Monday, 12 December 2022

Story: Ah My Succubus


Suzu had had just about enough of these stupid succubi trying to steal her man. Her man! She'd only just admitted to herself and to him that she wanted him, and now some supernatural temptresses were trying to steal him away! She balled her fist with one hand, grabbed the succubus'... extremely soft, unfairly luxurious hair, and gave her a nice hard tug.

"I said get off him, you slutty succubus!" Suzu screamed. "His lips are mine! Mine alone! Do you hear me!"

Mirdana burbled unintelligibly. Her eyes were spirals. Well! Let's see how she likes getting smacked in her big fat kisser!


That was a mistake. That was a big mistake. Ow! Ow! Ow! Oh, that head was hard as a rock! She'd have had better luck punching a mountain! Ohhhh! Wow, that was going to smart for a while! Ah... wait, was that Makoto that was a giant in there?

"My house!" Suzu screamed, pointing her non-injured hand squarely at her. "Oh my god! She's going to make it explode and - What the fuck is she wearing?! Wait... What the fuck am I wearing?! Kiyoshi! What the hell is going -"

Before he could reply, Suzu found herself being whirled around by her sister, who smooched her hard on the lips! Wh-what?! To her absolute surprise and horror, Suzu was finding herself in the middle of a hot makeout session with her own sister! Since when was she this strong?! Since when could her sister hold her down like this?!

Since when was... this soft material so amazingly comfortable? It was so ugly, so hideous, and yet as she wore it on her body it felt like her skin was melting away. Oh! Ohhhho, this was great, it was so fucking great!

"Now, now sis!" Sachiko whispered in her ear. "Remember how great these clothes are? They're sooo cool, they're soooo sexy, they're soooo perfect!"

"P-perfect!" Suzu mumbled back at her. "Wait, but Kiyoshi was making out with - "

"Shushhhhh," Sachiko whispered. "How about the three of us go to bed together? We'll show him how hot and sexy these clothes are! We're way hotter than some dumb succubus."

"Hey!" Mirdana yelped. "I resemble that remark!"

There was a certain logic to that. If the two of them double teamed Kiyoshi, then there's no way he'd be able to resist them. He'd certainly go for them over some crummy succubus. They would show him the real power of human sex appeal! Ah, and of course they would have to do so using their new sexy garish clothes!

"Yes, that's perfect!" Suzu burbled, quickly falling back under the influence of Fashion Sense - albeit from a slightly different angle than before. "There's no way he'll be able to resist! Kiyoshi~ Come along to my bedroom with my little si~is!"


Well, that was one part arousing and two parts fascinating to watch. Kiyoshi felt a little ashamed to admit it, but seeing Suzu and her sister clinging on to each other like that was... kinda hot. Weirdly, it had invigorated him a bit after Mirdana had drained his energy. Though... It was kinda weird. He wasn't going under the effect of this 'Fashion Sense' for some reason.

As for their offer to join them in Suzu's bedroom - 

"Ah... Well, that might be a problem," Kiyoshi said, pointing at the house. "If Makoto keeps draining energy like that and getting bigger and bigger, then you might not have a bedroom at all in the near future for us to... do stuff in."

The two sisters looked over to the building, a little dazed, no doubt due to the mind control. "Oh." Yes, just a simple, 'oh'. Like they'd just remembered where they'd left the remote control. Not exactly convincing, there! "Well, I guess we could always go stay in your room, that way we could fffffffuck whenever we wanted."

"No succubi allowed," Sachiko giggled. "Mmm, I'm so glad we could get together like this, I've always known you had a crush on him. Now, we can share him, and we both get what we want!"

"Noooooooo!" Mirdana yelled, and all of a sudden Kiyoshi was being throttled. Or should that be 'hugged'? "I want Kiyoshi's lips allllll to myself! He tastes so good! Gimme, gimme gimme! Ohhhh! It feels so fucking good! Who needs fashion sense? Who needs it? I'll live off your energy and never, ever have to worry about the blahs ever, ever again!"

"Help!" Kiyoshi put his hand out to the brainwashed sisters. "Can't breathe!"

This situation was untenable! Now Mirdana was obsessed with draining his energy, just like Tiemaya! The sisters just wanted sex from him, Makoto was quite literally getting too big for her own good! And now the sisters were trying to wrench Mirdana off him! They were getting just enough purchase that he wasn't in danger of suffocating anytime soon, but he wasn't going anywhere either! Crap! Crap! What was he supposed to do here?!  He had to do something, and quickly, or -


Everything stopped. Well, not everything. He was still sort of able to move. Though not much. Not really.

"Well, well, well," Tiemaya said, cooly inspecting her nails. "Honestly, I couldn't have set up this situation better if I'd tried. My word, this is quite the mess you've gotten yourself into, isn't it Kiyoshi?"

"I won't contract with you," Kiyoshi warned.

"Really?" Tiemaya said, putting her hands behind her back and rolling on her heels. "I think you will. I mean, this is a biiiig mess, and it's not my fault. I'll even put that in the contract if you want. This was all Mirdana. I didn't encourage her, I didn't even really know it would get this out of hand until it was too late to stop it. It's within my power to fix this mess, but -"

"But what?"

"But I need to have sex with you." Of course she did. "I won't need to drain all of your energy. Certainly nothing like a lethal amount. But I am going to need a lot of it. A kiss won't do the job."

"Fuck off."

"Ah, ah, ah!" Tiemaya wagged her finger. "Let me tell you what's about to happen. Makoto is going to fucking ruin your best friend/girlfriend's house, and her insurance will not pay up for it. Worse, then Makoto's going to get bigger. And bigger. And fucking bigger. And the bigger she gets, the more people are gonna see her. The more people that see her, the more people fall under Fashion Sense. Then, once it hits critical mass, the <i>other guys</i> get involved - And trust me. Neither of us wants them cleaning this mess up when we could just do it ourselves."

Damn her. She was right. This was getting out of control. He'd tried feeding his energy to Mirdana, and then she just got all crazy about it. Now he was trapped, and Tiemaya plainly wasn't going to do anything unless he agreed.

"Here are my terms," Tiemaya said, licking her finger. "First, I cannot knowingly deceive you. Not in my contract, not in any way shape or form going forward. I will be compelled to be as honest with you as I can reasonably be at all times. That means that everything I have just told you about the situation is, to my knowledge, the full truth of the situation as it stands and is in no way being presented in a misleading manner.

"Second term - I want a ten second kiss once a day, and sex once a week. For me, and for my ditzy sister." She shook her head. "Urgh, I really don't want to do that, but now that she's had a taste there's no way she'll leave you alone. Anyway, that's a minimum requirement, if you want more action from either of us, you can get it just by asking. I don't think either of us are in a position to turn you down.

"Third term- You will enter into an open sexual relationship with both these girls. I mean, goddamn. They both have it for you <i>bad</i>. As part of this contract, nobody will view this as strange in any way. So? I'm being very fucking generous right now. I have you over a barrel, and I could make it so, so much worse for you. With these terms, I can guarantee I will resolve this mess - and you and your little girlfriend are still gonna be happy as pigs in shit. Hell! You'll be even happier than you already were! All I get in return is the sweet taste of your energy. Couldn't say fairer than that!"

Urgh! This was impossible! Should he take that offer? Should he try to change the terms? What the hell should he do in a mess like this?!

1 comment:

  1. Going from second term to third condition doesn't sound quite right to me. A demonic contract should have consistent wording.

    I like Tiemaya's offer in general. It would neatly resolve basically the whole plot, and Tiemaya is negotiating as she properly should in such a strong position. I'm not sure that I want Kiyoshi to accept it, though. It's a little too easy a solution for both Tiemaya and Kiyoshi, Mirdana gets benefits that I really don't feel she deserves, and Makoto doesn't really get anything. If the alternative is opening the can of worms represented by the other side, maybe that's just what needs to happen.
