Sunday, 28 January 2024

Story: Shinobu That I Know


Consider for a moment the fact that a spaceship arriving in the middle of a regular street didn't make anyone so much as blink. Was it a sign of the people being jaded? I mean. Humanity had just barely avoided being invaded by this very species, yet nobody seemed remotely concerned. Hell, this was the height of the Cold War, and nobody watching the skies for attack looked at this spaceship and even thought to raise an alarm!

However, there were two families waiting on the ground where the spaceship would eventually land. The Moroboshis and the Miyakes. The mothers watching the sky pensively, while the fathers shuffled around anxiously.

"Oh, I really hope this hasn't overstimulated her," Mrs Miyake tutted. "I do worry of late. She's been such a good girl recently, but all this alien nonsense that <i>your son</i> is involved in..."

"My son hardly has a choice in the matter," Mrs Moroboshi retorted. The two mothers stared at each other for a long, long moment, sparks of annoyance going between them. "If you want to blame anyone, then blame the Oni."

"Yes, yes, let's pick a fight with the alien species capable of trivially conquering our planet," Mr Moroboshi muttered under his breath. "Ah, here it is now."

"I'm sure everything is fine," Mr Miyake said, wiping his face with a handkerchief, cleaning it of sweat that was because the day was warm, not because his imagination had been running away with him about the awful things that might happen to his daughter in outer space.

In any event, the spaceship... didn't quite land so much as it hovered in mid-air, and then the door opened, a ladder was projected down to the ground. After which the four of them emerged from the craft. Shinobu pointedly looking away from Ataru, who had Lum flying behind him hugging onto him from behind while he was trying to pretend that she wasn't there, and Miss Sakura, who had quite large bags under her eyes but was doing her best to maintain professionalism. The four of them felt quite a bit of sympathy for her, having the chaperone these three must have been quite exhausting even before you took outer space nonsense into account.

"How did it go, Shinobu?" her father asked nervously.

"Hrmph!" Shinobu turned her nose up in disgust.

"It was fine, Mister Miyake," Sakura said. "I was with your daughter the entire time." That made them feel quite a bit better. With an upstanding woman like Sakura looking after things, they felt confident that everything would be perfectly fine, and what was more - 

"Hey, we're back home now, can you clear off?" Ataru waved his hand at Lum, who didn't take it well. "You'll embarrass me! Besides which, it's time for me to hit on human girls again~"

"Darling! You flirt!" Lum shocked him, which was in its own way also quite the relief. The parents had been worried over nothing and could return home without needing to think about what happened in outer space. They'd find out before long as the three of them gradually spilled their guts - But all signs for right now was, a zany misadventure in which nobody got hurt, and <i>nobody had sex</i>.

For the best they hadn't gone into Lum's spaceship, then. If they had, the mere scent of sex would have been so overwhelming they'd have broken down and wept, for no amount of denial could save them then.

Though they may have had the same reaction if they'd noticed the way Shinobu's face twitched as Lum flew off in a huff, right before settling back into a happy, perfectly normal smile.


Hehehe, that trip was awesome! No parental supervision, and he'd spent all morning taking turns with Shinobu, Lum and Miss Sakura! Ataru strolled upstairs with a gradual gait, pleased that Shinobu had been able to coach him into this performance. He'd have definitely blown it right away otherwise!

He put his hand on the door to his room and took a deep breath. They'd taken a while, there, after Lum left. Giving them a bullshit story about what happened while they were in outer space. The weird things they'd seen, the culture shock, the advanced technology... Stalling just long enough - even faking an argument - to keep his parents out of the house while Lum did setup.

The door opened. There had been no sound at all from within. Now? There was sound alright. The sound of a cute voice he hadn't heard before~

<i>"Sure thing Lum, I'll swing by tomorrow! Hehe, let's check out this planet you're living on now!"</i>

"Looking forward to it! I can't wait to let you meet Darling! Ciao!"

The transmission ended. Ataru hadn't gotten a great look at her, but he had seen a hologram of her already. Benten, of the Lucky Gods. One of Lum's old childhood friends, and a real cutie to boot. Totally different style from her, it had to be said.

"So the soundproofing worked?" Ataru said. Lum jumped, then spun around in mid-air and tackled into him. "Oof! I couldn't hear you at all!"

"Darling, I betrayed Benten just like you asked!" Lum cooed. Hehehe, she was so much cuter like this. "Can I please have a reward? I wanna suck your cock~"

"Eh, well, I guess..." Ataru muttered to himself, casual as you like. Even now, he still couldn't admit to liking her. It was probably all the electroshocks that had done it. Like, if he told her, she'd give him an enormous enthusiastic zap right there and then without meaning to. "Mind your fangs though, and don't shock me either."

"Of course Darling," Lum said, then she dropped like a rock and yanked his trousers and underwear with her. Oh, but wait one minute, there was one other thing he'd almost forgotten about.

"Did you set up the space-time corridor in the closet?" he asked. Lum had her mouth gaping open at this point, but he was holding her back inches from his dick.

"Yes Darling! All I need to do is visit her place and set it up there, then at night she can sneak here to have fun with us all she wa~ants!"

Perfect. He let go, and settled back against the door while Lum gobbled on his cock. Ohhh, yeah! Oh yeah! This was the good shit right here! Hehehe, and it would get even better when they invited her hot alien friends into the mix!


Shinobu sat at her desk, pen in hand, journal sitting in front of her. She twitched slightly and began to write.

"Dear diary," she began. "Another day of not being a rampant nymphomaniac, who has most certainly not acquired hot Oni ass for Darling's new harem. I'm a normal girl. A normal girl. A normal horny girl who specialises in breaking the brains of other girls and turning them into Ataru's sex toys."

The page was promptly ripped out, eaten, and she tried that again.

"Dear diary," she wrote. "Everything is going great. I just returned from visiting an alien world with Ataru and Lum, while Miss Sakura chaperoned." By chaperoned, she meant 'got pounded in the ass while Shinobu and Lum teased her nipples with their tongues'. She continued writing, but not that. No, not that. A normal girl wouldn't write that in her diary, a normal girl would never write that down.

"We got to meet Lum's mother," and taught her the pleasures only a woman can give a woman. "All the while our chaperone kept things normal, normal, normal and nothing strange happened at all on the way back either. We all just played some games together." Games like 'how long does it take to warp an Oni slut's mind and body through sheer pleasure?'

"I think that Lum and I will get on much better from now on now that we're not competing for Ataru anymore." Instead they were sharing him. "I am also looking forward to meeting more of her friends, too!" Because she'd seen holograms of them and they were all super fucking cute, and they'd look even cuter when bent over Ataru's desk!

All the while, her face was twitching relentlessly between a big dumb smile, and a lewd perverse grin. Even now, her body is craving the chance to get dicked... and you'd better believe that she'll take it the first chance that she gets!

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