. Never negotiate with hostage takers, see. It just encourages them. Trick was, she happened to be fully aware that her sister Euphemia was undercover at this hotel to oversee things. Something that the hostage takers had not yet realised - though they would very soon.
You see, among those hostages were an apparently inconsequential group of girls. The word 'apparently' is there because those three girls happened to be good friends with Lelouch Lamperouge - aka Zero. He could hardly let something like this stand. Right? It was cowardly. It was craven. It was hurting his friends... and it would be a great moment to introduce his new organisation, the Black Knights. He had even deduced that Euphemia was present, and concocted a scheme to free all of them. In the name of good publicity.
In any event - one of those girls, Nina Einstein, is kind of... how to put this... a flaming great big racist. She's one of those people that would probably get offended if you called her that though - to her mind she has every good reason to be nervous around Japanese people. Excuse me, 'Elevens'. All racists have this internal justification thing going on. In her case though, there actually sort of was a good reason. She was almost assaulted by a couple of them. So, yeah. Her behaviour is awful, but sometimes even the devil needs a little sympathy. It's hardly her fault she was traumatised by that experience, right?
You can understand why she'd be nervous, finding herself in a hostage situation like that. Held prisoner by the dreaded Elevens. In a moment of fear, she even let slip that word. 'Eleven'. To her it's not an insult. It's what they are. Which is why that sort of term is so insidious. It's not offensive to her, so she doesn't see why it should be to them. So when they get angry at her, she sees it as them lashing out at her for drawing their attention. She doesn't fully grasp why they're so insulted by this. She reacts by screaming, by begging off, by trying anything she can think of to get them to leave her alone.
It was not a rational fear, not anymore than the fear of darkness or spiders may be. And in all fairness, it wasn’t like anyone she respected would tell her she was wrong. The entire culture of Britannia was built upon racial superiority, upon the greatness of their empire and people. They were the best, they worked hardest, they were the smartest, everyone else is lucky to be a servant for their great people. So her fear was emboldened, her budding hatred supported to grow instead of lessened by logic and empathy.
And then, when she was scared and alone, an angel showed up to save her. An angel by the name of Euphemia li Britannia announces herself. Under that sort of announcement, something like some mousy girl saying the word 'Eleven' doesn't really amount to much. They can up the stakes. They've unearthed a treasure greater than the rest of the hostages put together.
The idea that a member o f the Royal family would put herself in harm's way to protect someone as insignificant as Nina touched her heart in a way that nothing else could. Of course, Euphemia would have done the same for everyone - though even that realisation only made Nina's heart race faster. She was so pretty. So brave. So perfect. The idea would never - could never cross Nina's mind that Euphemia was feeling many of the same issues of self worth that Nina did. It would be an alien possibility to her. Absolutely impossible to imagine.
So... If anyone was going to recognise her in this school, even while in disguise, it would be.. Actually Nina didn't know it, but Lelouch or Nunnally would have picked up on it right away, but she believed she would be the one to notice first. She had seen the Princess in disguise. This was it. This was her chance to say thank you.
That's all she really wanted. That's what would have made her content. However, Nina hadn't expected... she couldn't have possibly anticipated... Upon opening this door, she found Euphemia standing alongside the Fantasy Seduction club, all decked out as cheerleaders, while the woman who had been with Euphemia was sitting in a chair with bright flashing colours and a pair of headphones on her head.
"Guhhh... I think I get it," the woman in the chair slurred, tongue hanging out. "Cheerleading isn't as bad as I th-thought."
"Oh, hello there!" Stella, the leader of the club, said with a big wave. Assisted by pompom. "So, this isn't what it looks like."
"It isn't?" Nina asked, stepping in and closing the door. "Because, it looks like you're brainwashing the bodyguard of a Princess into developing a cheerleader fetish, after having successfully done the same to her."
They at least had the decency to look sheepish about it. Nina adjusted her glasses on the edge of her nose.
"I'd say that your video would be approximately 5% more effective if you followed my design specifications," Nina said. "But in order for me to help you out, I will need express permission to make out with Princess Euphemia whenever I want."
Hey, just because someone has a traumatic justification for indulging in harmful behaviour doesn't mean they can't indulge for selfish reasons as well. Besides, so far as Nina was concerned it should be fine. They were only doing lewd harmless things. It wasn't like they were going to take over the world or anything.
- Nina makes her modifications, and makes out with her Princess.
- While that's going on, the club decides to make their moves on a certain green haired beauty that's been seen around campus.
- Meanwhile, Lelouch is being sexually teased by Kallen and Shirley.
- Something else
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