Sunday, 3 March 2019

Discussion: Hentai Crystal, Curse of the Human, Sailor Succubi,

Sailor Succubi:
Oh wow, two years since I last did this one? Could have sworn I'd worked on it sooner than that. Anyway, this comes down to which of those concepts/sins sounds like the most fun to do. Kind of leaning towards the masseuse myself. What do you guys think?

Curse of the Human:
This is still quite early in the story, so the choice here matters quite a bit.I'm a little torn at the moment on which would be the most fun direction to go in, so what do you think?

Hentai Crystal:
Thinking of cutting to the other Sailors to check in on them. Especially Jupiter, who has succumbed the most to Libra's influence.

Mercury Tendo: The latest isn't up yet. I'm thinking that the cosplaying girls wind up getting caught up in an actual youma plot on accident. Oh, and Ranma arrives to take the last Inner slot, because that's kind of funny for various reasons.


  1. Sailor Succubi: I second the masseuse option, but maybe in addition to sloth have them also try to harvest lust?

  2. Mercury Tendo: Them getting caught in an actual youma plot sounds great, especially if Ranma gets stuck into repeat appearances as a senshi, maybe Akane gets stuck on wantingto help as another youma appears, then another. Ranma getting involved to show up the "uncute" clumsy girl?

  3. yes! go to Jupiter and see her sexuality
