Sunday 29 March 2015

Story: Ah, My Succubus

Meiko was a pretty straightforward girl, and she'd have no trouble telling you so herself. Right in the middle of a string of expletives so harsh it would make a sailor's blush blush. Hardly the kind of attitude one might expect from Mei Mei the Elephant, beloved host of a kid's show, but hey, who could expect that lifestyle to be as stressful as it was?

Having to wait for her ride to work was not helping her stress. Standing outside the house with her travel bag, long hair tied up into a ponytail to throw off any fans that might spot her in public, you could practically see the aura of impatience emanating from her where she stood even if you ignored the fact that her free hand was continuously knocking on the door. She swore, Kiyoshi had best have a good goddamn reason for delaying her like this. He knew how scared she was of driving! He was the only way she could even hope to get in on time! Having said that she was having trouble even thinking of a good reason -

"Yes?" said the walking, talking sex that opened the door. "Stop knocking already!"

"... Buh?" Meiko intelligently replied. Okay! That might count as a good reason. She shook off the initial shock, frowned in genuine renewed frustration and pushed her way inside. "Kiyoshi!" she called, carefully slamming the door behind her, and only when she was no longer in a public place did she yell, "Where are you, you fucking bastard?! Lose track of time screwing your girlfriend, didja, shithead? Get your ass down here!"

"Hi, Meiko!" Kiyoshi's mother cheerily called. Playing her games like always. Kicking ass. Taking names. Then kicking their ass again. "Sorry, Kiyoshi might be a while. He's in the middle of screwing Suzu almost as much as I just finished screwing that guy over! Hah! Did you really think I wouldn't see that combo hit coming?! Oh, and I see you've met Tiemaya; she's a succubus after my son's immortal soul. Such a charming young demon."

Right. So. Meiko had to take a moment to process a few things. First: Ah, so that's what that noise was upstairs. Second: So they finally stopped pussying around. About damn time. Third: This chick was a succubus? Y'know what, looking at her Meiko could pretty much believe it. She wasn't the sort to go for chicks, but damn if she wouldn't make an exception here. Nothing about that figure or that face was natural. Not those legs, not those tits. Not that hair. Not that nose. Not those lips. Not those eyes staring right at her with laser-like intensity -

"What the fuck are you staring at, skank?" she sniffed, turning up her nose and trying to pretend she hadn't just been checking her out.

"Mei Mei the Elephant," Tiemaya slowly replied. Then out of the corner of her eye Meiko watched the might-be-succubus break out into a great big grin. Meiko barely had the time to have the thought 'oh crap, a fan' before being tackled to the ground and finding her own tits being completely overwhelmed by this bitch's overstacked mammaries. "Hahaha! Thank you! Do you even know how long you kept off the blahs?"

Normally when confronted by a fan, Meiko would instantly revert to her Mei Mei onscreen personality. The process was pretty automatic, born from work at the studios, countless live shows and so on. However. Normally Meiko's fans did not have chests that rivalled hers, never mind surpassing. That rather shattered the illusion that she was talking to another fan.

"What kinda fucking weirdo are you?" she asked. "Ain't you a bit old to be watching that bullshit?"

"Technically I'm too old to be watching anything on television," Tiemaya replied.

"Whatever. I gotta get Kiyoshi to drive me to work, even if I have to drag him to the car by his dick."

"Might have some trouble separating him from his new girlfriend..."

"Then I'll carry her naked ass down to the shitheap he calls a car and make him steer with her tits!"

Tiemaya stopped to think for a moment, providing Meiko the opportunity to storm off towards the stairs leading up to Kiyoshi's room. Just as she reached the top step, the succubus said, "I would pay good money to see that. Not human money. Demon money. Hey, wait up a minute!"

"Sorry, no time for autographs! This bitch needs her ride to work and -" She threw open the door to Kiyoshi's room with a deep breath, ready to chew him out for forgetting he was giving her a ride this morning and instead gave a ride to Suzu, but for the second time this morning upon throwing open a door she found her thoughts utterly failing her.

Did Kiyoshi always have muscles like that? Holy shit, you could grate cheese on the bastard's abs. And Suzu! What the hell happened to her? It was like there was some kinda aura coming off the two of 'em while they fucked, like they were some new unexplored energy source covered up by the fossil fuel industry. Can't let the punters find out clumsy fucking could power a city!

That was the weird part really. So far as she could tell it didn't look like either of them particularly knew what the hell they were doing. They were just, you know, going at it. Like a pair of wild animals.

"Yeah, wow. That boy's stamina isn't even kind of human," her own voice whispered over her shoulder. She felt a soft hand squeeze her shoulder, shook it off and made ready to storm into the room. "I really wouldn't recommend that right now -" the voice warned, and then Meiko suddenly found herself being thrown backwards, landing on top of a version of herself with tits that doubled as some kinda safety measure. "Toldja! Something about that boy, when he gets worked up... Sorry, Mei Mei, you'll have to wait your turn to speak to him."

"Like buggery I will!" Meiko snarled, rising to her feet and dusting herself off while marching off towards the room. "Listen here - " she called, and then once again had the distinctly unsettling sensation of being hurtled backwards perpendicular to the ground, with the stray thought that those old cartoons made this kinda thing look almost sorta comfortable in comparison.

"Fascinating," said herself in a sexy lab coat and big ridiculous glasses that somehow emphasised her features instead of making her look dorky. "It's not that there's a physical barrier in place, so much as a psychic compulsion to leave them alone. You are literally leaping backwards in defiance of your own intentions. Hrm... Is that an inherent ability, or a side effect of last night's fun? It seems to almost be an inversion of my attraction field..."

Right. So. Meiko started getting a touch twitchy right about then. And for anyone that knew Meiko, they knew she had three basic modes of being. The first was the polite presenter, Mei Mei the Elephant, beloved by the public for honesty, patience and sensitivity. Then there was Meiko the stressed to hell, whose language could by itself suffice for the daily sodium intake for an entire stadium of people. Finally, there was Meiko the truly pissed off. Should it even be stated that this was not a person you wanted to be around? Especially if you had a hand in her mood.

"Gosh, how flattering," Meiko said, tulips appearing around her as she spoke. "You used your demonic powers to transmogrify into an exact duplicate of myself! Teehee! That's so cute!"

Tiemaya responded by staring over the glasses at her in mild confusion. Meiko continued as if she hadn't even noticed.

"I suppose that I shall be late for work today," Meiko sighed, and lillies manifested at her feet. One might almost detect cinnamon in the air if one were so inclined to sniff at it. "Such a shame. All those disappointed audience members. No time to rehearse. No time to run through the script. No time for makeup. Such a terrible, terrible shame!"

"Hey, what's going on up there?" Kiyoshi's mother called. "Why do I smell cinam- Oh crap you pissed her off. Listen! I don't care if you're a demon from the very depths of hell, if you're smart you leave right now!"

"Oh please," Tiemaya chuckled. "Sure, the flower thing is a little weird, and yeah I guess I do kind of smell cinnamon, that's a little freaky. But what could she possibly do to hurt -"

"But it's alright in the end!" Meiko said, clutching Tiemaya by the shoulders, and when the succubus turned to look her in the eyes she would eternally regret it especially since she could not turn away. "It'll all work out! Hahaha! They'll understand why I couldn't be on time! Even though Mei Mei is always a punctual and reliable role model!"

"aaaaAAAAAAARGH!" Tiemaya began to scream. Imagine the cutest thing you've ever seen in your life. Imagine two puppies engaged in a tickle contest. Imagine a rabbit with a canary on its head. Whatever it is, conjure it up in your mind and then imagine that a facial expression was somehow reflecting the cuteness back upon itself. In a sense it was similar to beholding an eldritch horror like Cthulhu, except instead of being so terrible to behold that it breaks the mind, it goes in the other direction. Too adorable to be sane. Behold the fury of Mei Mei the Elephant in all of her glory.

"Stop that, stop that, stop that!" Tiemaya insisted, trying desperately to pull herself away but unable to do so as equally as she was unable to stop staring into those big impossibly doe-like eyes - "I'll take you to work! I should be able to use the residual lust runoff to teleport you anywhere you damn well please, just in the name of lust stop doing that!"

"Oh no, I couldn't possibly trouble you," Meiko replied, gripping Tiemaya's arms a little tighter. "I mean, casually breaking the laws of physics is no small favour. That hardly seems like a fair compromise!"

Now, the more astute reader would have realised that in her beyond-furious state of mind Meiko was essentially intimidating a demon into forming an agreement of exchange with her. This was not a thought capable of grabbing hold in her mind right now. All she knew was that Kiyoshi was getting laid while she was gonna be late for work, and there was this goddamn succubus walking around being all sexy and stuff, then being all sexy and stuff in a body that blew hers out of the water! So. Yeah. Might just be a trifle too pissed off right now to really think things through.

"In exchange for being able to do whatever the hell this is at will, you get one free teleport!"

"Motherfucking done deal!"

"Signature there, please, I've already put mine in. Perks of being a demon, I kept it nice and straightforward to facilitate matters, one consequence-free teleportation in exchange for duplicate of ability to use weaponised cuteness."

Meiko might well have signed that contract a little too eagerly for her own good. But hey, she did it. All the flowers in the room just sort of vanished, fading away as if they were more a visual metaphor to indicate her mood rather than actually literally there, and she regressed rather smoothly back into a slightly less stressed out Meiko mode.

"Right," she said with a deep breath. "So, how the crap does this wo-"

And then she was gone, leaving Tiemaya standing in the corridor outside Kiyoshi's room staring at her sparkling fingertips.

"Oh, I'm good!" she said, then after a moment corrected it to "Evil. Definitely evil. Maybe that Meiko chick will be useful... Oh my, Kiyoshi! You enjoy laying that tomboy chick, this runoff energy is really quite potent. Soon enough, you'll be begging to sign a contract with me. One way or the other.

"And while I'm at it, maybe I can work out why the hell your social circle is so damned bizarre!"

  1. Tiemaya tries to come up with a scheme to get those two to sign her contract.
  2. Tiemaya tries to study the magical field Kiyoshi is generating.
  3. Meanwhile, Makoto encounters a certain succubus.
  4. Makoto finds herself drawn to the studio where Meiko works.
  5. Something else

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