Sunday, 23 April 2017

Story: Moon Triffid

Rei Hino was one of the most popular girls in her all girl's school. It wasn't hard to see why. You just had to look at her. She was pretty. She was elegant. She gave off this aura, like a Princess who respected those around her. She was also currently shooting out enough pheromones into the air around her to turn the heads of even those who thought she wasn't all that hot.

A hunger was gnawing at the back of Rei's mind. No, rather there were two hungers: Her libido was spiking from all the cute girls around her, but so was her regular hunger. Sex is a rather exhausting activity, after all. It burns off a lot of energy, and if you want to have as much sex as she wanted to you had to replenish it somehow.

<i>You're not strong enough to cause an orgy</i> warned a voice she barely registered, yet obeyed utterly. <i>Bide your time. Lure them away one by one. Once they are all under our influence, then the fun can really start.</i>

It was a shame, but also true. She ached to dance for them. Oh, how she longed for it! But no. Not yet. They were all being held back by their sensibilities and the concept of shame. Such foolish things that she had discarded out of hand. Patience, patience. One matter at a time.

The first matter was the long queue up ahead of her. Rei's stomach growled menacingly. She needed her fix of food, pronto! "Excuse me," she said, tapping the shoulder of the girl in front of her. The girl glanced around and did a double take, her jaw dropping and hanging wide open. "Please let me past."

"Sure thing," the girl meekly said, staring at Rei in rapture as she walked by. As she walked past, Rei flicked her head, sending her hair into the girl's face and giving her a good lungful of pheromones. Not even a tenth of what would be needed to control her, but certainly enough to make her loopy for the rest of the day. Indeed, she could feel the girl staring a hole through her uniform as she walked by.

Rei repeated the process until she eventually reached the front of the queue, whereupon she leaned against her tray while peering at the food, coincidentally giving the cafeteria worker a bit of a glimpse down her improperly tied uniform. That glimpse quickly became a full on ogle. Down girl! It's okay if they don't have any self control, but remember why you're here!

She loaded up her tray with nothing but vegetables. For some reason she had a bit of a green tooth. The only meat she was especially craving right now was big, hard, and probably best saved for dessert. Unfortunately there wasn't any sausage on offer today, but Rei was learning to be on the patient side.

There was an empty seat over here in the corner. Aha, of course: There was always an unpopular contingent, anywhere you went. The girls that were a bit more socially awkward. Not necessarily geeks or nerds, just the kind that didn't get on with anyone else.

"Hello," Rei said, smiling at the four girls at the table. "I'm Rei. Pleased to meet you."

"We know," said the girl opposite her. "I mean, we know that you're Rei Hino. N-Not that we were pleased to meet you."

Oh, how delightfully awkward! Rei picked up a strand of celery, and took a big bite while letting out a positively orgasmic sound. The girls at the next table over shuddered, the four at this table looked like they'd forgotten how to count past five.

"Pardon me if this seems a little... Rude," Rei said. "But the four of you have trouble making friends, don't you?"

"Yes," one of them said automatically, a little too quickly. "I mean, no. I mean, I don't know what I mean!"

So Rei patted her on the head and smiled again at her. "Don't worry," she said. "I'm going to teach you how to become the most popular girls in school. It's an easy three step process. By this time tomorrow, everyone will want to be your friend."

Do you know what separates the Inner Senshi from the Outer Senshi? It is a simple matter: The Inners have the vital task of protecting the galaxy from internal threats. The Outers protect it from external threats. Simple enough. The only problem is that little grey area where outer threats become inner threats, or far more rarely the other way around.

Sailor Pluto could be considered the vanguard, the one who protects from threats extending through time or from whole other planes of existence. That sounds daunting, until you realise that the others have the unenviable task of protecting from the rest of creation. In any event her task was usually thankless and tedious... Until today, where something extremely unusual had occurred.

It was... A ship of some description. A large mechanical thing. Spherical design. It had what looked like weapons on the outside, but had made no hostile attempts at her as of yet. Pluto scowled at it and made to send it back to wherever it came from.

When suddenly a large mechanical nose extended out of the device and... sniffed her.

"No pheromones detected!" a voice alerted. "Atmosphere is safe!"

"What in the world..." Pluto wondered, then composed herself "Whatever you are after, you shall not find it here! Go back to your own reality, you are not wanted!"

"I rather think you should reconsider!"

Whatever Pluto's expectations were, she didn't expect that a small yet voluptuous woman would exit the strange pod with her hands behind the back of her head. No weapons. The clothes were rather skin tight showing off a tremendous figure, but she was blatantly unarmed.

"I come in peace! This is not an invasion!" the woman insisted.

"A likely story," Pluto narrowed her eyes. Very well. She would humour this woman for a little while, then send her back to where she came from. "Care to identify yourself? State your purpose."

"In a sense, you could call me a refugee," the woman admitted. "In another sense, I am on a quest for revenge. My universe was ravaged by a woman devouring plant, and I fear that the same may happen to yours."

Again, Pluto was having her expectations challenged. "A plant that consumes woman?" she asked.

"Not consumes. Devours," the woman corrected. "It awakens their sexual urges, and primes them to beyond normal heights. It feeds upon their lust energy and uses them to spread its influence. I have seen many friends, stronger than myself, transformed into mindless rutting beasts under its influence. I only barely escaped the briefest whiff of its pheromones thanks to my sister's sacrifice, and since that day I have sought to protect other worlds from succumbing to the same fate. That is my purpose."

Sailor Pluto stared at the woman for a long, long moment considering her words carefully. Eventually she settled on what exactly it was that she wanted to express. "Do you think I am stupid?" she asked. "That is the most unbelievable nonsense I have ever heard."

"It's true," the woman insisted. "Every word. I suspect that a seed from the dreaded plant has snuck into your universe, and even now prepares to take ahold. It shall devour one woman's mind at a time, until it has enough to spread its will by more forceful means. If you wish me to leave, then I shall: But please heed my warning! Beware the woman devouring plant. It shall spell your lustful doom!"

  1. Pluto expels her, but then discovers that the plant did somehow slip through their defenses unnoticed.
  2. Pluto checks first before doing anything, and the two agree to work together.
  3. Pluto tells the other Outers of this experience, and they make the mistake of approaching the Inners for assistance.
  4. One of the above, but the woman is lying and using the plant as an excuse to invade.
  5. Something else

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